Li Shou and others were practicing that day, and suddenly there was an alarm from Vanilla.

There's an intruder coming, and a pretty powerful monster is coming straight at us.

It was a small robot that sent the alarm notification to Li Shou.

At the summit, everyone was notified.

I knew that Vanilla had surveillance cameras around Lihun Peak, so I quickly got up.

Since you already know our record in the secret realm and still dare to come, the people coming this time must be very strong. Everyone, copy the guy and bring the artifact!

After Li Shou got up, he first found the Pangu Ax, then asked other students to bring the Donghuang Bell and Qiankun Yiqi Mirror, and got up and flew outside the mountain gate.

He didn't want to fight relying on the mountain-protecting formation.

First, if the attacker's level is too high, it will be difficult for the formation to resist.

Second, they are afraid of hurting the spiritual veins of the mountain.

When Li Shou and others flew out, Yu Linzong and others on the mountainside also noticed.

Master, they left in a hurry, it looks like something happened! Lin Yudou approached Lin Shushu and whispered.

Looking at the way they went out, they must have been invaded. Let's go and take a look, but we have to hide in the formation to avoid being hurt. Lin Shushu pursed his lips, Just to see what the strength of this group of people is.

Although it is rumored that Li Shou and others are very powerful and have the strength to crush the demon king and all the major sects in Taiwu Kingdom.

But others may be able to believe it, but Lin Shushu and others still don't quite believe it.

After all, they had fought together with Li Shou and others.

Even if Li Shou and others did have the strength to fight across major realms more than ten years ago, and they are indeed making rapid progress now, in the end they are only in the stage of becoming gods.

Even if you can fight across realms, you can only fight in the combined stage. How can you crush all the monks in Taiwu Kingdom?

With doubts, Lin Shushu, Lin Yudou and a group of Yulin sects came to the mountainside and looked outside.

Narcissus's formation is very advanced. From the outside, it looks shrouded in mist, but from the inside, it's very clear.

As soon as Lin Yudou came to the edge of the cliff, he saw a huge monster flying from a distance.

One second he was still on the horizon, and the next second an escape technique was approaching.

It was a monster as huge as a whale. It was a hundred meters long. It was wearing a flower robe and let out a roar that reached the sky:

I am the Taoist Ancestor of the Endless East Sea Swallowing Heaven. I heard that you have obtained the secret treasure of the ancient world. I am here to ask for the treasure to help you overcome the tribulation.

The tribulation is about to be overcome! It's the Demon King of the Mahayana period!

Lin Yudou and others took a few steps back after hearing this.

It is difficult for these people to see the Void Refining Stage on weekdays, and the Mahayana Stage has never been heard of in the entire Tailing Mountains.

As for the Mahayana stage, monks at this level are already at the top of the entire earthly and immortal world.

In the Mahayana stage, watching Yuanying transform into gods is just like watching ordinary Yuanying transform into gods by practicing Qi and building foundations. In the normal stage of transforming into gods, when you see such a powerful person, you basically just bow your head and worship.

But at this moment, Lin Yudou saw Li Shou flying in front of the demon king, holding a big ax and shouting in a calm voice:

This prehistoric secret treasure was obtained by our sect through hard work. You want to ask for it in just a few words, which is not in line with the rules of the immortal world. If you want it, you can get some top-notch poison and ice skills in exchange for it.

The stage of transformation into a god? The Taoist Devouring Dao ancestor learned the realm of Li Shou with a sweep of his spiritual consciousness. He was also very surprised at the moment, I won't talk nonsense with you, and I will tell you to come out and speak!

That's me. Li Shou responded.

Nonsense! Before coming here, Taoist Devouring Heaven was still a little wary. After all, someone who can force the entire Taiwu Kingdom monks to spread the news must be very powerful.

but now……

Are you sure you are the one in charge?


You just talked about the rules of the world of immortality, but do you know that the biggest rule of the world of immortality is that the weak can eat the powerful secret treasure and get it!

You want to rob it?

Not bad! Tuntian didn't have any good intentions when he came.

If you want to rob me of the property that I have worked so hard for, it is fair and reasonable for me to kill you. I just need a person with high cultivation level to die here to scare Xiaoxiao, so hanging your head outside the mountain gate is just right. There will be no need for someone to come. Come and disturb our practice!

After saying this, Li Shou took action directly.

He swung Pangu's ax repeatedly, and golden light waves spread out in an instant, hitting the body of Taoist Devouring Heaven.

Originally, Tuntian didn't pay attention to this attack in the transformation stage, but the moment the golden light came to his body, he regretted it.

The destructive power of this golden light is so powerful that even if it is hit head-on, it will make your body turn upside down and burn to the core.

What a magic weapon!

After Tun Tian drank, he used magic to fight back.

It waved its pectoral fins and a rolling wave swept over it.

The spiritual power in the Mahayana stage is as majestic as the ocean. The spiritual power gathered in the sky is like the Milky Way descending, and the entire Lihun Peak thousand-mile boundary is enveloped by waves.

The next second, the Tianhe River poured in!

The impact of the hanging river in the sky is so strong that it can break even mountains.

People in it are like duckweed in the wind, and they can be smashed to pieces with just one pull.

But Li Shou bore the brunt of the collision with the Tianhe River. After a billion-ton impact, he was unscathed. Then he swung his ax and directly split the Tianhe River with golden light.

You actually resisted my spell? Tun Tian was shocked.

It was not only surprised that the opponent could resist its spell attack, but also that the aftermath of the spell did not destroy the Li Hun Peak magic circle.

Any spell in the Mahayana stage can turn Qianli into a desperate situation, but just now the golden light enveloped the mountain peak, blocking all spells.

But this also frightened Lin Shushu and others.

Fortunately, it was blocked, otherwise the aftermath of this fight would have destroyed us. We still underestimate the destructive power of the Mahayana period!

I wonder if Hall Master Li can block the attack from behind?

A group of people from the Yulin Sect looked up and looked outside, having put away their thoughts that had nothing to do with them.

Outside the mountain gate, Li Shou also began to fight back.

It's rude to come and not reciprocate!

Li Shou opened his mouth wide and spit out Cicada Wind and Ice Breath Technique.

He didn't dare to overestimate his opponent's strength. This time he not only used the immortal method Soul-Condensing Ice but also Sunflower Water Yinfeng.

As the storm swept away, Li Shou waved his battle ax repeatedly to block Tuntian's evasive path.

Compared with the golden ripples swallowing the sky, I would definitely choose to resist the spell attacks of this small god-transformation stage.

Rely on the magic weapon to show off your evil deeds!

Tuntian said he didn't care, but he still used his magic weapon to resist.

It was a huge pearl, and it was sparkling when it came out. It was of extraordinary quality.

But as soon as he came into contact with the cold wind, he was polluted by the cold wind of sunflower water.

Kuishui Yinfeng is an immortal technique that can break the indestructible body of Vajra. Even though Li Shou has just started, it is definitely not something that mortals in the lower world can resist.

The pearl magic weapon fell to the ground after being defiled, and then the cold wind swept directly over Tuntian's body.

The dark wind and the condensed soul instantly corroded its body and stagnated its soul.

But it is a Mahayana monk after all, and it is still able to move after being hit by a move.

But Li Shou didn't want to give it a chance to react.

If he wanted to run in the Mahayana stage, his flying speed would not be something Li Shou could catch up with.

Thinking of this, Li Shou broke open the space and used the void escape technique to quickly approach the opponent's body.

Taking advantage of the opponent's stagnant soul and slow thinking, he struck the opponent's head with an axe.

Pangu's ax is an artifact that can even damage the indestructible body of Vajra. At this time, cutting down the demon king of the lower realm is like cutting butter with a hot knife, without any hindrance.

Li Shou flew around and pulled in a circle while charging, and the huge head of Tiantian was cut off directly, and fell to the ground with a pop.

I told you, I'm going to use your head to scare Xiaoxiao!

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