Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 419 Great progress in Taoism and unfair warfare

When Vanilla was cleaning the planet, Li Shou let go of these mutants.

In the future, only part of the radiation zone will remain here, and most areas of the planet will become normal areas. Speaking of which, it is difficult to spawn mutants without radiation. It is also a bit regretful...

what are you saying?

You will know later!

After saying this, Li Shou let go of several mutants, and then walked around the city casually.

After that, he flew to other cities and felt the different customs and customs of each city-state in the end.

In this planet, Li Shou and Vanilla did not stay as long as expected.

After all, the population here is too small. The surviving population on the entire planet is less than 10 million. Although cleaning the planet delayed a little time, it is too convenient to manage.

After cleaning the planet, Vanilla also spread some seeds of collected native plants, and when it finished doing this, Li Shou clearly felt that his Taoism was improving.

It seems that the path of balance is not only related to humans. This transformation of the planet is a good thing for all species... turning the radiated planet with no grass into a normal planet, from extreme to balanced, is a great balance. Li Shou. Suddenly he remembered that when he entered the first mission, there were two scales in front of him.

One is the scale between the poor and the rich.

A scale between humans and other species.

Being able to do well in one aspect is naturally a big improvement.

I followed what you said and retained some radiation areas. People in this world have learned to get along with mutants. And they also have relevant evolutionary methods. It is indeed a good choice to retain the radiation areas.

Well, I'm doing well. When the plants grow slowly and the number of people slowly increases, my Taoism will increase.

Li Shou is very satisfied with the current progress.

With the cheating crystal, he can exploit loopholes in the rules to continuously increase his points.

And since he can brush, and he really didn't have the ability to completely protect himself in the prehistoric times, he should keep brushing.

Brush until strong.

In the following time, Li Shou went to the Lingwu World, Celestial Dragon World, Cyber ​​World and other worlds where he had coordinates, and implemented the method of balance in these worlds.

While he's doing this, the training ground is getting better and better.

The first batch of super students has completed the second mission and set a record again. This time, 850 of the remaining 997 students survived.

At the same time, the second batch of super students has also arrived.

The people who came this time were more elite than the first group.

There is no other reason, because the way of balance will not forcefully pull people in.

Therefore, even though the benefits of Space Marine Recruitment are particularly generous, most people still have a watch and wait mentality and do not want to be the first to eat crabs.

But becoming a space warrior is the dream of too many men.

They saw that after the first batch of students returned, each one became stronger and the mortality rate was not high. This completely ignited the fire in everyone's hearts.

The students who came back couldn't talk about the affairs of the main world, but the task assigned by the main world was to go on adventures on other planets, so they didn't have any dissatisfaction.

Over time, everyone began to believe in the legend of the Space Marines.

It is every man's wish to become stronger, so if more people sign up, better seeds will naturally be screened out.

The students are becoming more and more elite, and the original elite are constantly completing tasks, plus Li Shou goes to various worlds to earn points.

With the three-pronged approach, Li Shou's Taoism gradually increased, and he soon came into contact with some mysterious realm, and he began to feel the origin of balance.

this day.

In the world of Kyushu.

I can't practice Unfair Warfare. Narcissus handed the stone book back to Li Shou.

what happened?

I have been comprehending its content these days, but I cannot meet the requirements for practicing Unfair Warfare. Only you can practice it. Narcissus concluded firmly, Because the core point of Unfair Warfare is The intention is to be unyielding, and once you practice it, you will face the heavy pressure of heaven and man. Without the indestructible body of Vajra by your side, you will definitely be crushed into powder if you practice it casually.

Heavy pressure from heaven and man?

When Li Shou took over Unfair Warfare, this time he finally truly felt the mystery of it.

He has been soaring like a rocket in the past few days, and he can already feel part of the true meaning of the tactics.

There were no outsiders at the scene, so he immediately began to comprehend.

When his spiritual thoughts penetrated into the stone book, the first thing Li Shou felt was countless scenes.

In the first scene, Li Shou is a child.

I obviously like pasta very much and want to be a pastry chef. I am also a natural dough mixer and can make bread sweeter than ordinary people.

But after discovering his talent and interest, his parents did not agree with him doing this business.

They believe that study hard is the right way, and noodles are just a crooked way.

Children want to resist, but how can children be the opponents of adults?

After only a few rounds of competition, he was completely defeated, persuaded, and extinguished his dream of becoming a pastry chef.

The second scene.

He is a young man who wants to work in the gaming industry that interests him more after graduation and write novels part-time at the same time.

But faced with the heavy pressure of life and the possibility that some industries would be unsustainable at the age of 35, he chose a relatively safer and more secure industry.

The third scene is of a person who is unlucky and faced with the injustice of God, and he can only sigh that his fate should be like this.

The Nth scene.

It's a monkey. Facing the general trend of the world, humanity is at its peak, and facing countless Holy Saints who are more powerful than him, it raises its head, smiles, and swings its big stick...

Li Shou felt this scene and even more felt this stick.

In the countless previous scenes, the pressure is increasing.

And it seems that every pressure is invincible.

The pressure is increasing step by step...

But in the last scene, when faced with the most invincible Great Sage in the sky, the real Great Sage did it knowingly that he couldn't do anything. Even though he knew that he was invincible, I still wanted to try.

This great unyielding will.

Swing out a stick and smash all injustice.

Li Shou, who felt this artistic conception, had extremely clear thoughts at this moment. In an instant, the various tortures and twists he suffered in front of him turned into a long breath.

Huh! The air was exhaled, and all the veins in the body were accessible, Why do you have to twist yourself? If you live like this, it would be better to die!

The moment Li Shou understood the concept of unfair warfare.

As he continued to explore, the Stone Book suddenly released extremely strong pressure.

Half of this pressure was exerted on his spirit, wanting him to surrender, while the other half was exerted on his body, wanting him to kneel down.

Crackling, at this moment Li Shoujian's body made a sound like frying beans.

What's even more amazing is that this heavy pressure was only exerted on him, not even the ground beneath his feet moved at all.

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