Although Yuto Kamisaka thought that if Anz and others helped, he would decorate it faster.

But he didn't expect it to be so soon.

With his permission, Ainz reached out and wiped out the wall.

Not even ashes.

In order to ensure that this action will not affect everyone on Ichinosuke Street, at the suggestion of Yuto Kamisaka, Anz put a mute magic by the way.

The wall of the shop was originally a load-bearing wall.

As soon as the wall was wiped off, Kazami Yuka directly reached out and pointed out a thick vine to support the shop.

There is also a trail between the florist and the shop.

This trail is the path that usually Yuto Kamisaka pushes his bicycle out on.

Ainz had brightly colored magic circles wrapped around the bones of his hands.

Directly next to the front door of the shop, there is a wall that directly connects the shop and the flower shop.

The trail is also directly included in it.

By the way, Ainz linked the ceilings to each other.

The flower shop has only one floor, and the height is the same as that of a small shop.

So there's no big problem with linking.

Then the exterior wall of the flower shop was plastered, so that the two unrelated storefronts were directly opened up into one space.

Rimuru listened to the instructions of 563 Yuto Kamisaka and swallowed a lot of things that were not needed.

The words of hygiene directly let Ainz unleash a cleansing magic.

Yuto Kamisaka's current plan is that the back kitchen is still in the same place.

He continued to cook here, and there was no need to expand the back kitchen.

The space of the flower shop is mainly to accommodate more customers.

It's good to put some tables on the table.

He looked at the vines made by Kazami Yuka, and his heart moved to make a request to Kazami Yuka.

"Miss Kazami, can you make me some tables? "

Yuto Kamisaka's request seemed to Reimu and Marisa to be death.

Yakumo Purple smiled and covered her mouth with a fan to look at the two of them, Kazami Yuka and Kamisaka Yuto.

Kazami Yuka nodded slightly.

She's a monster born of nature, and her ability to manipulate trees and the like is just a matter of effort.

She stretched out her hand and flicked her jade finger lightly, and in an instant, four thick tree rhizomes broke from under the floor of the flower shop.

Then they twisted naturally in the air to form four heavy, beautiful square tables.

Kazami Yuka gave a seat by the way.

Pretty in place!

This kind of Kazami Yuka makes Reimu and Marisa look stupid.

Yuto Kamisaka asked Rimuru to change the color of the wall of the flower shop.

The walls of the shop are warm yellow, and the flower shop is a pale green, and the style is uniform.

Rimuru looked at the wall of the shop, and the great sage in his body analyzed.

It scattered directly into the wall of the flower shop, and when it came down, the wall was the same color as the small shop.

Yuto Kamisaka looked around, he wanted to see if there was anything wrong.

"Ainz, can you open a door on that wall, I still have to push my bike out. "

Yuto Kamisaka pointed to the wall that connected the shop to the flower shop.

Ainz nodded and made a door to the wall.

This door doesn't usually open, but only when Yuto Kamisaka goes out to push his bicycle in the morning.

At the end of the store decoration, Yuto Kamisaka once again looked at Kazami Yuka.

The other party didn't say anything.

It's just that she lightly clicked a few times in the void.

Bright sunflowers grow in random corners of the store.

The walls are also covered with green vines.

There are also flower buds blooming on the ceiling.

These are all plants that she has blessed with demonic power.

However, it withers and grows in a fixed state for a long time.

When she finished, the style of the shop suddenly became vibrant.

In such an environment, the appetite will also become strong.

Yuto Kamisaka nodded with great satisfaction.

Now the overall decoration is complete.

Yuto Kamisaka (CGFJ) looked at the time, but it was for less than ten minutes.

This renovation speed.


Now the area of the small shop, Yuto Kamisaka estimates that it is more than 100 square meters.

In an instant, it was a lot empty.

Thirteen people can sit at the bar, and sixteen more people can sit at four tables.

The customer capacity of the small store suddenly rose to a new level. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But in that case, Yuto Kamisaka would have to hire a waiter.

Originally, there was only a counter, and he could also bring out the food to the guests.

But now there are tables that are not very close to the bar.

When he's busy, he doesn't bother to serve food to customers.

It's not good to let the guests do it themselves.

So, you have to have a waiter.

And, perhaps, none of them is enough.

He suppressed these for the time being, and turned to face Kazami, Yuka and the others.

"Thank you. "

If it weren't for everyone's help, he would have had to wait a long time for this renovation and merger plan.

Gratitude is a must.

"It's just a small thing. "

Kazami Yuxiang said lightly and sat back in place.

Reimu and Marisa stared at her, as if trying to see something different.

In the end, Kazami Yuka frowned, and she looked directly at Reimu and Marisa.

There was a very serious warning in his eyes.

The two girls shifted their gaze in unison, and immediately stopped looking.

It's just that the two of them are still whispering there.

"This kind of thing is not a problem at all. "

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Ainz and Limuru said separately.

The two of them also sat down.

When the store was not expanded, it was still a little crowded when everyone sat together.

But now it's a bit empty.

Whoop -

The store has just been renovated, and someone is coming.

All eyes were on the door.

Hiss –

Saitama, bald.

Completely bald.

Yesterday's stubborn hundred or so hairs are also gone.

"Kamisaka, let's have some udon. "

Saitama smiled and nodded the same as the old one.

Although Yuto Kamisaka felt a little sorry in his heart, he nodded with a smile on his face.

After Saitama finished ordering, he realized that the store had changed drastically.

His expression was slightly surprised, but in an instant he was back to normal.

He looked at the bar.

Ainz was looking at him with burning eyes.

But Saitama's eyes showed a little tangled, and he sighed a little and sat down next to Rimuru.

And by Rimuru's side, is Ainz.

In the past, good friends who must have sat next to each other.

Now, that's the case.

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for rewards, ask for self-determination.

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