Commanding Wind and Cloud Chapter 530

Nolan Race, the place with the most handsome guys in the Demon Race! In this tribe, almost all male Demon Capitals are handsome guys, Duren Burg looks pretty good, and after the Magic-guided Tool revision, it's even more handsome second only to Chek Follett.

"Did you offend Feijing?" Duren Burg smiled and leaned closer: "I might be able to help you."

Bokkes Li's eyes suddenly lit up, right? ! This low-level Demon Race, and Jiliu Feijing are both Princess Lucifer's entourage. I heard that their relationship is still very good! Maybe...

"Handsome Nolan Race, tell me your name." Bokkes Li tried to show his best smile: "I need your help..."

" My name is Jiefeng Weiyi." Duren Burg looked at Bokkes Li calmly: "If you need help, you need to pay the corresponding price and reward."

"You..." Bokkes Li's beautiful eyes narrowed and looked at Holding Duren Burg: "What do you want?"

"Me?" Duren Burg smiled happily, raised his hand and directly stroked Bokkes Li's smooth face: "I want you."


"You..." Bokkes Li's face was full of anger. A humble Demon Race even wanted to touch his noble self? Even the Crown Prince Your Highness wanted to get his hands on him, but he didn't let him succeed, a lowly Demon Race...

Bokkes Li thought of such a lowly Demon Race pressing on him, to do that kind of thing , there is a feeling of wanting to vomit.

"I'm the lowly Demon Race, am I?" Duren Burg looked at Bokkes Li with a smile: "I'm lowly, but I still want you, you can reject me or promise me. If you agree, I can persuade my friends to help you build a whole set of battle weapons, even if you have the materials, I can help you forging soul weapons..."

Bokkes Li's face suddenly became angry Get stiff, naked seduction! Naked temptation! A set of battle weapons! Even Clan Head only got a Tenth Grade battle weapon. If he has a battle weapon like that, how about Qian Wushuang? You can kill him with a single demon! If there is a soul weapon...

Bloodline Fighter Enter Saint doesn't need a soul weapon, but what if a soul weapon is used with Bloodline Fighter Enter Saint? No one and no devil know about this, because even if you have a soul weapon, you may not be in harmony with yourself. No Bloodline Fighter in the world has ever had such an experience.

However, this rumor never ends! Some people have also said that if Bloodline Fighter uses the soul weapon to Enter Saint, even if he does not have the power of Ultimate Awakening, perhaps because of the help of this soul weapon, the door to Ultimate Awakening may be opened in the future.

Bokkes Li has always believed in this rumor, which is why he hesitated just now.

Now... Bokkes Li is more hesitant, soul weapon Enter Saint? Maybe you can really Ultimate Awakening, then you will become the first Ultimate Awakening Bloodline power that is not in the six major Bloodline Ultimate Awakening!

"How? I count to ten..." Duren Burg stretched out a finger and dragged the long note: "One..."

Chek Follett looked coldly. With Duren Burg, I've been with him for a long time, and I know this guy is not a virgin, but didn't expect him to be so bold in Demon Race.

Why is it counting again? Bokkes Li in heart is angry again, are these entourages under Lucifer Lucy all the same character?

"Can you really do it?" Bokkes Li had some doubts, Tenth Grade battle weapon, Super Battle Weapon, soul weapon, this is not just a matter of saying.

"Don't believe it." Duren Burg didn't look at Bokkes Li: "You can choose to bet or not. Five..."

"Okay! I bet! But If you lie to me, I will destroy your entire clan!" Bokkes Li hated to win, and in his heart secretly warned himself that as long as he closes his eyes, it will be over in a while, and it will be... just be given to it by a dog...

"But you have to wait for me for a few days." Bokkes Li looked at Duren Burg: "I have something to go out for a few days. When I come back, we will make an agreement between the trips."

"Okay, no problem." Duren Burg shrugged. "If you come back and I find you're no longer a virgin. Then...the deal is cancelled."

Bokkes Li is leaving His footsteps froze in the air, and he turned back to stare fiercely at Duren Burg, the shameless monster! I just want to go to the City of the Fallen to hand over my body to Crown Prince Your Highness in exchange for some benefits, and then come back to deal with this demon.

Since you want to lose your body, you must also dedicate your noble body to a noble demon!

This idea was completely shattered by Duren Burg's words in an instant.

"You can leave now." Duren Burg looked at Bokkes Li with a smile: "I'll be waiting for you."


" I'm not forcing you, you can choose." Duren Burg turned and walked to the other room: "I'm waiting for you, hurry up. Otherwise I'll change my mind..."

Bokkes Li The corners of his eyes twitched again and again, do I really want to give my body to such a lowly Demon Race?

Chek Follett looked at Duren Burg as he approached and said coldly: "Be careful of revealing your identity."

"I'll pay attention."

"shameless. "

"This isn't shameless, it's about enhancing the Human-Demon Two Races relationship, and she may be influenced by me in bed in the future."


"Okay, I admit, I fell in love with the demoness as soon as I saw her." Duren Burg whispered very quickly: "But I feel that her utilitarianism should be very strong, if not a little more If the means are occupied first, and in the future, I will find out that I have been slept in by someone else, isn't it a great loss?"

"Marry back?"

"Otherwise? Do you think I am a sperm bug? Are you on your head?" Duren Burg rolled Chek Follett's eyes: "I really like it, but until she's a very unmanageable demoness, I have to play the necessary means."

"She knows Your identity will cut you."

"I'll make her reluctant to cut me." Duren Burg's words were full of extreme confidence, and Chek Follett began to suspect that this Hydra Bloodline Fighter might really I like this demoness, but I definitely want to use this method to increase the spiritual baptism that Demon Race gives myself, hoping to stimulate through this adventurous method, in order to break through awakening the new Bloodline power.

Wait until I have a soul weapon! Boske Li walked towards the room behind Duren Burg, swearing in his heart that he must kill this filthy and inferior demon!

Soon, a woman's moaning sound came to mind in the room. This moaning sound showed all kinds of reluctance at first, and gradually began to appear as a realm of forgetting self.

Qian Jin pushes the door and looks out of Duren Burg's room, Chek Follett shrugging his shoulders with his hands outstretched, the truth is what you think...

Mammon Three Prominents other The two demons staring blankly at Duren Burg's room, this is Li's voice! Oh my Stars, that moaning sound so forgetful? Who is so great? Crown Prince Your Highness didn't do what she wanted to do, what the hell is this?

"What are you looking at? You haven't prepared yet?" Qian Jin glared at the two demons: "Get ready as I said, and I will find you tomorrow."

Two The devil dared not look at Duren Burg's room again, and quickened his pace to leave the yard.

Qian Jin looked at Duren Burg's room again, sighed, this kid is crazy, isn't he afraid of revealing his identity on the Demon Race site?

"Handsome Chek, I'm gone today." Qian Jin patted Chek Follett's shoulders: "No matter who, keep me out of the door. Simply, you call Lucifer Lucy too, Let her also come here to help me with the door. I need absolutely no interruptions."

Qian Jin didn't return to the house immediately, and Duren Burg will definitely come to help the demoness to intercede when he comes out. The purpose of this Hydra research is to find a time to strongly suppress a certain demon, and then let him come forward to establish a relationship, so as to be able to understand the Mammon Demon Clan from a more level, didn't expect this guy, actually... actually chose this method...

Time passed by, Lucifer Lucy soon appeared in the yard, listening to the sound from Duren Burg's room, slightly frowned whispered in Qian Jin's ear: "You not only kill My servant demon, now it's actually..."

Qian Jin can only smile bitterly, no one would have thought that Duren Burg is so action-oriented, just...

Two hours After that, Duren Burg walked out of the room with a smug smile on his face, holding Bokkes Li, whose legs were obviously weak.

"How's it going?" Duren Burg bumped Chek Follett with his arm: "Are you guys fierce?"

Chek Follett looked at Duren Burg with weird eyes: "Two Minutes is also called fierce?"

"Two minutes? Bah! Father at least two hours, okay?"

Duren Burg's voice was raised directly, more excited than when he was provoked by Chek Follett in the past .

"two minutes." Chek Follett's expression is still serious and persistent.

"Two hours!"

"two minutes..."

"Two hours!"

Bokkes Li looked down, Occasionally take a peek at Duren Burg in beside, this lowly demon who doesn't seem to have much power, strong in that respect...

"How long are you going to argue about this issue? "Qian Jin looked at Duren Burg: "I have something to do with you?"

"Don't say anything else." Duren Burg patted his chest: "Look at me, how about the demoness forging battle weapon for me?" Give me some nice words."

Bokkes Li looked at Duren Burg secretly, how could he see that this Demon Capital didn't look like a low-level Nolan Race demon, with a great spirit and a strong body, How could it be Nolan Race?

Qian Jin looked at Bokkes Li's silent nodded, Bokkes Li's heart trembled, he actually agreed!

"All materials, this is the only requirement." Qian Jin walked into the room: "I'll find you tomorrow."

Duren Burg looked at Qian Jin who closed the door, He raised his hand and glanced at Bokkes Li's waist: "Your wish is complete, let's continue?"

Bokkes Li pushed Duren Burg away with slight force with his elbow, and his browsers tightly frowns his head gently: "The transaction has been completed. ..." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian ( to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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