The ax has not yet arrived.

Nezha's confidence collapsed first.

He was originally a veteran Taiyi Golden Immortal, and his own strength was three points stronger than the strongest in the Sword Domain.

Coupled with the numerous magic weapons, it is almost impossible for him to be defeated by three moves at the same level.

But the ax falling from the sky in front of me was too powerful.

With the power he had now and the determination to break all injustice, the moment Nezha felt timid, the ax fell directly.

When he came back to his senses, the Hot Fire Wheel, Fire Spear, Huntian Ling, Yin Yang Sword, Nine Dragon Cover and World Circle were all split open.

His body with three heads and six arms was also split open.

This earth-shattering ax not only split Nezha's body, but also split the opponent's confidence.

As a Taiyi Golden Immortal, Nezha would not die directly if his body was completely split open, but he no longer had the courage to take the second move.

Now that the Buddha's power and unyielding will are staying in his body, Nezha is afraid that if he takes another move, he will be completely destroyed.

Stop! Stop! Stop.

Nezha's three heads made the same sound.

Li Shou also stopped in response, When you ask me to stop, do you mean you have already admitted defeat?

Good birds choose trees to roost. Since the way of heaven has weakened to this point, people like me who cultivate the way of heaven and earth will naturally follow the trend. By the way, instead of falling into the endless reincarnation, these heavenly soldiers and generals behind me would be better to defy heaven and obey others. And then...

Nezha gave up in just a few words, and was even less tough than in myths and legends.

In mythology, although Nezha and Zhen Yuanzi of Wuzhuangguan are not representatives of fighting against heaven and earth.

But he's far from that cowardly.

The main reason is that the general trend of humanity has been achieved, and the people in charge of Beitian have been trapped.

In addition, Li Shou's ax almost split Nezha's Taoist heart.

Faced with this situation, no monk with a right mind, not to mention Nezha, would be willing to fight to the end.

It is really not easy to cultivate for hundreds of millions of years.

Besides, surrendering to humanity is not entirely a bad thing.

In addition to having their minds distorted by the Daoxing mentality, people who are recruited by humanity actually suffer no real losses.

At worst, I'll work somewhere else in the future, and I won't be so carefree.

Under Nezha's agreement, most of the heavenly soldiers lost their fighting spirit.

Taiyi Golden Immortal has already admitted defeat. It is better for them, the Heavenly Immortals and Mysterious Immortals, to protect themselves.

When everyone accepted their fate, Li Shou's red eyes naturally glowed with humanity and began to distort the Taoist minds of those people.

At the same time, he looked at Thor.

What did the Mechanical God's Court say?

We are just here to help. If the rightful owner admits defeat, I will naturally retreat. As the God of Thunder spoke, or before he spoke, Li Shou had already activated some strange device when he struck down with his axe.

At this time, the device accumulated a large amount of energy, merged with the energy battleship behind him, and had a tendency to flee the scene.

Li Shou didn't want to let these people from the Mechanical Divine Court go.

At that moment, he rushed towards Thor alone.

The latter had already seen Li Shou's power. He claimed that he was no match and did not want to challenge him. He just threw a war hammer at him.

The most powerful thing about those guys from the Mechanical Divine Court who have mastered some of the rules of physics is that their abilities can be integrated very smoothly.

Not like Nezha.

It's not impossible for Nezha to connect with the 700,000 Heavenly Soldiers and Qi Machines.

However, everyone may practice different ways of heaven. Even if they are the same, if their skills are different and their attributes are different, all kinds of troubles may arise in the process.

But the rules of physics are different.

Thunder and lightning spurted out and instantly merged into one force.

That power included not only the God of Thunder himself, but also the power of countless battleships behind him. Without using the Unfair Warfare, Li Shou could not suppress it with the power of the Buddha's blood alone, and was directly forced back by Lei Hai. ten kilometers.

When he came to his senses, Thor had already left with a large army.

Sir, the people of this Mechanical Divine Court are the best at escaping. With the power of rules, they can even use the ability to travel at the quasi-saint level. We probably won't be able to catch up...

When Li Shou was looking into the distance and still hadn't recovered, Nezha came to him again.

It's just that this time, Nezha's eyebrows were lowered and his eyes were submissive, and his whole body no longer had the carefree and carefree nature of heaven, only the flattering look that clearly distinguishes between superior and inferior human beings.

Transformed so quickly?

The villain didn't dare to resist.

Wrong, you should say that the path left by Holy Emperor Qu Yun is more suitable for you!

This is natural. Villains should be beaten and slapped.

Hahahahaha... When you enter my human realm, you instantly understand how to grovel and bow down! Li Shou rubbed his red eyes as he spoke.

With these blessed eyes, as long as the opponent does not resist, he can naturally distort everything.

After absorbing Nezha, Li Shou spent the next few decades fighting in the northern sky.

As the fighting continued, the territory he occupied became larger and larger, and more and more people were recruited.

Time has passed since ancient times.

Decades really feel like dozens of days.

Sixty-six years have passed by in a blink of an eye.

No wonder there is a saying that one day in the sky and one year below the ground. The ancient wilderness is so big that even with the escape technique like a stream of light, it is difficult to explore the entire area.

We have been in the Northern Heavens for sixty-six years, and during this period we also used teleportation arrays, but even so, we only fought for a small area of ​​the Northern Heavens.

But this realm, placed in the world of branches and leaves, is really as vast as a galaxy.

Li Shou sighed with Xiang Xiang while checking his Taoist cultivation.

After decades of fighting, countless immortals, magic soldiers, and generals have been twisted.

Li Shou's humane conduct is getting higher and higher.

Finally reached a tipping point of sorts today.

The magic power in his body had been accumulated for a long time due to the beast elixir, and at this moment, the magic power, Taoism and movement merged into one, and Li Shou saw the way forward.

The realm of Da Luo.

Daluo has the meaning of eternity.

When Li Shou glimpsed the realm of Da Luo, he knew that if he took one step forward, he would enter the pinnacle of a certain Tao and become the only Tao.

Entering Daluo, the body no longer has the limit of longevity.

Even if the sun and moon in the sky are extinguished, Daluo Jinxian will not die and has completely entered the realm of no damage.

From today on, as long as humanity does not truly decline, I will only be reincarnated and reborn, and I will never die again.

Li Shou realized something in his heart and didn't hesitate any longer.

With one step, mana spreads all over the body, integrating with the distortion.

When Li Shou entered the Daluo Golden Immortal realm, there was no wind or fire in the sky. When he raised his head, he had become Daluo.

This scene made Nezha next to him almost have fire in his eyes.

He has been stagnant in the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm for countless years and knows how difficult it is to achieve this step.

There is no need to be envious. It has always been easy to cultivate magic power, but it is rare to practice Taoism. The cultivation of magic power is a matter of effort. Even if there is no chance encounter, as long as the life span is enough, you can move forward. But the way of heaven is difficult, but the way of humanity is much simpler. As long as there is someone to support you, you can reach the sky in one step. It’s not difficult.”

It was not until Li Shou became Da Luo that he truly understood the way of humanity.

In fact, the most essence of humane cultivation can only be found in four words——

There are people up there.

There is no one on top, so you act like a cow and a horse, and there are people on top, and you can reach the sky in one step.

It sounds very simple, but for the vast majority of people who have no one above, cultivating the human way is more difficult than the heavenly way.

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