Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 405: The division of adventurers’ realms, the chess game of heaven and earth

But before we start the fight, I have a question to ask you. Narcissus continued to speak, In addition to your testing along the way, the main reason why I fight you is to understand the adventurer's combat power rating.

Yes, I want to know this too. Li Shou also added.

During this time, he was shopping at the Traveler Club and also asked about some adventurers.

But the staff at the Travelers Club didn’t know much about the adventurers.

For example, in Fenggu City, no one can find a permanent adventurer. Even in large cities, the number of adventurers is very limited.

Because even if an adventurer is born somewhere, because of his extremely powerful abilities, he may not always stay where he was born for long.

They either practice in seclusion or go on adventures, and very few of them stay in one area permanently.

Therefore, the Traveler Club has information about adventurers, but it is very incomplete.

Maybe places outside the mushroom realm would be better.

After all, the boss of the balance rules was sealed, and the inheritance was broken. Moreover, because the rules were not strong, the number of adventurers born was limited, and the news channels were naturally affected.

It's normal for you, as newcomers, not to understand. When Wu Sheng heard the question, he didn't hide it and explained directly: Adventurers are generally divided into five levels. This concept of classification is very vague. After all, everyone The promotion paths are all different. Just listen...


The first level is generally considered to be new adventurers, those who have just completed the fifth mission not too long ago. In terms of strength, you should have a rough idea of ​​what level you are at.

Yes. We know this best. Between refining the void and integrating into the body, it is the average level of this rank.

Then, senior adventurers, who usually complete the fifth mission hundreds to thousands of years ago, belong to this level.

Then there are the Little Era Adventurers. The birth time of adventurers of this level is sometimes longer than the birth of a certain branch-leaf civilization, so they are named after this.

What do you mean? Li Shou didn't quite understand.

The source of teleportation in Fenggu City for thousands of years is the earth, right?


As far as I know, excluding primitive civilization, the Earth's small civilization only lasts a few thousand years.

Well, that's about the same... Li Shou thought about the historical knowledge he had learned.

Although there is still debate in many places, generally speaking, entering the official civilization era from the birth of writing, whether it is other ancient civilizations or the civilization in the East, is thousands of years.

Due to the existence of the power of distortion, a small era civilization usually lasts less than ten thousand years. Of course, there are breakthroughs, but I only talk about normal situations.

Before the rules of Fenggu City selected the earth, they also attracted people from other planets.

So some adventurers have been around longer than a minor epoch civilization.

The kind of adventurers who are more than ten thousand years old are the adventurers of the Small Age.

If you explain it this way, it's easy to understand. Adventurers from the Little Age are all in the third level? What about the ones above?

Adventurers of the prehistoric world! Also called adventurers of the root world. This type of adventurers usually spend most of their time in the root world, or in unexplored areas of the main world. These people were born in ancient times, in the prehistoric world, Sometimes a retreat may last for thousands of years...

... After hearing this, Li Shou thought of his own lifespan.

He originally thought that the reward of one hundred thousand years of life would be so rich that he would explode.

Now look at it, if you really enter the prehistoric era, you may not be able to go through several retreats.

How old are the indigenous bosses in the prehistoric world?

The young ones were born at the beginning of the universe, and the older ones have survived many times of the five declines of heaven and man and the destruction of the world tree...

Uh. Li Shou could sense the difference just in terms of age.

At the same time he thought of someone.

That Mr. One is a prehistoric adventurer, right?

Probably, I'm not very familiar with the situation on Fang Yi's side. Wu Sheng is not omnipotent, But since Fang Yi likes to differentiate between superiors and inferiors, using 'one' as a number designation will be an adventure no matter what. Home.

What about the highest level?

The highest level is a named adventurer. 'Mr. One' may be the ranking of a certain adventurers' association, or it may be a name. Therefore, he may be at level 4 or 5.

Well, I've offended a lot of people. Li Shou nodded.

Then you belong? Narcissus interjected.

Little Age Adventurer.

Adventurers who are over ten thousand years old can just test our strength! Let's give it a try.

Since Wu Sheng has explained it so clearly, he can just go to the Adventurers Union to learn the details.

Seeing Narcissus posing as an invitation to spar, the other teammates also consciously kept a distance between the two.

A duel of this level requires a large venue, but fortunately the main world is wide enough, and everyone is very strong, so they are not afraid of the aftermath of the battle.

A group of people formed a circle in a distant place in the sky, and Narcissus also arranged a little formation around it.

Only the two of them were left in the field.

Please go ahead. As an adventurer from the Little Era, Wu Sheng was naturally extremely confident in his own strength.

Although this group of people was the most legendary balance team in the fifth game that she had ever heard of, they were still new adventurers.

There is a level difference between her and her!

Okay. Narcissus didn't waste any time and started casting the spell directly.

The first is to set up the formation.

Under the urging of the immortal power, countless formation stones flew out of Narcissus' mustard seed space.

After the formation stones flew out, they were filled with stars in the sky like an astrolabe or a chess set.

After the formation was formed, under the urging of Narcissus Daoxing, Wu Sheng was first locked in a triangular stable balance cage.

Awesome! Very high level of Taoism! Wu Sheng praised, his body emitting red light.

She has been an adventurer for more than 10,000 years, and has been practicing the way of balance, which is no worse than Narcissus.

Her red light fell on the three points of the triangle, and she immediately broke the cage.

Then she flew towards Narcissus, Narcissus waved, and the formation changed again, with countless layers of formations covering Wu Sheng one after another.

But she tore it apart casually.

Your formation is very exquisite, and your Taoism is also very high, but the material and energy levels are still lacking! Wu Sheng commented while breaking Narcissus' formation.

In her opinion, the next second she flew in front of Narcissus, she could resolve the battle with sheer force.

But at this moment, the countless formation stones that Narcissus flew out suddenly emitted light, and the light attracted the power of many rules around it. Even powers like the Brick Monster that did not belong to the rules of balance were attracted by her. into the formation.

After that, countless thin lines in the air were connected together, and they really formed a Go board with the formation stones.

Heaven and earth are chess pieces, and all living beings are pieces.

Narcissus demonstrated a super strength that far exceeded the realm of ordinary immortals.

What is this? Wu Sheng was in the chess game and wanted to use hard power to break the formation.

But every time she moves a step, there are countless chess pieces chasing and intercepting it, and countless powers of rules entangle and bind her.

Sadness, Heaven and Earth, Chaos, Greed...

Countless rules are stumbling blocks for her.

Moreover, there is also a kind of suppression of a larger realm - making her feel that she is a pawn in a chess game. How can she break the puzzle?

Narcissus is the chess player and she is the chess piece. This is the suppression of the great realm - it doesn't matter if you are a better chess piece than me, because we are not opponents on the same level at all!

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