Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 360 Little Turtle’s Scream, Goodbye Captain Fang Ant’s Team

Lao Niu is dead. Cai Yi looked a little moved at this scene.

Even if the relationship between demon kings is average, as long as they are demon kings, they are old guys who have lived for thousands of years.

Even if he often fights with the monks of Taiwu Kingdom on weekdays, only one of them will die every many years.

Nowadays, a demon king dies as soon as they meet each other, and before Cai Yi has finished speaking, another demon king dies, which cannot help but cause ripples in his heart.

Not far away, Narcissus saw Caiyi's condition and flew over and said, Are we ready to take action?

Now? Caiyi didn't answer, and it was Wang Yanna who hurriedly took over. This war is still in the early and middle stages. There is no benefit in entering so early, right? Besides, besides our team, there should be people hiding around. There are also quite a few squads.

If there are still 500 surviving teams, then at least 300 or 400 are nearby.

Or watch from further away.

Is it really okay for us to be exposed so early?

The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. When Narcissus spoke, he used the method of transmitting sound into the secret to gather everyone together.

Brother Li, if you were asked to kill other teams by yourself, would you be confident?

No problem, even if you can't beat me, you won't die. Li Shou nodded.

Okay, here's my plan. At this stage of the battle between the Tianmeng and the demon clan, even the team that doesn't know that the shaking of the world means that the secret realm is about to float away, and even the team that doesn't know where the exit is, may be caught at this time. Attracted.

After all, the super team battle with more than a hundred actual combatants in the late stage of Void Refining has been going on for so long. The aftermath of the battle has spread for thousands of kilometers, and the sound and air currents have fluctuated even further.

Any team with certain perception skills will know that something big is going on here.

At this time, many teams have gathered within a radius of thousands of miles, but the weak teams are definitely ready to steal the chicken.

They will not show up or participate in any major battles.

The way for a weak team to survive is to find opportunities to leave the secret realm, then hunt down weaker teams, and complete the game with mixed scores.

Yes, a team with a small number of people does not need high points. Li Shou nodded.

Then please ask Brother Li to take Ye Muli to clean up some of them.


Then Brother Li left the little turtle behind to destroy the formation. It has extremely strong defense and is not life-threatening even in a chaotic battle. It should appear as a spoiler at this time.

Li Shuixian is making every point layout like a move in Go.

Okay. If there was anything on the scene that could compare with Li Shou's defense, it was the little turtle.

It has taken so many miraculous medicines, and has an indestructible body. It has also opened up its spiritual intelligence, and its strength is no longer weak.

Summon the little turtle to help the demon clan?

Yes, the balance of victory should not tilt so quickly. If the demon clan is dead, we will not be able to fight against the Tianmeng and so many teams independently. As a demon clan, it is easier for Little Turtle to integrate into them...

But it's still not enough. Li Shou shook his head, A little turtle can only mess up the situation.

The killer move is between Vanilla and me. Her long-range destructive power is extremely strong. I will also host the formation and cooperate with all teammates to assist the demon clan remotely!


Li Shou saw that Narcissus had made arrangements, so he asked Vanilla to take out the demon control bag and summon the little turtle.

Little Turtle, go and kill everyone on the other side in a moment. Anyone who is human is an enemy!

Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck you!

The little turtle raised its head and let out human words and roars.

Yes, after the little turtle opens his spiritual wisdom, he can learn to speak just like the demons at the Nascent Soul stage and above.

But who taught it this word?

I only opened its spiritual intelligence and did not teach it this. Caiyi first clarified the relationship.

Do you listen to what I say? King Urine frowned, He learns very quickly, doesn't he have a hard time with his brain?


Before King Urine finished speaking, the little turtle howled all the way out of the formation and then rolled down the hillside towards the main battlefield.

Without the cover of the dumpling technique, demons and humans soon noticed this.


Sooner or later, even if the little turtle doesn't rush out, as long as Vanilla starts shooting, it will definitely be exposed.

Well, then be careful, Lao Ye.


Go and collect points!


As Li Shou spoke, he and Ye Muli flew into the air and began an efficient hunting trip.

On weekdays, they may not be able to find a team even after flying thousands of kilometers.

But this time, before flying three hundred kilometers, they encountered and killed three teams one after another.

As expected, everyone gathered here.

There's more below!

Under Ye Muli's guidance, Li Shou saw a small sect lurking over and the time traveler hidden in the team.

But without the concealment bonus of Dumpling, the opponent discovered Li Shou on the ground first.

Several time-travelers didn't even think about fighting, and directly used escape methods to get into the ground and disappear on the spot.

Weak teams also have ways to save their lives.

The weak team that has survived until now may not be strong enough, but its survival methods are strong, and its character is very thief-like. There is no hesitation in selling native teammates.

I don't have many ways to break mountains and crack the earth. Next one.

In order not to waste time, Li Shou and Ye Muli went directly to the next area.

This time Li Shouxue was smart. When he was just approaching the area and couldn't see his opponent at all, he directly opened his mouth and aimed at the area to cast the Immortal Level Zen Wind Ice Breath Technique.

In one breath, a storm swept across a hundred miles, freezing everything.

When Li Shou came off the field to check, he found that two nearby teams had been frozen by the Soul-Condensing Ice.

He then took away the loot and smashed the opponent's body before coming to the next stop...

While Li Shou was harvesting points, on the other side, the team also joined the main battlefield group.

The first one to attack was the photon turret arranged by Vanilla. Vanilla was always learning and growing. At this time, the photon cannons were fired in a row, and their power was like several masters in the integration stage casting spells continuously.

Moreover, it is more accurate than the techniques of masters in the integration stage. If you target someone, you will definitely not hit other places.

Then there is Narcissus. She and her teammates work together to release the power of the formation. At first, the destructive power is not as good as Vanilla, but as the terminal fragments and Immortal Sky Fire are integrated into the formation.

A large number of huge fireballs with destructive intent were sprayed out, immediately igniting the battlefield.

The most powerful thing about the immortal fire is that it is difficult to extinguish.

That day, masters like King Hua Peng were burned to death even if they were contaminated at all.

At this time, the Zhongtian Alliance and the time traveler team suffered even more.

They didn't pay much attention to the fire at first, thinking it was an ordinary spell, but when the flames touched their bodies like tarsal maggots, all they could do was scream and wail.

No matter how powerful your spells are, no matter how powerful your cultivation is, if the flames are burning on your body and will not go out, not only will your physical body be unable to bear it, but even if you use your spiritual power to hold it, it will be a huge loss.

The demon tribe has helpers. Kill those who help first. Their spells are too powerful. I have never seen such spells. The Tianmeng couldn't bear it and immediately sent out masters to kill the team.

Many senior teams who were mixed with the Tianmeng also rushed over at this time.

They could tell from the photon cannon just now that the ambush must be the time traveler team.

Let these people fight the monsters and they will only use five points of their strength, but if they kill the time travelers, each of them can use twelve points of their energy.

While the team was in crisis, Li Shou also discovered an acquaintance after killing many teams.

If you walk too much at night, you're bound to encounter dirty things. As expected, the Fang Ant Team, all captains, are also nearby!

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