By the way, there is one more thing. Juehuang lowered his voice, Yesterday, we discovered the hiding place of Chen Zihan and his team.

Oh? Where?

It's at the paper mill.

What a coincidence! Li Shou exclaimed first, then thought about it, It's not a coincidence. I can't survive in the wild, and the target of hiding in villages and towns is too big, so I can only come to the city...

Yes. Juehuang nodded. He has been here for more than ten days and knows Tongkang City in detail.

In these cities, Heishui Fang is too chaotic, and the Slums and Baoshu Fang are too densely populated. The cities close to the inner city are often visited by high-level warriors and government officials, so it is easy to encounter experts. We only have information. Paper mills are the easiest place to hide people, after all, there are all kinds of people from all walks of life, and it’s easy to purchase and ship goods, so it’s easy to sneak in.”

How did you find him?

Zhu Lin discovered it. She was assigned a purchasing status in the Yan family and often went to buy daily necessities. One time when she went to buy medicine, she ran into Chen Zihan. Although our old president had dressed up in disguise, he couldn't just look at the portrait. It’s easy to recognize, but it’s easy to recognize them if we’ve seen them in person. After seeing her from a distance, Zhu Lin followed her secretly and recorded their whereabouts.”

She also made a great contribution. Li Shou was a little surprised, What are you going to do?

Ma Nanzheng meant to report them. Now that the government has arrest warrants, a wave of reports has allowed the locals to deal with them.

What do you mean?

I feel that this is a bit risky. I'm afraid that after the government catches them, they will reveal our identities. Juehuang thought more thoughtfully, Modern people simply cannot withstand torture. Although due to the suppression of rules, they They can’t tell what’s going on in the main world, but they should be able to reveal our existence and number of people.”

As expected of our Dajuehuang, he considers problems thoroughly. Li Shou joked with his buddies, Indeed, it is easy to kill them, but it is not good to cause trouble for us. We still have a long mission. .”

Yes, I have been here for so many days and only got 84 balance factors in total. This task is too difficult...

Why is this task so difficult?

In the remote courtyard of the paper shop, Chen Zihan complained while looking at his injured teammates.

Now there were only three people left in front of her.

Moreover, two were seriously injured and one was slightly injured. Only Chen Zihan himself was still intact.

There's nothing we can do. We're so unlucky. The only slightly injured person was Guo Pengfei, who had Kui Mujiu eyes.

It's not that I'm unlucky, it's just that the task is too difficult. Chen Zihan looked at the pitiful 12 Chaos Factors on the task card, feeling a little helpless.

Ever since they met someone from the official government for no apparent reason that day, they had been in a difficult situation.

After they got rid of the pursuers that day, they could only temporarily settle on the mountain. When they went down the mountain to collect information, they learned that they were wanted by the entire county.

Since he was wanted, Chen Zihan wanted to leave this area and do missions further away.

But they don't know much about this world, so they don't know that the divisions between counties are not based on geography but on the location of evil spirits.

As soon as they reached the edge of the county, they ran into a wild evil spirit.

The small temple on the mountain and the knocking on the door at night still frightened Chen Zihan until now.

The wild evil spirits were so powerful that they couldn't hold on even if they tried hard that night. In the end, one of them was injured and two were seriously injured. They finally managed to hold on until daybreak before the evil spirits retreated on their own.

But their team is almost exhausted.

Hahaha, what kind of seed team is here to deliver food for the second mission! A seed player with a ulcerated thigh sighed, This mission is not for people.

Don't be discouraged. If we are already like this, we won't be more unlucky. As the saying goes, if things get better, we will be better in the future.

Chen Zihan cheered up his teammates and kept saying things like It's going to be fine.

Can it be great? Tai hasn't come yet, but Li Shou has come first.

That night……

Is this it? A group of people lurked beside the small courtyard, each holding a crossbow.

It's here! Zhu Lin said, I'm sure!

That's good. I'll go check out the situation. You guys will be lying in wait here and wait and see!

Is that possible? Although the team from Class 1 and Class 3 had already discovered the location of Chen Zihan's team, they were never alerted.

One is because Li Shou didn't come back before.

The second is to fear the strength of Chen Zihan's team.

After all, Chen Zihan's team is the most powerful of the three teams on the surface.

Four people fused at once seemed difficult to deal with.

Don't worry. Li Shou patted the big man on the shoulder, and then jumped over the wall.

After practicing the secret technique, Li Shou felt that he should be able to deal with Chen Zihan and others, plus his teammates outside, without fail.

After jumping into the courtyard, he was initially cautious, but after poking through the door and window and seeing what was going on inside, he relaxed.

Dead and injured, what's the situation? Is it already this miserable? Seeing this, Li Shou didn't hide it and kicked open the door and rushed towards Chen Zihan.

Who? The student council president was resting by the window. Before she could react, she was knocked down by a punch. The last words she heard before she was knocked down were: I thought he was so powerful, so weak. ?

When Chen Zihan opened his eyes again, the room was already full of people.

They are all students from classes one and three.

Several of his teammates were tied up like rice dumplings.

Let you rob our things! Ma Nan faced them, regaining his Japanese color, and kicked one of them one after another, Let you rob, let you rob! I don't know how powerful you are, Lord Ma? Hmm? ?”

Stop fighting. You don't know what he is capable of. He may backfire on you. Juehuang pulled Ma Nanzheng away and walked to Li Shou.

How to deal with it?

If you ask me to kill him, I'll be done with it. Ma Nan spoke from the side again, Doing tasks is not child's play. Staying here will only cause trouble in the future!

I didn't ask you, so please stop saying a few words! Lao Li, what's your opinion?

Well... Li Shou looked at a few people and didn't say much. Instead, he asked the teachers and classmates behind him.

What do you think?

Li Shou asked, and everyone had everything they could say for a while.

Some people agree with Ma Nanzheng, while others agree but can't bear it.

Others feel that their sins are not worthy of death.

After all, it's just robbing things, not murdering us. Teacher Zhang Meng represented the opposition.

Tsk, taking away resources deprives us of the possibility of survival, and we must die. Ma Nanzheng was naturally right.

But most of the students remained silent. They felt that Chen Zihan and others were not worthy of death, and they did not want to cause trouble for the team's subsequent missions.

For a moment, the scene was a little chaotic.

Chen Zihan tried to release pheromones, but there was not much reserve in his body, and the effect it could have was limited.

In desperation, she could only look at Pifang in the team.

Pi Fang is the person with the ability of the scale acid insect. When Chen Zihan looked at him, this guy had a serious face and seemed to be preparing to fight to the death.

If the other party decides to execute them, this guy will definitely have to pull a few backers.

He is waiting for the trial and the words of the leader Li Shou.

Finally, Li Shou, who had been silent for a long time, spoke.

Well, here's my idea. I'm going to a place where wild evil spirits breed in a while. It's not safe for me to go there by myself. I need to be accompanied by someone at the martial arts level. You guys come with me and go inside. It's a matter of life and death for everyone. It’s up to you, what do you think?”

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