
Hearing the voice coming from the phone, Miyamoto Yumi subconsciously raised her head and glanced at the parking space directly in front of her, and was stunned for a moment.

The Porsche that was still in the rain has disappeared, leaving only an empty parking space being washed away by the pouring rain.

Where's the car? !

It was just a gap to turn around, why was his Porsche gone?

Are you sure now? After noticing the silence on the other side, Kitahara Hao asked with interest, Speaking of which, aren't you going back to feed your pets?

Why haven't you left the Metropolitan Police Department yet?

Could this woman be waiting for him in the parking lot?

Tsk, where are you now?

Miyamoto Yumi smacked her mouth in displeasure, and instead of answering his question, she asked directly.

Less than five minutes had passed, so he probably wouldn't have run too far.

We're almost at Miwa Town.

Kitahara Hajime replied.

Are we going to Mihua Town so soon?

You're not lying to me, are you?

Miyamoto Yumi took a deep breath, and a trace of suspicion flashed in her dark brown eyes.

In such a short time, it’s impossible to reach Mikka Town no matter how hard you think about it – let alone the rainy weather.

Senior's words are really sad.

The corner of Beihara Hao's mouth twitched slightly, and he sighed softly and said.

I don't know if it's because he has been deceived so many times, but Miyamoto Yumi is completely distrustful of what he says now.

It seems that I will try to lie to her as little as possible in the future.

So what exactly do you want to tell me?

He looked at the foggy street ahead and asked softly.

Come here and I'll tell you!

Miyamoto Yumi lay on her steering wheel, looked at the empty parking lot, and said weakly.

If nothing else goes wrong, the first/sent one will definitely be rejected, right?

After all, if his lazy character doesn't do him any good...


Miyamoto Yumi suddenly became energetic, and then slowly lowered her head to look at her sky blue police uniform, and an inexplicable smile gradually formed at the corner of her mouth.

A good idea suddenly occurred to her.

If you use that method, Kitahara will definitely come over!

Thinking of this, Miyamoto Yumi sat up straight, clamped the phone between her neck, and then unhurriedly unbuttoned the police uniform with both hands, revealing the pure white shirt underneath.

At this moment, Kitahara Hajime's answer came from the other end of the phone.

.?I still have to go home to prepare dinner tonight, so—— Kitahara Hao refused without hesitation, group 9.80?2ュ0 @5ヘ8?5♀6 Jue Dao, “Don’t go!

Just kidding, it's almost seven o'clock in the evening.

Where does he have time to go back and forth again?


After hearing the expected answer, Miyamoto Yumi did not show any disappointment. Instead, she switched the phone's call interface to the LINE chat interface.

Turn on the camera that comes with the chat box, and with a clicking sound, a beautifully composed photo is frozen on the phone screen.

Sure enough, as long as a person is beautiful, she will look attractive no matter how she is photographed!

Looking at the content in the photo, Miyamoto Yumi nodded with satisfaction.

She doesn't want to use herself as bait, and Kitahara Hao can still hold back from biting the hook!

And on the other side.

Did the call end?

Kitahara Hao held the steering wheel with one hand and glanced at the call interface on his phone in confusion.

The phone was not hung up, so why did she suddenly lose her voice?

Ding dong~

At this moment, a message notification suddenly popped up at the top of the phone screen, and the letter above was from Miyamoto Yumi.

What on earth is this woman doing?

Kitahara Hao couldn't help but slow down the car and clicked into the LINE chat interface with a puzzled expression.

The first thing that catches your eye is a seductive selfie.

Her shawl-length brown hair falls on her chest, and black lace is looming in the pure white shirt...

When he saw this photo, Kitahara Hao subconsciously half-closed his eyes.

What does she want to do?

Hey, Kitahara - have you received the news?

While he was still guessing, Miyamoto Yumi's voice came from the mobile phone.

Her voice sounded very soft and quiet.

This caused him to feel a tingling sensation, as if he was whispering softly in his ear.

Can you please stop posting photos like this while driving? It's easy to cause a car accident... Kitahara stopped the car on the side of the road, pinched the area between his eyebrows with his hands, and then asked thoughtfully, So what do you want to do, senior?

He is not a slow person, so he can naturally see Yumi Miyamoto's hint - but it is better to ask symbolically.

After all, Miyamoto-senpai used to tease him a lot.

You really like to ask questions knowingly.

Miyamoto Yumi shook her legs in black stockings and said with a slightly raised corner of her mouth.

Before I change my mind - if you come here now...

You can do whatever you want to me~.

131: When it’s over, take me home!

So do you want to come to me?

Miyamoto Yumi's slightly provocative words rang on the phone, which sounded very tempting.

She had to find a way to bring this man over today - no matter what method she tried.

...Wait for me for ten minutes.

After hesitating for two seconds, Kitahara Hao decisively gave his reply.

After all, who would refuse the temptation that comes to your doorstep?

It seems that Nino will have to help the four sisters and Doraemon prepare dinner tonight.

Kitahara Hao looked at the time displayed on his phone and couldn't help but think about it.

If nothing unexpected happens, he should go to dinner with Miyamoto Yumi tonight.

Why not book a high-end restaurant in advance.

Kitahara Hao gently pinched his chin and began to plan tonight's itinerary.

Then I'll wait for you here, and remember to drive safely on the road.

Miyamoto Yumi looked at the rain falling more and more outside, and seemed to remember something, so she gave instructions.

It's still quite a distance from Mikka Town to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. If you want to get here within ten minutes - if it doesn't rain, it won't be a problem.

But obviously, today's fog is much thicker than the previous two days, so it's better to try to be as stable as possible.

She didn't want anything unexpected to happen to Kitahara Hajime.

Don't worry, my driving skills shouldn't be much different from Miwako's.

Kitahara Hao comforted softly.

No, your words are not reassuring at all.

Miyamoto Yumi half-closed her eyes and twitched the corners of her mouth slightly.

As for Sato Miwako's superb driving skills, her friend has experienced it many times.

It's better when it's normal, but once the mood gets excited, Speed ​​023 can definitely participate in a racing competition.

Sure enough - her talent is more suitable to be a racing driver than to be a police officer.

Gradually withdrawing her inner thoughts, Miyamoto Yumi also took a deep breath, put the phone to her red lips, and threatened fiercely: If you dare to appear in front of me within ten minutes, I will kill you Tell Miwako something!

Although the tone sounded fierce, it sounded very cute to Kitahara Hao.

It turns out that Xiaoyumi also has tsundere attributes.

If it's so troublesome, then I won't go.

Listening to the threatening voice in his ears, Beihara Hao raised a smile on his lips and said in a pretending to be lazy.


After hearing this, Yumi Miyamoto clenched her phone tightly with her fingers, gritted her teeth and shouted loudly.

Although I know this guy is deliberately angry with me——

But...she can't help but take the bait every time.

Senior is really willful...

I'll be waiting for you in the parking lot, come here right now!

Before Kitahara Hao could finish speaking, a blind voice came from the call, and the other party hung up the phone in advance.

It seems like I need to tell Little Dora first.

Kitahara Hao looked at the side face reflected in the car window, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and then he slowly dialed his home phone number.


Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Most of the cars in the parking lot were gone, and there was only one white traffic police car left in the corner.

The originally gloomy car now lit up with warm-colored lights, which was very conspicuous in the night.

Miyamoto Yumi looked at the dark night outside, covered her mouth and yawned, with crystal tears shining in her eyes.

It's not here yet...

She looked down at the time on her phone and muttered dissatisfiedly.

The caller said they would arrive in ten minutes, but it was already thirteen minutes later, but she didn't even see the car body.

Isn't that guy letting himself go?

Do you want to call Kitahara again...

Feeling the looming tension in her heart, Miyamoto Yumi unconsciously placed her white fingertips on the call log on top, and a trace of confusion flashed across her face.

At the next moment, her peripheral vision suddenly turned to the entrance of the parking lot. After seeing the flashing car lights in the night, her original entanglement was instantly swept away.

Those who could drive to the Metropolitan Police Department at this time—except for Kitahara Hajime, there probably wouldn’t be anyone else coming.

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