The strength shown by Shanyi Leng Jing was so strong that Yin Zhu now wondered in his heart whether there was anyone in the entire ghost killing team who was his opponent?

Simple and brutal tricks, quickly close to the body and then powerful to kill the target!.

Shanyi's cold mirror's thunder breath made the sound pillar feel that the breathing methods of the other columns seemed so bells and whistles...... Because when facing the prostitute Taro before, the breathing method and combat skills of the sound pillar seemed so weak and powerless, and he was almost killed by the other party.

And such a strong enemy can't even protect himself 187 in front of Shanyi Cold Mirror!

"It's too strong!" "With the support of several wives, Yinzhu walked towards Shanyi Lengjing, and Worm Pillar Butterfly Shinobu is now checking the injury of Yinzhu, preparing to heal him.

"Huh?" Shanyi Leng Jing was picking up the bloodied love pillar from the ruins after killing the prostitute Taro and the fallen hime at this time, and after hearing the words of the sound pillar, he turned his head to look over: "It's a bit strong, I didn't expect this string six to beat you so badly, if only I had come up earlier!"

The three pillars and the elite of the ghost killing team who came to visit Guo Street were severely damaged by the six pillars of the three pillars of the group to destroy the elite ghost killing team, compared to the strength of the ghost killing team, the strength of the sixth of the upper string is indeed too strong.

"No!" Yin Zhu looked at Shanyi and said coldly, "I'm talking about you! You are the strongest person who hides the deepest! The Sixth of the First String is like a worm in front of you, there is no threat! Yan Zhu is right, you are indeed a very rare genius!"

Shanyi Leng Jing was not proud or happy because of Yin Zhu's praise, on the contrary, his eyes swept back and forth on Yin Zhu's three wives and insect pillars' faces before he slowly spoke.

"They had spring poison in their bodies before, and I had no choice but to use some extraordinary measures to help them get rid of the poison, so please understand......

"I understand!" Before Shanyi Leng Jing finished speaking, Yin Zhu interrupted him with a sad face and said: "Things are urgent, between life and death and honor and disgrace, you chose to save people, I understand, after all, everything is meaningless when people die, so no matter what you do, I can accept ......"

"Hey?" Shanyi suddenly became anxious when he heard this: "I think you misunderstood me! I didn't use the most primitive means to detoxify them, and I didn't tarnish their innocence!"


As soon as these words came out, Yin Zhu was stunned, and when he looked at the women around him, his face was flushed, and with this strange shy expression, he didn't quite believe Shanyi's words in the cold mirror.

"Are you also a master of using poison?" Yin Zhu asked suspiciously, "So you have a way to help them detoxify?"

"Not really!" Shanyi said coldly, "I just used the way we are better at detoxifying!"

Yin Zhu frowned: "In what way?"

"Breathing method!

" Shanyi Lengjing began to talk nonsense: "I use the breathing method to speed up their heart rate with me, increase the speed of blood metabolism, the consumption of physical energy will expel the residual substances in the body through the sweat glands, and even the rapid heart pulse will make the blood warm up and incinerate some residual poisons!

So I don't need to have sex with them at all to help them detoxify......

It's just that the heat of the body needs to degrade, so I had to take off their clothes in the process......

But don't worry, I helped them with their breathing techniques with my eyes closed, so I didn't see anything!


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