Colossus World.

Li Shou took Vanilla to a grassland.

The place where Li Shou settled was inside a castle.

Report to the Grand Duke of Black Bol, our defensive strength can no longer withstand it! As soon as Li Shou and Li Shou appeared, they saw a knight kneeling on one knee, and above him was a middle-aged woman in gorgeous robes.

Is it really impossible? Elena?

No way, the opponent has activated the Hermitz-class Colossus this time, and our magic circle can't stop it at all. As long as the magic circle is destroyed, ordinary soldiers can't do any harm to the Colossus. Even the Magic Knight can't do anything to it. A colossus of this level can cause effective damage, and even my magic can't do it.

A magician holding a staff was talking. Suddenly, her staff felt something. She turned around and saw Li Shou and Vanilla suddenly appearing in the corner behind her.

Who are you? The siege was going on outside, and everyone was very nervous. The sudden appearance of Li Shou naturally frightened them all into alertness.

Even in panic, they arranged reasonable identities for Li Shou and Li Shou.

It must be an assassin sent by the enemy!

After the mage reacted, a fireball came over.

Li Shou looked at the flying fireball...

The lethality of this level of fireball technique is not even comparable to that of an immortal. Even those who are cultivating immortals and flying swords during their Qi training period are more powerful than this.

To be precise, this attack is roughly equivalent to the level of a martial arts master in the Kyushu world.

I miss you so much. I haven't encountered an attack of this level for a long time. It must have been more than a hundred years! Li Shou was hit in the face by the fireball technique, which was like spring breeze blowing on his face - it was the breath of youth.

This blow seemed to bring him back to when he was sixteen years old.

very nice.

After the fireball exploded, Elena and others looked closely and were surprised to find that the other party was unharmed.

It must be body-protecting fighting spirit!

The knight also came to kill him at this time. He swung his big sword and slashed at Li Shou's neck. The body-protecting fighting spirit can't bear this!


The heavy sword cut into Li Shou's neck, and then the knight's jaw cracked open.

At this moment, his mind was in a trance - because he had never cut anything so hard before.

He had cut iron and also cut a giant statue before. Although he couldn't cut it, it was not as uncomfortable as it is now...

This feeling directly changed his cognition, and he even lost the idea of ​​continuing to attack.

Who are you?

I was passing by, but we happen to be destined. If we were traveling together, I would help you. Now, I have to go and take a look...

Li Shou didn't want to talk nonsense and came directly to the city.

After he and Vanilla flew into the city, their spiritual thoughts swept over and began to collect information.

And the one who collects information faster than Li Shou's divine mind is naturally Vanilla.

This is a castle built by merchants.

Well, there are many trading places behind the castle.

This is a relatively undisciplined principality.

People here don't want the principality to fall...

I don't know what kind of person they are attacking.

Li Shouzheng and Vanilla were talking about the information. The city wall had been knocked down by the Colossus.

The twenty- to thirty-meter-tall giant statue knocked down the city wall and entered the city.

The huge eight-story building made it impossible for ordinary soldiers to resist.

Soon, everyone was at a loss.

I've seen a lot of things from the ancient times, and now I look at this giant statue that's 20 to 30 meters high. It looks a bit like a small toy.

Li Shou sighed again.

From prehistoric times to ordinary planets, this level difference made him very uncomfortable, and he unconsciously compared them.

Let's see what the person is like first, and then make a decision.

The way of balance is not to kill people at will.

Li Shou wanted to wait and see what happened.

After entering the city, the attackers stopped the destruction of the Colossus.

These houses are our wealth, don't damage them.

Haha, the big black beast king army has can join our team, women are our wealth and can be distributed according to their military merits.

As long as you join us, women can take your pick.

I heard that the Grand Duke is a beautiful woman. This time the vanguard will enjoy it first! I like letting noble women parade through the streets the most!

When the sergeants entered the city, they did not burn, kill or loot everywhere.

Instead, they began to judge military achievements and distribute things on the spot.

The high-ranking one even led the team into the Duke's castle.

The strength of these people was obviously higher than that of the defenders. Soon, they captured the castle and tied up the Duke, Alinda and others.

Then, a scene often seen in certain anime begins.

Although I really want to continue watching. But it's more important to do business. Li Shou took advantage of the other party's attack on the city and captured some soldiers to inquire about the situation.

This so-called Black Beast King Army is a continental locust-type army that likes to conquer everywhere and feeds war with war.

When you go to a place, you occupy it.

But because rewards and punishments are clear, as long as there is war merit, there will be women and money, but people have always defected to it, and it has grown a lot in recent years.

But it is obvious that people with this type of conquer attribute are not compatible with Li Shou.

Sorry to bother you.

When the Grand Duke was tied up and kept shouting let me go, Li Shou appeared.

“This place is temporarily taken over by us.

This grand duke is good at business, fair exchange, and can be a manager in some fields.

And because your black beast king army is fairly distributed, you can choose to join me. Later, he also participated in managing the world...

Of course, the subsequent methods cannot be so drastic.

When it comes to matters between men and women, it's better to do it according to your love and my will.

Is it right?

Li Shou's sudden appearance scared several senior sergeants of the legion and quickly let go of the Grand Duke and drew their swords and pointed them at Li Shou.

Li Shou also knew that establishing prestige was the best way now. Otherwise, everything you say is in vain.

He first glanced at a few people, causing all the swords and armor in their hands to turn into powder.

After that, he stretched out his hand and the entire top of the castle disappeared.

He took the grand duke and all the legions into the air, and then pointed at the giant statue dozens of meters high.

This is the most powerful magic colossus you have here, but it's not as good as a toy here, and it's hard to show something more powerful. After all, it's too powerful to be afraid of damaging the topography here, so let's test the waters with it. Take a good look!”

As he spoke, Li Shou grabbed the colossus in the air and shaped it into various shapes as if he were playing with a Rubik's Cube.

At this time, whether it is the people below or the magician Alinda, the Duke in the sky, or the commander of the Black King Beast Army.

No matter who it was, they saw the invincible Hermitz-level colossus being manipulated like this.

Everyone's eyes widened.

You. Are you the legendary God of Creation, the God of Light?

Ah? Li Shou looked at these people, People in this technological age really like to believe in some strange and chaotic gods. There is no God of Light in this world, only the God of Balance. From now on, the entire world will be managed by the God of Balance. Below, we must do what is fair!”

Li Shou didn't finish his words.

In order to match his words, Vanilla stretched out her hand and used the rules of physics to raise a huge statue from the ground.

The statue is lifelike and looks like Li Shou.

When the people below saw this miracle, they shouted God is coming and bowed their heads.

And on this day, the world of Colossus gained a real god - the God of Balance.

And it was also on this day that the world of Colossus changed its calendar.

Change this date to January 1st of the first year of Balance.

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