
Kitahara nodded in response, and then opened the car window next to him.

As the car window slowly lowered, Miike Naeko, who was holding an umbrella outside and wearing casual clothes, also appeared in front of the two of them.

Her raised hand stopped in mid-air, and it looked like she was about to knock on the car window again.


After seeing the person sitting in the driver's seat, Miike Naeko's eyes widened instantly, and her voice was somewhat surprised.

Why, why is he in Yumi-senpai's car?

Good evening, Miike-senpai.

Kitahara Hao looked at the stunned Miike Naeko, smiled softly and said hello.

The expression on his face looked the same as usual, and there was no trace of any tension at all.

This guy is truly a scumbag.

Miyamoto Yumi next to him couldn't help but curled his lips when he saw this scene.

He had obviously kissed himself just now, but now it was as if nothing had happened.

If he cheats in the future, he probably won't be able to find out.


Thinking of this, Miyamoto Yumi smacked her mouth in displeasure...

However, the relationship between the two has reached this point, so she can only continue to go on.

If this guy dares to cheat, let Miwako beat him to death on the spot.

Night, good evening.

After Miike Naoko came back to her senses, she looked at the two people in the car with a somewhat puzzled look.

If these two people don't go home at night, what are they doing here together?

Well, Yumi-senpai, what are you two doing?

She couldn't hold back her inner curiosity, looked at Yumi Miyamoto in the passenger seat, and couldn't help but ask.

Yumi-senpai's face looks so red...

Could it be that these two people are here——

Thinking of the speculation in her heart, Miike Naozi blinked his eyes, with a trace of trance on his face.

No, probably not.

She remembered that at the social gathering not long ago, Yumi-senpai was still talking about the sibling relationship between Sato-senpai and Kitahara - and even took a photo of the two hugging each other.

No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible to have that kind of relationship!

I...the two of us...

Miyamoto Yumi looked to the side guiltily, her voice hesitant.

She didn't have any reason in mind, and she really didn't know how to answer for a while.

Damn it, Kitahara, say something!

She couldn't help but complain in her heart.

It's nothing, it's just that Miyamoto-senpai drank some beer after get off work, so she asked me to drive her home.

Kitahara Hao shrugged and smiled nonchalantly.

Oh, that's it.

Miike Naeko nodded clearly, and then looked at Miyamoto Yumi who lowered his head, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Senior, don't go drinking when you're at work.

She has been following Yumi Miyamoto since she joined the company, so she naturally knows her senior's hobbies - he just likes to stay up late playing mahjong, holding social gatherings and drinking. won't happen next time!

Miyamoto Yumi laughed twice and forced a smile on her lips.

Why is such an unexamined reason actually believed!

Speaking of which, what did Miao Zi come to the Metropolitan Police Department for?

She looked at Miike Naeko who continued to ask questions and quickly changed the subject.

I forgot the illegal files I had to deal with in the evening in the office, so I came here to get them. Miike Naeko scratched her cheek with her fingertips, then tilted her head and asked, Do you need me to send senior back? I remember Kitahara seems to Do you live in Mikka Town?

She and Miyamoto Yumi both live in Cupido Town, and they are indeed much closer than Kitahara Hajime, who lives in Yoneka Town.

No, no need.

Miyamoto Yumi shook her head and decisively chose to refuse the first/post, group 9.80?2ュ0 @5ヘ8?5♀6absolutely.

She finally asked Beihara Hao to send her back, how could she just give up like that.

Let me take Miyamoto-senpai back. It just so happens that I have to go to Cupido Town to buy some things.

Kitahara Hajime also opened his mouth to explain.

All right.


After chatting briefly for a while, Miike Naeko said goodbye to them.


Looking at her leaving back, Miyamoto Yumi quietly breathed a sigh of relief and gently wiped the cold sweat on her forehead with her hand.

When she was talking to Miike Naeko just now, she felt that her heartbeat was about to overload.

Miike-senpai really trusts others easily.

Kitahara Hao turned the candy in his mouth and muttered to himself thoughtfully.

Looks weirdly cute.


After hearing his words, Miyamoto Yumi immediately became alert and looked at him with a pair of beautiful eyes.

I'm warning you, don't do anything to Miaozi!.

134: Cover Miwako’s with my lip print!

Why do you think I would attack her?

The corner of Beihara Hao's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a somewhat speechless expression.

He just complimented her on how cute she is, so why did he mean to do something when he came to her?

What does he look like in Miyamoto Yumi's heart?

It's best like this. Yumi Miyamoto shook her head and snorted, looking at him with dark brown eyes, and said in a leisurely tone, If you dare to take action, I will tell Miwako.

Perhaps because she spent too long with Kitahara Hajime, she also learned to use Sato Miwako as a threat.

Why don't you tell Miwako about yourself...

Beihara Hao looked at the woman whose face was gradually smiling and said with some humor.

As long as you get her done, I'll tell you.

The corner of Miyamoto Yumi's mouth was slightly raised, her long black stocking legs were swaying slowly, and her toes were lightly hooked on the black high-heeled shoes. She looked very attractive.

Is it enough to just deal with Miwako?

Beihara's hazy brown eyes looked at her swaying little feet and asked with interest.

Hearing what she meant, why did she feel like she didn't care?

That's right, as long as you deal with Miwako. After Miyamoto Yumi noticed his gaze, she raised her little feet slightly and said softly, After all, she is much harder to deal with than me.

She doesn't know what kind of feelings she has for Kitahara Hajime now, but she definitely likes him.

But even if you like him, it doesn't mean you can accept this guy.

But--if he could really handle Miwako, then she wouldn't be able to join.

After all, the two have been friends for many years, so Miyamoto Yumi naturally knows the character of her best friend.

It was precisely because of understanding that she said these words.

If you want Miwako Sato to accept the possibility of having two different things, you might as well have a dream during the day.

“What if I can’t figure it out?”

Kitahara Hao turned her car key with the bear pendant on it, and then asked thoughtfully while driving towards the intersection of the parking lot.

I didn’t think you could handle it anyway.

Miyamoto Yumi gently held her chin with one hand, her eyes flashing slightly, as if she was thinking about the answer to this question.

If you haven't been beaten to death by Miwako by then, then come and find me...

Sister, I will support you for the rest of your life.

There was a hint of seriousness in her tone, which made Kitahara Hao next to her look sideways.

After seeing the serious look on that delicate face, the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised.

Don't worry, just based on your words, I will try my best to deal with Miwako.

…nasty guy.

Miyamoto Yumi half-closed her eyes in dissatisfaction, and her original joyful mood became a little depressed.

After listening to what I said, shouldn't I give up that impossible choice and stay with her?

By the way, the red lip mark on your neck was made by Miwako, right?

Miyamoto Yumi suddenly remembered something, turned her head slightly and asked.

She just saw that there seemed to be a faint mark on Beitahara's neck, which was obviously man-made.

Besides her, only Miwako Sato can do such a thing.

No, she has to get one too!

Maybe...what do you want to eat tonight?

Beitahara stretched out his hand and rubbed his neck, then turned his head and asked her.

It seems that before going home, I have to use the horse charm to clear it again.

“How about oden?”

Miyamoto Yumi crossed her hands on her chest, thought about it carefully, and suggested with her red lips slightly opened.

It would be great to eat oden on a rainy day with the people you like!

.!!,'': Listen to you.

Kitahara Hao nodded and responded with a chuckle.


After dinner, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

The light rain in Tokyo has gradually turned into heavy rain, and thunder and light dance from time to time in the gloomy clouds. It seems that the rain will last for a long time.

Cupido Town.

Are you here so soon?

Looking at the familiar apartment in the rain, Yumi Miyamoto covered her mouth and yawned sleepily, with no intention of getting out of the car.

Why did it feel like time passed so quickly? I just finished eating and arrived at the door of the apartment.

Aren't you going back yet? Kitahara Hao looked at her staring blankly outside the car and reminded him softly, Have your two pet dogs not eaten all day?

It has automatic feeding, so there is no need to worry.

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