[Looking at Zabuza who was directly beaten away, Kakashi took a long time to come back to his senses.]

[Naruto’s blow just now, Zabuza probably broke at least several of his ribs! 】

[“It seems that during the battle and acting, Naruto didn’t even use his full strength.”]

[Kakashi has already made a judgment in his heart, although even if Zabuza continued to attack just now, he might not lose. 】

[Zabuza had a backup plan, so of course he was prepared. 】

[There are a lot of rivers here. Ninjas use specific ninjutsu in special geographical environments, which consume very little chakra. 】

[Even a blue-deficient ninja like Kakashi can use the water body multiple times! 】

[But then again. 】

[Don’t Naruto think the fighting style of the water-split doll is very exciting and handsome? 】

[He actually said something fancy? I really don’t know how to appreciate the art of fighting! 】

Deidara: “Fart, art can only explode!”

Scorpion: “Hmph, as long as I’m around, your art will be useless!”

[“Damn you brat!”]

[Momochi Zabuza stood up with difficulty, and blood was already oozing from the corners of his mouth! 】

[That moment just now, just as Kakashi expected, seven or eight of his ribs were broken! 】

[There is no chance of continuing the melee fight now. 】

[Momochi Zabuza started to form crazy seals, he decided to use ninjutsu to decide the outcome! 】

[Kakashi smiled slightly when he saw this, come to life? 】

[Let you see what Ma Huanyan is… No, it’s the power of the Blood Chakra Eye! 】

[Kakashi looked through the blood chakra eye and easily followed Zabuza’s seal and caught up with his movements! 】

[“Chou, Shen, Mao, Zi, Hai, You, Chou, Wu…”]

[The two of them recited the name of the seal while forming the seal. It was smelly and long anyway. 】

[Uzumaki Naruto counted, a total of forty-four seals, what the hell…is this a ninja? 】

[Uzumaki Naruto said it was difficult to understand. 】

[“Water escape, water dragon bullet technique!”]

[The voices of Zabuza and Kakashi sounded at the same time, and two water dragons instantly rose up from the originally calm lake! 】

[Two water dragons more than ten meters long started a fierce battle in the air. The scene looked very spectacular! 】

[“Yes, this is the strength that a jounin should have, it’s just that the seals must be formed faster!”]

Kakashi Hatake: “I can form seals very quickly.”

Senju Hashirama: “Ah, yes, yes, yes!”

Uchiha Madara: “That’s right, you’re already forming seals very quickly! I, Madara, am willing to call you the number one seal maker!”

Hatake Kakashi: “…”

[The battle between Kakashi and Zabuza continues. 】

[As the two water dragons died together, Kakashi and Zabuza performed ninjutsu seals at the same time. 】

[After a long series of sealing processes, only this time the two of them did not release the ninjutsu at the same time. 】

[Kakashi’s Blood Chakra Eye has two functions. One is to observe and imitate. This is why he can be called a copy of the ninja Hatake Kakashi. 】

[Another trick is to use the blood chakra eye to create illusions. Just now Kakashi used illusions to distract Zabuza! 】

[In this tiny moment, Kakashi’s seal was completed first. 】

[“Water Escape, the Art of the Great Waterfall!”]

[A huge wave of water arose on the lake, knocking Zabuza completely away! 】

[He was injured originally, but this time he was completely unable to move. 】

[“Okay, it’s over, if not…”]

[Before Kakashi finished his victory speech, a kunai flew out from behind. 】

[The kunai headed straight towards Zabuza, Kakashi looked back, it was Uzumaki Naruto! 】

[“Naruto Zabuza is no longer able to fight, we should hand him over to…”]

[As Kakashi was talking, he saw the kunai that was destined to hit. 】

[Blocked by an ice wall that suddenly rose up! 】


[The kunai shot onto the ice wall and penetrated deeply. 】

[The ice wall was completely unable to withstand this powerful force and fell apart! 】

[But fortunately, the stamina of the kunai was also offset and fell to the ground. 】

[“Is there any helper?”]

[Kakashi instantly understood that Uzumaki Naruto’s purpose of throwing kunai was to attract Zabuza’s helpers! 】

[Actually, this is what Kyuubi told Naruto, there is always a guy spying secretly. 】

[So Uzumaki Naruto threw a kunai for fun with a trying attitude, but he didn’t use his full strength. 】

[It’s just a test. Anyway, it’s not that important to him whether he will die or not.

[From the big tree in the distance, a young man wearing an ANBU mask from Mist Shadow Village fell down. 】

[He had already thought out his lines, and disguised himself as a pursuit ANBU from the Shadow Village. 】

[In the end…forget it, I won’t pretend anymore. 】

[“Blood Succession Limit Ice Escape!”]

[Kakashi looked a little labored. The two large-scale ninjutsu just now consumed a lot of chakra in his body. 】

[I’m afraid I won’t be able to fight with this boy now. 】

[But fortunately, this boy doesn’t seem to be planning to fight. Right now, he is more concerned about Zabuza’s injuries. 】

[With a smoke bomb, the masked boy and Zabuza disappeared at the same time! 】

[Hatake Kakashi breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, the boy did not take action. 】

[He can feel it, this boy is not simple! 】

[Seeing that the enemy had retreated, everyone felt relieved. 】

[Sakura and Sasuke, who had been on alert, finally recovered from the terrifying atmosphere. 】

[It’s just that Sasuke still looks angry. 】

[He is really ashamed of the cowardice he showed! 】

[“Don’t worry, Sasuke, you have just become a ninja, not everyone can be like Naruto.”]

[“That is to say, Sasuke, Mr. Tazuna was not injured, and we have successfully completed the mission!”]

[“Eh? Where’s Naruto by the way!”]

[Only then did everyone realize that Uzumaki Naruto was missing! 】

[While everyone was anxiously searching, Naruto poked his head out from under the water. 】

[“Kakashi-sensei, I’m here.”]

[Naruto climbed out of the lake, still holding Zabuza’s sword in his hand. 】

[It turns out that Naruto just dived into the bottom of the lake to retrieve Zabuza’s sword. 】

[“Look, what does this knife look like? Is it suitable for me to use to release the Dance of Thousand Suns and Moons?”]

Momochi Zabuza: “…”

Hatake Kakashi: “Let me tell you, this Naruto is a bit too much! I can’t stand it anymore!”

Kito Suigetsu: “Thanks to Mr. Zabuza, the treasure of our Kirikage Village fell into the hands of Konoha!”

Senju Hashirama: “But isn’t that sword broken? How does Naruto plan to use it?”

Terumi Mei: “You don’t know something about the First Hokage. This decapitating sword is called an unbreakable sword because it can repair itself by absorbing the ‘iron’ from the enemy’s blood!”

Only then did Senju Hashirama become enlightened, and only then did everyone else in the chat room understand.

[In the screen, Naruto smiled at Kakashi and said. 】

[“Kakashi-sensei, are you injured anywhere? If you bleed, don’t waste it!”]


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