Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 403: Absorb Buddha’s blood, catch the stars and the moon

After summoning the little turtle, Li Shou took out two props.

One is the Psychic Bead and the other is the Evil Blood Meridian.

These two items are props that Li Shou purchased recently after letting Vanilla pay attention to them.

During this period, Li Shou and Xiang Xiang ran through many places in the mushroom area. After all, they were now very fast and could cross the city in the mushroom area in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, Li Shou has a life span of 100,000 years, which is enough for him to buy anything.

When going to other places in Guyu Territory, one is to collect information, and the other is to buy things.

The function of this spiritual bead is to fuse human souls, but due to the existence of the twisting power in human souls, demons can only fuse with demons, and humans can only fuse with humans.

The soul of this six-eared macaque can only channel into the soul of the little turtle.

As for the Evil Blood Meridian, it is a prop that allows people to fuse their bloodlines.

There is a blood demon world that is most abundant in similar things. Li Shou bought the best quality Evil Blood Sutra because he wanted to integrate the blood of the current Buddha into his body.

Because he was worried about using it, before that, Li Shou also inquired about the consequences of integrating Buddha's blood into the body.

Although I didn’t find out the specific function of this thing, fortunately I know that as long as the items that appear as reward props have basically been cleaned by the power of rules, there is basically no worries - if there are cursed items, the reward props will explain of.

Otherwise the reward becomes a “stumbling block”.

The basic feedback rules break down.

At this time, Li Shou first unfolded the evil blood sutra, let the blood sutra float in the air, and then placed the Buddha's blood on top of the sutra.

When the blood beads were suspended on the scriptures, blood streaks appeared on the pages at the bottom of the scriptures and gradually contaminated the Buddha's blood. Every time the Buddha's blood was contaminated by the blood scriptures, a certain amount of blood spread out and floated to Li. On Shou's body.

Li Shou followed the method of using the Xie Blood Meridian and squeezed the seal with his hands to absorb the blood energy.

After the Buddha's blood entered his body, Li Shou felt the vast power condensed in his body, and a magnificent power that could control the now gradually rose.

Buddha is divided into three bodies, past, present and future.

Now the Buddha is in the middle because the power of the Buddha is the strongest now.

Only those who have mastered great power and have great perseverance and strength can grasp the present.

Otherwise, in the secular world, being swept away by the torrent, no matter how strong your mind is and your ambition is as high as the sky, you will only sink.

Now is the power, grasping the present is great power!

As Li Shou continued to absorb the Buddha's blood, waves of great power rose up in his body.

When a person has strength, he has ambition. At this moment, his blood is boiling and he just wants to reach the sky to reach for the stars and the moon!


After Li Shou absorbed the power of the Buddha's blood, he could no longer restrain the great power in his body and soared directly into the sky, flying beyond the sky.

All branches and leaves of the world are in the universe.

The world of Kyushu is just a small star.

With Li Shou's speed, he flew to the outer reaches of Kyushu in the blink of an eye and entered the universe.

He saw the moon of Kyushu and the star of Kyushu.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and the magic power in his palm, stimulated by the Buddha's blood, actually formed a giant golden hand in the air that looked like a substance. The giant hand grabbed the moon, held it in the palm, and rubbed it vigorously.

The planet was rubbed into powder like a mud ball.

Li Shou felt that it was not enough, so with his energy and blood steaming, he actually used escape skills to fly directly to the sun of Kyushu - the star. Against the high temperature of the star, he grabbed his golden palm towards the center of the Kyushu scorching sun .


The golden palm collided with the star, emitting a corona-like flaming wind.

Li Shou further refined the Buddha's blood under the extreme heat and gravity of the star. He didn't know how long it took before he finally subdued this great power.

After refining the Buddha's blood, Li Shou stood on the surface of the star and looked at his golden palm.

Just a drop of Buddha's blood gave me such great power. No wonder the stone monkey was sealed by the Tathagata. Now that the Buddha controls destiny with one palm, it will not be as simple as catching the stars and the moon. It will come to the branches and leaves. In this world, you can reach out and pick up the stars...

Li Shou was very satisfied after refining the Buddha's blood.

He had long envied Zhao Yinuo's power.

Although the power of this Buddha's blood is not a pure power, but a magnificent power to capture destiny, it has the same purpose. In any case, Li Shou's attack power and attack methods have been greatly improved.

After gradually calming down, Li Shou flew back to the world of Kyushu.

The distance from the stars in Kyushu to the world of Kyushu is about the same as the distance from the earth to the sun, more than 100 million kilometers. At Li Shou's current speed, even pure flight would only take a few days.

Moreover, he practiced the escape technique. The space in this world of branches and leaves is far less tough than the prehistoric world. Using the escape technique, he tore the space apart and Li Shou quickly returned to Kyushu.

However, the first time he hit the ground, it directly caused cracks in the earth, and the cracks spread for an unknown number of miles.

I just mastered the power of Modern Buddha. I can't control it a little. It will be fine after a while. Li Shou explained while looking at the cracks on the ground.

It's my turn, it's my turn!! As soon as Li Shou came, the little turtle rushed over and screamed Ouch.

let's start!

This time Narcissus is in charge. She has Taoist skills and is naturally more effective than Li Shou in helping Little Turtle fuse his soul.

Seeing that Li Shou was fine, she let the little turtle hold the spiritual bead, then used magic with one hand to capture the soul of the six-eared macaque, and used magic with the other hand to capture the soul of the little turtle, and let them gather in the air. together.

Originally, there was a turtle and a monkey, so their souls were naturally incompatible.

But the psychic bead in the little turtle's mouth emitted light at the right time, causing the six-eared macaque's soul to slowly melt.

The soul of the six-eared macaque has no idea what it has gone through. It has long become as stupid as a piece of wood. At this time, the fusion is not difficult at all. Under the irradiation of the psychic light, it slowly turns into something like marshmallow, and is gradually absorbed by the little one. The turtle's soul is absorbed.

After absorbing Liu Er's soul, the little turtle's soul has undergone some changes, becoming larger and more lively. The most important thing is that some things left in the soul have been absorbed by the little turtle.

After absorbing Liu Er's soul, he stayed in the air for fourteen days and returned to his body on the fifteenth day.

How is it? Everyone has been waiting for it for so many days, so naturally they asked immediately.

We have found a way forward! After the little turtle said these words, his head and limbs retracted into his body, and he enlightened himself in seclusion in place.

I haven't said a word yet, and I'm acting like a turtle. Vanilla smiled beside her and said, I should have known better that I wouldn't have made everyone wait for you.

Indeed. Although Li Shou is adapting to the new power these days, he continues to understand Stone Monkey's Unfair Warfare.

But time is indeed a bit wasted - because he is still not good enough now, and he is still in chaos when he realizes Unfair Warfare.

Go back first, just leave this guy here.

Yeah. Let's go.

While talking, the three of them returned to the main world, and they had just returned to the training camp. By coincidence, a woman in red just arrived.

When she came, she greeted Li Shou from a distance.

Li Shou knew this person because she was dressed the same as the last time he saw Li Shou - I guess this red dress is also a protective object such as a robe and props, and will not be changed easily.

Li Shou, long time no see. She flashed over in red clothes, said hello to Li Shou first, and then smiled at Narcissus, And the lovely Miss Narcissus.

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