Li Shou was extremely surprised.

Because in his imagination, Li Shuixian should be an older girl, and her figure and appearance should be similar to Chen Zihan.

After all, the middle-aged version of himself described himself as having never seen such a beautiful girl.

He never imagined that the middle-aged version of that someone would be so wretched.

If this were in a civilized world, I would have to be dragged away and shot! Li Shou sneered at the words of that so-and-so before, and even disdained to be associated with him.

‘Am I the same person as him? That person can't be that guy Dou Furu in disguise...' Li Shou has already begun a comprehensive self-denial.

However, denial is negation, and contact is still necessary - after all, things like missions and survival are higher than shame.

Everyone stood at the gate and watched for a while. After Captain Iwaizumi said some rules and regulations, the instructors began to lead the teams in different classes.

You guys wait here, I'll ask her about joining the team.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the crowd, Li Shou said hello to Zhou Ke and his classmates, and then looked for Li Shuixian in the crowd.

Accelerating all the way to the team, Li Shou quickly came to the shortest person in the crowd.


Just when he was thinking about how to say opening remarks, the other party spoke first.

Huh? Do you know me? Narcissus's voice was very crisp, and the voice was not fully developed, with a crisp feeling like a small bell.

I don't know you, I am...

You are lying. Your body language and eyes as you walked over in a hurry tell me that you know me. The little girl raised her head and looked into Li Shou's eyes. When people look at strangers, they look at familiar people. The look in your eyes is different, and your pace is too fast, your body is leaning forward, and you look very determined, without any hesitation. But I am sure that I have never seen you before, and the logic is not very smooth, so you must know me from someone else. Have you ever heard of me, right big brother?


As soon as they met, Li Shou felt like he was completely seen through.

Li Shou once watched a TV series about Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes can instantly collect and integrate data from the other person's breathing, pace, clothing, body language, movement speed, tone and even smell to complete the analysis of mathematical models.

A rough judgment and conclusion can be made within a few seconds on what a person wants to do, whether he is a suspect, where he has just been, whether he recognizes the victim, etc.

He used to feel that this was an exaggeration in film and television dramas.

But I never imagined that anyone could actually do it in reality.

For a moment, he didn't know how to deal with it.

And with this close contact, he also knew why the middle-aged version of himself said that Li Shuixian was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

I finally understood how the dominatrix Iwaizumi was tamed in just two days.

I couldn't clearly see Li Shuixian's appearance from a distance just now. Looking at it from a close distance, I can see that this little girl is indeed too beautiful.

Like a girl who stepped out of a comic, but far better than in a comic.

Because the little lolita in the comics is far less exquisite than the one in front of me.

But that's not the most important thing. There are many good-looking girls. To be honest, Chen Zihan and Yan Linger are both pretty good-looking.

The most distinctive thing about Li Shuixian is her eyes, which are clear and full of wisdom, with a hint of gentleness.

These eyes are like those of an elderly wandering Taoist who has experienced everything in the world, mixed with the innocence and clarity that a child should have. This very contradictory feeling mixed in one person is unforgettable.

I think... I want to recruit you into the team. Since he didn't know how to start, Li Shou told the truth, I feel that you are very smart. If you join us, we can cooperate and win-win. I have a team card here, which can make you join the team. Others join our class, and I’d like to invite you to join.”

You have a team card. Even though eldest brother is an old man here, he must have experienced many missions. It seems good to join your team. However, based on the information Iwaizumi told me in the past two days, I judge that after joining your team, It’s not good for my long-term development.”


Because I didn't start from the initial mission. If I went directly to the advanced mission, with your protection, the survival rate might be improved in a short time. But the mission reward distribution must be the smallest share. I just come up with ideas instead of starting from If you keep your feet on the ground from the beginning, it will be difficult to truly grow. Moreover, I can’t bear to leave my classmates.”

Li Shuixian smiled and said: So I refuse! However, after a few missions, I feel that we will have many opportunities to cooperate!

Say no politely but firmly.

The reason is very good.

She doesn't want to be a support, she has her own ideas.

Li Shou thought about it carefully and it was right - it was indeed a bit selfish to recruit her into the team now.

The opponent's instinct is to grow into a main force in the team, lead his own team, and grow into a famous adventurer many years later.

It would not be a good thing to interrupt her growth process.

Respect your choice. Li Shou nodded, then took out a Martial Saint Blood Pill and handed it to Li Shuixian, I'll see if I can give it to you.

When he handed the blood pill to Li Shuixian, he didn't have much hope.

He just felt that it was possible to help weak newcomers, which was in line with the principle of balance, so he made an attempt.

Unexpectedly, this act of gifting was actually allowed.

This is……

This is the Martial Saint Blood Pill, a reward from the mushrooms. It can help you improve your physical fitness. No matter how smart you are, it will not be easy to survive in the early stages. Many scenes require physical strength to save your life.

Genius does not necessarily have to be formed.

Now that Li Shou appears, the butterfly effect can change Hongyan's fate.

He was also afraid of changing Narcissus' fate.

Obviously, this kind of smart girl has a high upper limit, but she will die easily in the early stage.

Luck is something that cannot be explained. If you are not lucky, you may die if you encounter a crazy zombie in the first mission.

With this blood pill, it would at least give her an extra three points of chance of survival.

... After taking the blood pill, Li Shuixian raised his eyes and stared at Li Shou's eyes for two seconds, and finally nodded in confirmation, Thank you, big brother. I understand the principle of reciprocating kindness in return.

Yeah. Although he didn't join the team, a good relationship was formed.

Just when Li Shou was about to say something else, Captain Iwaizumi walked through the crowd and walked over.

Why hasn't this team been sorted out for a long time... Take what I said seriously... Huh? Li Shou? You're not dead. When did you come back? Forget it, I'll ask you about your situation later. Now get out of here and stay away. This disturbs the freshmen!

Okay, captain. Li Shou looked around and found that Li Shuixian's classmates looked at him unkindly - obviously they were dissatisfied with him for recruiting Shuixian to join the team.

Dissatisfied, but didn’t dare to say it.

Captain, before I leave, can I ask how many people in our school are still alive? Li Shou saw only freshmen along the way. He didn't know how many people in his school survived the second game.

More than a hundred, right? Most of them have gone home, so get out of here.

After being driven away by Iwaizumi, Li Shou counted up the number of survivors in his school while returning to the team.

There are more than a hundred people, including some people from my own class. Calculated in this way, the total number of survivors from other classes is only about a hundred.

A school with a thousand people, two missions, nearly 900 people died.

Oh, death is always there... After sighing, Li Shou returned to the team.

How was it? As soon as he returned to the team, Chen Zihan came over and asked, Did she agree?

I don't agree, people have their own ideas.

Hehe, children are children. There are people who have been given tasks and are still unwilling. Chen Zihan still looked like the arrogant deputy student council president. I used to think that I was a nobody, but I was beaten by reality.

They are different from you.

After a few casual exchanges with the people in the team, everyone dispersed on the spot.

Most people become homesick after not being home for several months.

Although their family members will never know what is going on here, and they may think that they are going to school in another place when they return, or they may be suppressed by the rules and find some reasonable explanations on their own, but no matter what, those with family members definitely want to go back and have a look. .

Li Shou didn't want to go back.

Forming a good relationship with Li Shuixian was just a matter of course. Li Shou himself was more inclined to self-improvement.

He had received so many enhancements in the last mission, and he couldn't wait to verify it.

But now that the newcomer has just entered the training ground, the Shaxi instructor is so busy that he has no time to pay attention to him. Li Shou could only stare at Zhou Ke next to him, I just strengthened myself and want to try it out. Do you want to fight?

I won't fight. Zhou Ke is obviously a flattering person, I hate fighting the most in my life. If it weren't for the mission to survive, I might never fight in my life. Find someone else!

After saying this, Zhou Ke also left.

Li Shou was left alone at the scene.

Boring people.

In desperation, he first returned to the empty dormitory, and then thought about it.

Maybe Qian Hongxu is a better choice. Yes, although instructor Shaxi is strong, I don't have a clear understanding of his strength, and I can't use him as a ruler to calibrate how much I have improved. Instead, Qian Hongxu used all his strength I've seen her before, and there's not much difference in strength between her and I before, so she's the best candidate to try it out.

Besides, I haven't had time to say goodbye to my senior sister yet!

When Li Shousi reached this place, he immediately sensed the deception crystal and found the location of the evil world in the world of countless branches and leaves. Then he activated Home Time and deceived directly.

Whoosh and then return to the familiar world and familiar house.

The place where Li Shou left was the small accommodation courtyard arranged by Yan Linger for everyone, and the place where he appeared was still here.

It's just that his mentality was different when he left and when he came back.

After opening the door and leaving the small courtyard, Li Shougang saw Yan Ling'er who had been waiting here for a long time.

Junior brother, junior brother! After seeing Li Shou, she ran over excitedly, All of you have disappeared in one day. I asked the servants who brought food and water, and they also said they didn't see any of you. Either way, I thought you left without saying goodbye.”

Uh...well, they left, but I didn't. I will come back to see them from time to time.

It's good that you didn't leave! Yan Linger patted her chest, Actually, I was quite afraid that you would leave.


You left me so many good things, and I can't keep them if you leave.

That's right! Li Shou also understood the reason behind the crime of having a jade, but he couldn't always be here. Go and get the unused parts of those secret books and elixirs, and I'll return them to Master Qian. , and let me introduce you to each other. With the blessing of the Xuanxue Sect, your family should be able to sit back and relax.

Is this really okay?

Yan Linger looked confused.

You know, Qian Hongxu is now at the height of her power in Tongkang County. After wiping out all the big families and sects, she is now the real local emperor of Tongkang County, and she has everything she can say in the county.

Moreover, because of the matter of opening a warehouse to release grain, her reputation among the people was also extremely high, which was something she could only hope to achieve.

In fact, not to mention the current Qian Hongxu, even the former Qian Hongxu's status was much higher than that of people like Yan Ling'er who came from a small businessman family in the outer city.

The status gap between the two sides is huge.

If it's really possible, don't worry. Besides, I just want to challenge her, so let's go together!

Are you going to fight with the leader? After hearing this shocking news, the confusion on Yan Linger's face turned into worry.

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