[Kyuubi confirmed Naruto’s thoughts and couldn’t help but become interested. 】

[After all, it was the one who made trouble in Konoha back then. If this time it can be changed from the perspective of watching a drama, that would be pretty good! 】

[Soon, after a half-day’s rest, the ninjas who passed the exam began to arrive one after another. 】

[The group of people went to the next meeting point. 】

[Due to Naruto’s outstanding performance, this examination in the Forest of Death almost eliminated four-fifths of the ninjas, leaving only six groups with a total of eighteen people! 】

[Anko obviously did not expect this result. Her original intention was to eliminate half of the ninjas! 】

[But how come there is such a high elimination rate this time? 】

[What’s even more frightening is that among these six teams, four of them are from Konoha! 】

[The remaining two groups are the Sand Ninja Village and the Sound Ninja team! 】

[This also means that no other ninja village has passed the test! 】

[Hongdou immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. This competition was originally intended to close the distance with other villages, but now it is difficult to handle! 】

[At the critical moment, the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen appeared at the meeting point. 】

[“Before the third exam begins, I want to talk about the purpose of this chunin exam!”]

[“In addition to selecting outstanding genin from each village, the exam is also to show your abilities to daimyo and prestigious people in each country!”]

[“In other words, your strength represents the level of the entire village, and also represents the success rate of completing the corresponding tasks!”]

[“So your next performance is particularly important. I will arrange for important figures from various villages and countries to attend the visit. I hope you will take it seriously!”]

[The words of the Third Hokage were righteous words. They seemed to be addressed to Naruto and the others in front of them, but they were actually addressed to those villages that were eliminated. 】

[Konoha didn’t do any tricks. If you don’t believe it, let’s watch the third game together! 】

[At that time, it will be clear what the strength of this group of ninjas who passed the test in the Forest of Death is! 】

[After Sandai said these words, he took his pipe in his mouth and was about to leave when he suddenly felt that he still had something to say. 】

[He stopped and turned around slowly. 】

[“Well, let me say a few more words…”]

[“Well, let me add a few more words…”]

[“Maybe some people didn’t understand, let me explain it more carefully…”]

[“I have one last thing to say…”]

[Finally, Moonlight Gale on the side couldn’t hold on any longer. 】


[“Hokage-sama, let me, the referee, explain what happens next!”]

[Seeing Moonlight Hayate dragging his sick body out, it seemed that he would not be able to survive if the Third Hokage said a few words. 】

[In response, the Third Hokage took a long puff of cigarette, forget it, let’s talk about half of it today! 】

Orochimaru: “It’s really a professional choice to choose Hiruzen-sensei as Hokage!”

Senju Tobirama: “What do you mean, Orochimaru?”

Orochimaru: “It’s nothing, I just said that casually!”

Jiraiya: “Haha, actually I quite hate the third-generation old guy who talks nonsense all day long!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen: “…”

[“Hello…cough cough…my name is Moonlight…cough cough…”]

[“Moonlight cough?”]

[Not to mention Naruto, even Sasuke on the side couldn’t stand it. 】

[This guy who looks so weak is actually a jounin? 】

[How on earth can such a person be a referee! Is there no one in Konoha anymore? Simply outrageous! 】

[Especially when others hear Moonlight Blast say next, if you feel uncomfortable, you can quit on your own! 】

[Now everyone couldn’t help it, and secretly complained in their hearts. 】

[“If that’s the case, isn’t it Moonlight Hayate yourself who should quit the most?”]

[Looking at his pale face, I was really afraid that he would die first as he spoke! 】

[Naruto was thinking about something else at this time, another person to be precise. 】

[“Sister Uoyuki Xiyan seems to be the girlfriend of Moonlight Hayate in front of me.”]

[“Hey, what a pity! It would have been nice if Moonlight Gale suddenly happened, don’t you think so, Big Fox?”]

Moonlight Gale: “???”

Uzumaki Kushina: “Naruto was just joking!”

Uozuki Xiyan didn’t expect that Naruto in that world actually had thoughts about her.

He is obviously just a child!

But speaking of it,

Ever since I became Hayate’s girlfriend,

This guy’s body is gone

Have a better time,

The marriage of the two people has been pushed back again and again!

[“Since no one has withdrawn, ahem, the qualifying rounds for the third official exam will begin soon.”]

[“This battle is based on individual draws!”]

[With the announcement of Moonlight Blast, it means that these candidates will have no rest time at all. 】

【The third ninja battle is about to begin! 】

[For those candidates who have just passed through the forest of death, their physical strength has not been restored at all. 】

[On the other hand, for someone like Naruto and Gaara who has completed the mission early and has rested for almost half a day, it is naturally more advantageous! 】

[But no one complained, after all, it was not a fair path for ninjas. 】

[To Uzumaki Naruto’s surprise, I heard that Kabuto Yakushi would voluntarily abstain from the third exam in the past. 】

[But this time he didn’t seem to have the slightest intention of giving up. 】

[“The rules of the competition are very simple. The result of the competition is measured by one party admitting defeat, fainting and dying, or losing the ability to fight.”]

[“Now the one who determines the order of your battles will be the…ahem…electronic screen!”]

[As Moonlight Hayate’s words fell, the list of all contestants soon began to scroll on the screen. 】

[Finally stopped at Uzumaki Naruto VS Inuzuka Kiba! 】

[“Great, it’s our turn Akamaru! I’ve been putting up with that brat Naruto for a long time, let him see the power of our bond!”]

【”Woof woof woof!”】

Aburame Shino: “Why do I have a bad feeling?”

Yamanaka Ino: “That Inuzuka Kiba is too trusting, right?”

Haruno Sakura: “Correction, the teeth on our side also have the same lower head!”

Inuzuka Kiba: “Eh?”

[As Uzumaki Naruto and Inuzuka Kiba both stood on the field, Moonlight Hayate announced the start of the game. 】

[“I’m so worried, big fox. Fortunately, I wasn’t sent to confront that guy Gaara.”]

[“Otherwise the original plan will be difficult to implement!”]

[“By the way, Naruto, after your father the Fourth Hokage died, the things he left behind seemed to have been taken away by the Third Hokage. Do you want to take the opportunity to get them back?”]

[“Is it something belonging to the Fourth Hokage?”]

[Uzumaki Naruto frowned and thought for a moment. Indeed, the Fourth Hokage, as his father, left him almost nothing. 】

[Money, house, ninjutsu, nothing. 】

[As a descendant of Naruto, is this beaver? 】

[“To be honest, I really want to know what that guy left behind, but the big fox… I don’t know where the Third Hokage put those things.”]

[“Naruto, I still remember the chakra of one of the ninjas at that time, um… you have also met that person.”]


[“It’s the purple-haired Jōnin who taught you ninjutsu before. You were still a baby at that time, so the third generation guy didn’t have any warning against you, but I know everything in your body.”]

[“You mean sister Maoyue Xiyan?”]

[Uzumaki Naruto thought of a very beautiful elder sister with long purple hair. 】

[“It seems that I have to torture her properly!”]

[While Naruto was thinking about how to attack Uzuki Yugan, he completely forgot that he was taking the Chunin exam. 】

[He only felt as if something was rushing towards him in front of him. 】

[It seems to be something like a tornado, and the movement is quite loud. 】

[Naruto didn’t hesitate at all, he raised his hand and concentrated chakra on his fist, and then punched it hard. 】


[“Inuzuka Kiba loses consciousness, the winner is Uzumaki Naruto!”]

[As Moonlight Hayate announced the results of the competition, Naruto’s eyes became more confused. Did he win? 】

【I’m not even ready yet…】

Inuzuka Kiba: “Is my Kiba defeated like this?”

Tiantian: “Why do I feel that Naruto’s casual blow is more humiliating than the fart you lost to Naruto!”

Yamanaka Ino: “Is this the Yatonga you play every day that can be compared with the Eight Gate Dunjia?”

Inuzuka Hana: “It seems that the family is still too relaxed towards you. I must strictly supervise your practice from now on!”

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