Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 385: Fraud, Harmony, and Becoming an Immortal

When the spiritual mind entered the second fraud rule, Li Shou was immersed in it. Over time, he felt like he couldn't distinguish between reality and fiction.

However, he still maintained a trace of clarity and finally withdrew from it.

‘What kind of strange rule is this? ’

Li Shou originally thought that the fraud rules were not such a high-end rule.

After all, the name Fraud itself is not very high-end.

Compared with rules such as Yin and Yang, Five Elements, Chaos, Heaven and Earth and Balance, the vocabulary of fraud sounds ordinary.

Li Shouben also thought that fraud was just a way to deceive people. At most, it was to deceive other rules to allow him to take advantage of loopholes.

But now it seems that this fraud rule actually seems to negate everything in the world.

All are fake.

So I can do whatever I want!

If what is false is true, then the only real thing in the world, the only true god - is the Rule of Fraud.

‘It’s very strange. Unfortunately, you can only choose one rule when you enter Taoism. ’

No one can enter two paths at once.

Even if he is as powerful as the monkey head, he can only enter the realm of balance in the end.

After all, the divine thoughts among the three corpse gods are one with heaven and earth. If they are separated, they will be directly destroyed by the way of heaven.

‘While the fraud rules sound interesting and ambitious. But after all, my previous style of doing things didn’t really fit in with fraud. It is probably extremely difficult to enter the Tao...'

The process and difficulty of entering the Tao are related to your past behavior.

Behavior is the Tao mind.

When Li Shou heard about Tao Xin before, he only understood what it was but didn't know why.

Now that I have read so many records of transcending tribulations, I also understand that the so-called Taoist heart refers to the direction of the heart and the behavioral style.

If Li Shou had previously enjoyed burning, killing, and looting as he pleased, it would be very difficult and dangerous to enter the path of balance. However, if he entered the path of chaos, it wouldn't be easy, but at least it would be much less difficult.

‘If I hadn’t done too much fraud, I would have really wanted to take a look at the fraud rules. Unfortunately, now I still have to choose the path of balance. ’

Li Shou had just made a decision in his heart and was about to enter Taoism, when suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

'Wait, the fraud rules say, there are no rules to follow!

Li Shou's soul looked at the thin line of the fraud rules and hesitated for a long time.

‘Although it can’t control other rules yet, it should be able to control its own rules.

Since I don’t have to comply, can I join both paths at the same time?

How to do?

Enter the balance rules first, and then enter the fraud rules after entering the Dao?

No, no, no, it is recorded in ancient books that after entering the Tao, the tribulation officially ends. ’

This time Li Shou hesitated longer.

He is very interested in the rules of fraud, not only because the rules of fraud are very grand, but also because the fraud crystal is the first real plug-in in his life. It has helped him many times and saved his life. He has always been very plug-in. Easy to use”.

He didn't want to give up this opportunity.

But I don’t want to take too many risks and let myself lose my soul.

‘Play it safe or take risks? ’

‘How should I choose? ’

At this moment, Li Shou's mind was filled with thoughts, from thinking about the possibilities of the future to recalling the past.

Starting from the first mission, he made many risky choices.

In the first game, after completing the mission, go to the outside of the city to fight with the army and collect more rewards;

The second scene was about going into danger alone for countless times, going to the evil place to find evil spirits and fight one on one men;

Although he didn't take the risk in the third game, the danger was still lingering around him. If it weren't for the things he accumulated in the first two games, he would have died in that world when he faced the vice president;

In the fourth game to dominate the world, if you don’t take risks for revenge, the later benefits won’t be that high…

‘Since I have become a time traveler and an adventurer, after all, I am still in a world of great conflict... What’s more, not only do I have the mission of the monkey head, but I also carry the hatred of Tathagata and Mr. Yi. ’

Without the pressure from these two aspects, Li Shou might not risk half of his soul being destroyed by entering two paths.

but now……

Li Shousi thought about it and decided to give it a try!

Since he made the decision, he did not hesitate. Li Shou separated a strand of his soul to come to the deception rule, and the main soul came to the thin line of the balance rule.

‘Let’s enter together! ’

After Li Shou silently counted one, two, three in his mind, two spiritual thoughts entered the thin line at the same time.

In the next second, Li Shou's spiritual thoughts boomed, and he was hit by the rules of heaven and earth like a small boat in the waves.

He felt like he was going through a movie. Countless pictures were stuffed into his soul in an instant. Li Shou almost lost himself in the first moment.

The impact of the information was too great, and Li Shou was down like vanilla for a while.

Fortunately, the Tribulation Elimination Pill came into play again at this time, and he had practiced Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue. The most important thing is that Li Shou's Taoist heart has never changed in his journey, and he has always treated everything in a fair way. Everything.

You will be rewarded for your efforts. Everything is a fair and reciprocal balanced transaction, and the balance of everything is always maintained.

This allows him to always keep his spiritual thoughts stable amidst the torrent of Tao.

After a while, his thoughts finally settled and his mind came together again.

After that, Li Shou drove a small boat with his spiritual thoughts and moved forward in the storm and ocean of Tao.

At first he could only control himself, but as time passed, he began to try to master the rules around him.

Create balance, and everything will move naturally; destroy the balance, and everything will gradually move towards destruction.

Li Shou tried to destroy the balance of a person's body in Tao, and that person quickly developed diseases and died...

He created a natural balance in a world and turned the collapsed nature into a thriving one...

He floated in this false universe again, allowing a planet that had escaped from its orbit to return to a place where it was attracted by the gravity of other planets, thus avoiding the destruction of this small galaxy...

'It turns out that if there is no balance, there will be chaos. Chaos and balance, it turns out, are twins. No wonder in the main world, mushrooms are called the rules of balance and chaos, and vines are called the rules of chaos and balance. The other rules are all separate...'

The long-standing question in Li Shou's mind was finally solved.

At this point, he has mastered some of the power of the rules of balance and officially entered the Tao.

After entering Taoism, Li Shou's spiritual mind can more clearly perceive the balance of all things, look at the world from the perspective of Taoism, and think about the original laws of the world.

After initially entering the Tao and mastering the power of the rules, Li Shou wanted to continue to comprehend the Tao Xing, but due to insufficient understanding, he was slowly squeezed out by the rules.

At the same time that he exited from the balance rules, Li Shou's soul sensed that a ray of his soul seemed to be combined with the deception rules, and that ray of soul also returned to his soul.

Li Shou tried to check the memory of the combination of spiritual thoughts and fraud rules, but he was a little confused and couldn't see clearly whether the process was true or false.

‘Forget it, I will study this in the future. After entering the Tao, I have to end the tribulation as soon as possible, otherwise I will get lost in the vortex of the rules of the heavens and the world. ’

After all, this place is a maze of rules, and Li Shou didn't dare to stay any longer. After the reverse movement technique sealed his spiritual thoughts, Li Shou's spiritual thoughts slowly escaped from the world of rules and returned to his body.

But maybe this time he was confused in the world of rules for too long, and the return of his soul was not smooth. His mind was still confused, and his body was generating repulsion.

Just when he couldn't combine with his body after trying several times, the Three Corpses Plant in the sky glowed.

The light shone on Li Shou's body, and the affinity of the Three Corpses slowly increased, allowing his body to accept his soul.

At this point, the tribulation is officially completed.

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