Before Juehuang finished speaking, a spell was fired over.

This spell is very powerful, but it is easily blocked by the little turtle's shell - the team's city defense battle has been going on for so long, and the little turtle who just went to the crack to support the demon clan has long since returned.

After all, home is more important than disrupting the situation, and the little turtle was raised by Vanilla, and has a good relationship with Vanilla, so it is impossible to just sit idly by.

The return of the little turtle is also the reason why the senior team is forced to fight in close quarters.

Li Shou's team was blocked by this shield in front, and backed by a huge mountain in the back.

These lower realm monks cannot penetrate the mountains of the prehistoric world, nor can they penetrate the indestructible turtles. If they want to cause substantial damage, they can only avoid the turtles and fight hand to hand in the formation.

Is it almost done? Wang Zheng clenched his fists as he watched everyone fly closer.

Wait a minute, hurry up! Liu Teng squinted his eyes beside him, When we get within three kilometers, who will it be? Guo Pengfei!

here I am!

You first connect the dynamic vision to Zhang Qiangbo or Wang Zheng and other poison spells to ensure the hit rate of their spells, and then when you are one kilometer away, switch the connection to Zhao Yinuo, okay?

OK! Guo Pengfei responded hiding behind. He was in a safer area just to protect himself for a while and provide his teammates with a view.

Under Liu Teng's command, Guo Pengfei first shared his vision with Wang Zheng.

Wang Zheng, who was originally anxious, suddenly slowed down.

At first he was anxious because he was not sure, but now he is not anxious because he thinks he will hit the target this time.

Attention of the Poison Department, come with me!

At the moment when the opponent slowly flew to the optimal distance and the most people entered his range, Wang Zheng suddenly cast a spell.

He pressed the Seal Jue with his hand and pushed it forward, and countless green and resentful souls flew out from his body.

This is a spell he practiced more than ten years ago.

After all, Li Shou is not the only one who can find his own path. Everyone in the team is not a freeloader.

For example, people who are good at poison magic used to use the rotten godhead. Since entering the world of immortality, they have practiced techniques and spells related to poison magic.

When the Lihun Sect was selecting techniques, the Poison Department chose techniques such as the Rotting Resentful Soul. At this time, it was also the stage of transformation into gods and was released together with the Spirit of Resentment spell. Zhou Tian was full of green The green poisonous soul, several people attacked together, and the momentum was also very huge.

It's so powerful, this spell is at least the divine stage!

Facing the souls that filled the sky with the aura of green smoke, the attackers, whether they were small teams or indigenous experts, used magic weapons to resist, dodge, or used their own protective spells to resist.

But the next second, most people regretted it.

This is not an ordinary god transformation spell, but a spell with the meaning of immortality.

On that day, the Poison Pill was assigned to the Poison Technique Team for practicing Poison Technique. They absorbed part of the power of the genuine elixir and practiced the related secret techniques in conjunction with the immortal cultivation methods left in the Immortal Mansion.

At this time, the level of this poison is almost the same as that of Immortal Sky Fire.

Although poison does not have a large coverage area or strong destructive power as fire, it is even more harmful to the human body.

As soon as the poisonous soul passed away, those magic weapons of the immortal level were instantly contaminated and lost their spiritual energy. Those who used magic to protect their bodies were even worse, and were now contaminated by poisonous magic, and their bodies were infected by the green soul...

Epic-level enhanced poisons, epic-level enhanced bacteria, combined with the magic bonus, which one, whether it is the senior team or the indigenous monks, can withstand it?

There were screams in the sky, and many people's bodies and their Nascent Souls turned into pus and blood.

The scene was more tragic than the main battlefield.

Go ahead, it's so awesome! Zhang Qiangbo clenched his fists when he saw the masterpieces of himself and others in the sky, Even the gods can't stand this mouthful of thick phlegm!

Before Zhang Qiangbo could finish his words, a sword light suddenly flashed in his ear.

Although the high-level team and high-level monks cannot resist the poisonous spells, the poisonous spells are lethal enough, but the casters are not high enough, so it is not impossible to avoid them with high-level escape skills.

But the person who turned into a stream of light and entered the formation was stopped by Caiyi as soon as he launched a sneak attack.

It has the highest cultivation level present, and may even be the highest cultivation level in the entire secret realm. It is also good at speed, so how can it succeed in a sneak attack in close combat.

As soon as this man was blocked, a faster figure on the other side picked up a machete and flew towards him.

Just one knife.

The monk who had cultivated in the Void Refining Stage even had his Nascent Soul and his Dharma body cut off in two, and died completely before he could even detonate his Nascent Soul.

Good knife!

The one who drew the sword was naturally Zhao Yinuo.

He was now wearing a Taoist robe from the Immortal Mansion, holding an immortal sword and connected to the super dynamic vision. After killing the attackers one by one, he turned around and chopped several people into the formation in a short period of time - no one could hold him back. One knife.

The Immortal Weapon Broadsword is one of several Immortal Weapons in the Immortal Mansion. Although it cannot be driven by spiritual power, even if it is used as scrap metal, it is a hundred times harder and sharper than the magic weapon in the lower world.

Coupled with Zhao Yinuo's invincible strength and his newly cultivated body, he is simply invincible.

He killed half, and the others cooperated with Caiyi to kill the other half who entered the formation. Soon, the first wave of offensive was completely contained.

Whether they were indigenous monks or senior team members, the first wave of people who tried to attack the mountain were all dead.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, let me just say that I was almost equipped or something. I have been frustrated for so many years, for so long, and today I finally feel relieved. Do you understand? After Zhao Yinuo finished killing the person, he grabbed the connections next to him. The best Guo Pengfei shook his shoulders vigorously.

Take it easy, don't you know it hurts? Guo Pengfei pushed Zhao Yinuo irritably, but did not push him away.

It's a pity that the defense is still poor. I should wear the Taoist robe of Master Xianfu, not Daotong's Taoist robe. Zhao Yinuo lowered his voice and looked at Caiyi.

That day, the Immortal Mansion received a total of three Taoist robes. The one with the best texture and the strongest defense was taken away by Caiyi.

The remaining two pieces are one for him, the main melee player, and one for Narcissus, the main long-range player.

Be content. You have received enough. I have given you a genuine elixir. There are so many of us. You divide it between two...

That's right. Zhao Yinuo let go and looked into the distance, Liu Teng, what's going on over there? Why hasn't the second wave of attacks come yet?

Looking at the mouth shape, it seems like they are discussing...

The team's first defensive counterattack was shocking.

The team and the natives in the distance were immediately frightened and were at a loss.

After all, everyone cherishes their lives, and no one wants to be cannon fodder.

The destructive power of everyone in the Gang team is obvious to all, and now everyone understands that whoever gets involved will die.

How can there be such a strong team?

Why don't you withdraw?

If they withdraw and still use long-range bombing, we will lose sooner or later. Now if we go up and fight for our lives, there is still a glimmer of hope.

Then you go.

Why don't you go?

There was a quarrel between different teams, and suddenly a golden light flashed in the distance, and another team rushed over.

When no one could see who it was, Liu Teng had already seen the person coming.

No, it's Fang Yi's team! Vanilla, are you ready? Tell Brother Li to come back!

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