Twenty days later.

Vanilla has signed terms with various countries.

As long as the super soldiers selected by various countries are qualified, they will be distributed various alien technology products and alien technology knowledge by Vanilla. These things will naturally upgrade the technology of certain industries and have huge benefits for finance and employment. .

For individuals, as long as they can be selected, the next life of the contestant's family will be rich, beautiful, and without worries about food and clothing.

Although even so, many people will not sign up due to the dangers of Space Marines.

But even if only one in 10 people in the world is interested in this, it is still a good idea for one in 100 million - after all, even the most popular sports cannot cover one tenth of the world's population.

Especially some poor continents, as well as continents with fierce competition, simply regard this super soldier screening as an opportunity to make a leap in life.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at the quality of this group of people.

At the Earth Assessment Point, most of the newly sent students are around eighteen years old and in their third year of high school. They are strong and quick in reaction, and are very proficient in the use of hot weapons and cold weapons. Before they came, these basic skills were Knowledge has been trained by various countries.

Especially physical fitness, which is terrifying visible to the naked eye.

In front of Li Shoudi Wang and others were hundreds of students doing pull-ups.

At this time, everyone had done at least a hundred, but there was still no intention of stopping.

In fact, there is a vanilla test, so new students don’t need to do this kind of original evaluation.

However, the members of the team strongly requested that this new project be added.

Because this is a traditional project for everyone in the team.

It's so fierce! King Urine shook his head and sighed as he looked at the playground in front of him.

I remember that many people in our class couldn't even do a standard pull-up. Jue Huang smiled.

Why are you laughing? I remember you didn't pull me up either.

I pulled a few.

Blow me!

How many people did Brother Li bring in back then?

More than 40, the one with the best results at that time, I remember it very clearly.

A group of people squatted in the corner of the Super Soldier School, like deserters during military training and not at all immortal.

Then everyone in this group of people is much better than Brother Li.

Indeed. Back then, Brother Li could train to that extent, but he only reached the average level of young athletes. But his foundation is definitely not as good as these people!

That's for sure! No matter how hard most people exercise, their running is far inferior to Bolt, and their physique is far inferior to O'Neal. This is all due to talent.

Now everyone is looking for ‘super soldiers’, and these new students are all one in a million.

The overall physical fitness is better than that of NBA-level athletes, and each one is as strong as a rugby player.

No matter how much he practiced at that time, Brother Li couldn't compare.

Besides, they are also older than Brother Li at that time...

In the midst of everyone's words, those people were still doing pull-ups non-stop - each one was like a bull.


The first batch of super soldier level students has been recruited.

Vanilla recruited 1,000 people in batches, and they were divided into 20 classes, with 50 people in each class.

And these 50 people are not randomly allocated.

Some people are naturally better at speed, some are stronger, some have super high bone density, are naturally more resistant to blows than ordinary people, and some have very good eyesight...

People of different talents are mixed together.

After enrolling, he began to undergo various rigorous trainings - especially team coordination training.

They were already physical examination elites among hundreds of millions of people, and they were trained and taught in various ways by the super intelligence Vanilla. After a while, these people really looked like super soldiers.

Even in terms of combat effectiveness, it is no less than some professional combat troops.

Then soon, Li Shou Fenggu sensed that the next batch of teleportation was about to begin again.

To be honest, I'm really looking forward to their performance!

On this day, many people from Li Shou's team came to watch the fun.

Sending this group of people over, they are not allowed to take off directly! They will directly crush the people who follow other rules and kill Fang Yi and Heiwu!

Then there must be a third game. Generally speaking, there will be no confrontation in the first game.

Furthermore, Fang Yi has a slave-dividing mechanism, so the top team will not be weak in the third game.

I feel that they are far not as strong as us. They have high teamwork and are all elite. Even if they are more strengthened, it will be useless. During the vanilla teaching, Narcissus' method has been integrated into it. I think there are support positions in the team. Yes. And the support is also very strong!”

There is even one person with good intelligence in each class! I see that when vanilla recruits people, they recruit a small group of people with particularly high IQs. As long as the intelligence is high enough, the recruitment conditions can be relaxed! There are wise people, there are assistants, and there are physical abilities!


Amid everyone's expectations, Li Shou took these first batch of students of the Super Soldier School back to the main world.

These people originally thought they were going directly to an alien planet, so naturally they were a little uncomfortable coming here.

But under everyone’s guidance, we quickly accepted the reality.

Boss, are we getting new students? On this day, Black Crow was training at the training center, and in the blink of an eye he saw a large number of new students entering.

He has completed his first mission.

There was a gap between the two tasks, and the time between his tasks was longer than that of Li Shou.

People after a mission are already familiar with the environment here, and vanilla management is more relaxed.

Yes, new student, what?

“Want to try them!”

Black Crow moved his arms, When I was using the expensive 'home time', I heard that Earth was recruiting super soldiers. But the time at home was too little, and I didn't go to see it. I just spent more time with my family. After a while, I really want to see their strength!

Hahaha... Li Shou smiled after hearing his words, The fighting spirit is very high, who will come!


A big black man walked out of the team behind Li Shou.

Although he is only eighteen, black people are relatively precocious, and they look like they are in their thirties with their beards.

The key is that this guy is over 2.1 meters tall and weighs about 300 kilograms. He is no weaker than O'Neal when he was young.

Even among the dozen or so super warriors, this person is considered the best. Standing there, he looks like a mountain.

But the black crow is not afraid of him either.

In the last mission, he received a radiation mutation enhancement reward in the radiation apocalypse world. At this time, he was no longer an ordinary person.

He stood provocatively in front of the big black man, Come on, don't say the seniors bully you. You come first!

On Earth, super soldiers from various countries have been entered into language programs by Vanilla. In the main world, there is no language barrier.

At this time, the big black man heard the provocative words and rushed directly to the black crow.

Although he is big, he is extremely fast and has a very flexible body. When he runs, he raises his hands to protect his chin and assumes a boxing posture.

As soon as he came to Black Crow, he punched him in the head.

Black Crow raised his hand to resist, but with just one punch, his arm went numb!

So hard? Black Crow's eyes widened after taking a punch. If he had taken this punch before entering the first mission, his forearm would have definitely been broken.

You must know that he is the best player in the entire Changxi High School, and he has always been very confident.

But when facing the world's top physical fitness, it is really like a child facing an adult, or an ordinary person facing the beast Tyson!

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