【At this moment, Uchiha Sasuke's heart was filled with fighting spirit】

【He thought he was infinitely powerful, though he knew better.】

【Uzumaki Naruto is ridiculously powerful, but......He is not afraid!】

【The purple armor stretched out his huge fist and attacked Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Uzumaki Naruto did not use any other ninjutsu, only the Nine-Tails Transformation Mode, and rushed forward.】

【The huge claws confronted the big fist of Susanoo. This was a contest of strength. 】

Uchiha Madara,"The Uchiha Sasuke in the parallel world is indeed very powerful."

"The first time he opened Susanoo, his energy level was already so high."

"He is truly the genius of my Uchiha clan."

"If Uchiha Sasuke and I were born in the same era, he would definitely be called the twin heroes of the Uchiha clan together with me."

Uchiha Itachi,"Yes, the Sasuke in the parallel world is indeed very strong."

"When I first activated Susanoo, I could only conjure up an arm and half of the armor that covered me."

"But it cannot transform into complete muscles and such a large form."

"Although his Susanoo still has room for improvement"

"But the overall form is already perfect, and the power it can exert is close to that of a complete body."

"I don't know if his Susanoo can use weapons and perform ninjutsu."

"If these two points can be achieved, then it is basically the complete form of Susanoo."

Uzumaki Naruto," This big guy can actually become even stronger?"

"Now, just seeing him makes people tremble all over......."

"If you get hit by this huge purple giant, you will be beaten into a pulp......."

"It is hard to imagine if this purple giant could still use weapons......."

"On the battlefield, he is a terrifying existence who can defeat tens of thousands of enemies....."

The Susanoo summoned by Uchiha Sasuke in the parallel world not only frightened Uzumaki Naruto, but also the others.

In front of this huge purple giant, they didn't even have the thought of resisting.

However, according to the conversation between Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Itachi, this thing could actually become more powerful.

Jiraiya,"Uchiha Sasuke in the parallel world has grown to such a terrifying state."

"If he were in our world, he would be able to kill people indiscriminately!"

"It is not obvious when watching movies normally, after all, there is the even more amazing existence of Uzumaki Naruto......."

"His light was drawn away."

Yamanaka Ino,"Doesn't that mean that the Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world is so powerful that it is beyond imagination?"

"He was able to compete with Susanoo in strength just by relying on the Nine-Tails Transformation without using any other forbidden ninjutsu."

"And he is even slightly better than Naruto. How terrifying!"

Orochimaru,"It is hard to imagine who can be a match for Uzumaki Naruto."

"I'm afraid that only the God of Death can compete with Uzumaki Naruto......."

【Uzumaki Naruto threw out the purple giant Susanoo fist that Uchiha Sasuke wore on his body.】

【In this contest of power, Uzumaki Naruto came out on top.】

【The purple giant was thrown out and hit the huge statue of Senju Hashirama, and his head was split in half.】

【After the pure strength showdown, the next step is the physical showdown.】

【The two fought until the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked. The statue of Uchiha Madara was then destroyed by the huge force.】

【It can be seen that Uchiha Sasuke tried his best in the battle】

【Although Uzumaki Naruto was also very devoted to the battle, the overall feeling he presented was that he was at ease and he still had some strength left.】

【Uchiha Sasuke has begun to breathe heavily】

【He felt that the Sage Mode was coming to an end and he was about to exit.】

【It makes him want to speed up the battle.】

【Even with the powerful blessing of Sage Mode, he couldn't beat Uzumaki Naruto】

【If you withdraw, you will be defeated immediately.】

【"Naruto, I have to admit that you are ridiculously powerful!"】

【"Then let's see if my next arrow can break your defense!"】

【Uchiha Sasuke's Susanoo, the purple giant condensed a bow and arrow in his hand, he gathered his strength and pulled out the full moon】

【The arrow with the power to destroy the heavens and the earth flew straight towards Uzumaki Naruto! 】

Uchiha Madara,"This arrow is very strong!"

Namikaze Minato,"The best way to deal with this arrow is to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to move it away directly, and don't face it head-on."

Senju Hashirama,"It's very powerful, but my True Thousand Hands should still be able to defend against it."

"In general, Uchiha Sasuke is indeed very strong, and has basically reached the level of combat power ceiling."

Senju Tobirama,"Brother, your wooden shield is probably the most powerful defensive move."

"If even you can't defend against this move, then Uchiha Sasuke is really powerful."

Kakashi,"These two little guys are really a headache. Have they grown so powerful?"

"I wonder what kind of moves Uzumaki Naruto will use to deal with this strongest arrow?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Uzumaki Kushina,"Naruto has too many methods to use."

"A five-layer Rashomon appears, and the strongest arrow of Susanoo will definitely not penetrate it."

"Or the Water Style Water Mirror Technique can also perfectly replicate this arrow."

"Otherwise, throw a fairy ball Rasengan back."


That's right.

Everyone just now was sighing that Uchiha Sasuke in the parallel world was ridiculously powerful.

At the very least

, it would be more difficult for them to deal with this Susanoo arrow.

Here, we are talking about those big guys who are famous in the ninja world.

As for others?

Facing this arrow, there is only death!

But no one doubted that Uzumaki Naruto was invincible.

Because he has too many methods.

Any random big move can be blocked.

However, everyone's eyes are still tightly attracted by the two fighting parties.

Everyone's attention is focused on Uzumaki Naruto.

They want to see what kind of moves he will use to eliminate this arrow.

【Uzumaki Naruto gave Uchiha Sasuke enough respect. He entered the Sage Mode and threw out a Sage Jutsu Big Ball Rasengan.】

【To him, it was just a simple ninjutsu.】

【The dazzling celestial art, the Rasengan, collides with the arrow shot by Susanoo.】

【The earth-shaking energy wave spread out, and at this moment, the picture turned white.】

【The terrifying aftermath of the energy emitted uprooted countless trees.】

【Even more flying sand and rocks......】

【The statues of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama were completely shattered and turned into huge stones.】

【Uchiha Sasuke panted heavily and withdrew from Susanoo.】

【Uzumaki Naruto seemed to have just warmed up, breathing lightly and exiting the Nine-Tails mode.】

【Ignoring the ruins, the two looked at each other and laughed.】

【"`.Naruto, you are strong, but I am not bad either. I have been trying to follow in your footsteps."】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and put his arm around Uchiha Sasuke's shoulders,"Not bad, not lazy."】

【"Now you can easily destroy Konoha"】

【Uchiha Sasuke said,"After we deal with Sarutobi Hiruzen"】

【"Let's have someone replace the statue in the Valley of the End with the two of us."】

【"You chose to fight in the Valley of the End because you had this in mind, right?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto said,"Haha, I've shown you that this era belongs to us after all."】

【"However, there is no need to rush. After we die, our descendants will naturally carve statues for us......."Ear】.

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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