Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 358 The Ancient Dome, the battle for the gate

Oh... Before Li Shou could marvel, the students behind him made a sound first.

Is the immortal magic so powerful? The first one to speak out and the most excited one was Wang Zheng, because he also had half-finished poison magic and immortal magic.

Then the second one is Zhang Qiangbo.

Comparing this pair of immortal spells with ordinary spells, it feels a bit like comparing the magic of cultivating immortals with the inner strength of martial arts.

Daizhao, this is Daicha! No matter how good you are at shooting with a bow and arrow, you still have to sit down when you encounter my Maxim machine gun.

Let's see what good stuff they picked up!

After everyone sighed at the power of the immortal magic, they flew below.

Everyone first stripped off all the props that could be removed from the Death Rules team, and then gathered the storage rings one by one.

There's nothing particularly good in the ring I found, just some ordinary prehistoric specialties.

I have an egg here! King Urine took out a big egg from a ring, It looks like a prehistoric species. I don't know where this team got it from. Why don't we raise it? I think Brother Li It’s fun to raise pets. After I go back, I’ll learn how to control beasts and raise the giant beasts from the wild!”

Is there so much food for it to eat? The giant beasts of the ancient times often grow to several thousand meters high and are as big as a mountain. What should they feed? Also, if it doesn't eat things from the ancient times, will it be malnourished?

Just give it a try, who cares!

Everyone gathered the loot while chatting, and then Manan killed all the frozen people.

With the death of the Death Rule team, Li Shou's team gained a new 40,000 points.

Looking at the credit amount, the team they killed was not weak at all.

Got this squad done.

In the following period, the team returned to their true nature as predators, transforming into super predators just like they had in Taolai Mountain.

Kill a team when you see one.

Because of the crushing strength and Ye Muli's precise positioning.

All nearby teams that had sneaked into the secret realm suffered, and each of them was turned into the team's score.

Li Shou and others not only harvested points, but also harvested many storage rings, props, and specialties from ancient times.

But on the ninth day of the hunt, the world in the secret realm suddenly shook.

This is a sign that the secret realm is loose. The secret realm is going to float back to the heavens... Caiyi stopped and looked at the shaking ground.

Find the exit, it's time for large-scale harvesting. Vanilla's lovely voice said cold words, Block the door so that none of them can escape, hehe!

Yes, someone must have found a lot of good things during this period, especially those from the Tianmeng. Not only are they more powerful, they are also the most powerful. Ma Nanzheng also showed his greedy nature.

But we still have to be careful. If we can find the fairy treasure, others may also be able to find it. Juehuang was a little worried.

It's okay, they can't enter the Immortal Mansion if its level is too high. Li Shou was still a little confident about this.

In the past few days, he had used Sunflower Water Yinfeng to attack his indestructible Vajra body.

Using his immortal method to hit his body is like hitting iron with cotton - it has no effect, and the difference is even beyond calculation.

This also made Li Shou fully understand how high the level of the formation that could break through his defense was.

It may even be equivalent to the attack power of a true immortal.

Therefore, it is impossible for people from the lower realms of ordinary immortal mansions to enter. At most, they can get some ordinary things on the periphery. True magic weapons will not be available - even if they are, they may not be able to use them. The immortal weapons they obtained can only be used by the alchemy furnace, and other The spiritual power of attack-type magical weapons cannot be controlled, nor can they exert their power.

This is like the kinetic energy brought by firewood, which is difficult to drive a 10,000-ton giant wheel.

The main thing is to be careful of the Fang Ant Team. Their three weapons are props. They are not only usable but also powerful!

Lao Ye, how are you?

The direction has been determined. While everyone was still chatting, Ye Muli had already started to do divination. At this time, he threw away his hair and pointed out a direction.


The large team rode away on the wind, faster than all the fighter planes on earth.

With the help of Caiyi, everyone's speed surged. Caiyi's speed was not slow at first, but now in the late stage of integration, the speed can even approach Mach 10.

It only takes an hour to escape 10,000 kilometers. After flying for more than an hour, we saw a crack at the bottom of a towering mountain.

That crack is the intersection of the two terms.

But at this time, it turned out that it had already been occupied by others, and the pass area was quickly reached by others.

Ouch, someone wants to go with us.

There are quite a lot of people!

Everyone was hidden in the dumpling technique and looked down.

Below are many people from the Tianmeng. Apart from the people from the Tianmeng, many small teams are also among them.

Obviously, many high-level teams are not fools. They have already joined large masters with their top qualifications and found backers like Li Shou and others.

It's a bit difficult. Liu Teng had the best eyesight and saw more things than others.

There are not only many high-level indigenous monks and various teams from the Tianmen League below.

There are also formations arranged in the dark.

There are even many things unique to the team - such as the giant black and red door of the Samsara Path, and some vines with rules of life.

In short, not only are there a large number of people here, but the level is also high, and they have also been prepared in advance.

We stayed in seclusion for a month or two, allowing them to get in first. Ma Nanzheng looked at Li Shuixian while speaking, Are we just reaping the benefits?

Yes, the loss is too much to break through now. We are not the only ones who want to pass through this door. Let's go down and find a nearby place first.

do what?

We also set up formations. They set up formations at the door, and we set up formations not far away. The Fang Ant team has not come yet, and the demon kings have not come yet. The war will happen sooner or later! Our advantage lies in that, in the eyes of the natives, We are not a big force, so we won’t deliberately take too many precautions. The demon kings are their first enemies, and the demon kings are upright and won’t make so many twists and turns, so they are likely to force their way into the formation.”

Under the leadership of Narcissus, the team secretly descended to the mountainside near the giant mountain.

Narcissus led the members of their team to set up a formation, and Vanilla set up a turret next to it.

When they start fighting, I will fire off the cannon from a distance, hahaha, completely muddy the waters!

Amid Vanilla's excited layout, time quickly came to half a day later.

At this time, there were gusts of demon wind in the sky, and some demon kings seemed to have known that the door was being guarded for a long time, and they came in groups.

There are a total of 28 demon kings here. Standing in the dumpling technique, Liu Teng looked at the sky and reported the situation to everyone, I don't know if the others died in the secret realm or were injured. Thirty-six cave demon kings There should be thirty-five besides Caiyi, but only 28 came.

Is King Hua Peng here?

No, were you burned to death?

It shouldn't be. Ye Muli retorted first, If there is another person from the future, it should follow the advice to seek good luck and avoid disaster. That day, I wondered why it would rush into the Immortal Mansion Array so recklessly.

Now that I think about it, it might have been intentional.

As the leader of the Demon King, it is impossible for him not to lead a team and confront the Tianmeng head-on.

But the blessings and disasters of head-to-head confrontation are unknown. Even because most of the descending team are human race, so many join the sect and few cooperate with the demon king.

Coupled with the uncertain factors of each team, the head-to-head confrontation between the Monster Clan and the Tianmeng would be a disaster.

If it retreats directly, it will be hostile to both the demon race and the human race, and the situation will be like ours now.

But if you are burned by sky fire, everything will be a matter of course.

King Hua Peng must be hiding in the dark!

While Ye Muli was analyzing, the demon kings in the sky were already preparing to take action against the Tianmeng.

The two sides have been enemies for generations. When they met, they were not even in the mood for pleasantries and negotiations, and they were about to go to war.

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