Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 355: Dividing the spoils and refining elixirs

Although it sounds weird, what you said makes sense. Li Shou didn't ask too much after hearing this, and collected all the medicinal materials he could collect.

Before the danger came, he led the team and left together.

This time everyone flew thousands of miles and came to an uninhabited land.

Everyone hid under the blades of grass and stones like ants, placing countless trophies before their eyes.

At this time, everyone's storage rings were full, and the medicinal materials taken using magic were piled up like a hill.

What to do? Continue to grab things, grab the storage ring, or digest it?

Let's digest it. We've made so much. Even more storage rings won't be able to fit in it. Besides, now that the human natives have come in, we've also offended the demon natives. Now we're not trying to please both ends. We'll easily be attacked by them when we go out. Fuck him to death. King Urine said.

Besides, I'm tired of grabbing so much. At least I've digested the immortal's equipment and elixirs, and I guess I'll be completely reborn after they're released.

Yeah, at least you can't be surrounded to death.

Then since everyone wants to digest it for a while, let's camp here for a while, right?

Okay. Narcissus nodded, and he and Dumpling resolutely began to arrange the formation to hide the body shape and aura.

Dumplings are the best at concealing body shape.

Narcissus' formation can amplify her abilities.

In addition, everything in this ancient secret realm is big, so it is not difficult for everyone to hide their whereabouts.

While Narcissus was setting up the formation, Li Shou and Cai Yi teamed up to bring over the uneaten spiritual fruits and snake gallbladder that had been hidden elsewhere.

When they came back, Vanilla had already begun to build various machines to try to separate the ingredients in the elixir.

Everyone set up camp quickly.

I don't know when the secret realm will be closed.

not sure.

If the secret realm breaks away from the Earthly Immortal Realm and floats to other places, then we will be sealed here together.

After setting up camp, everyone took out the goodies and sorted them while chatting.

Don't worry too much, the world won't move so fast. In terms of being well-informed, Caiyi has always maintained its human form since it put on the Taoist robe.

However, the living habits of thousands of years have not changed. Even in human form, it likes to lie on the ground in weird postures. This posture cannot cover the body with its robes and looks unsightly.

But no one reminded it that it was not a human being, and beauty was a subjective view of human beings. Previously, when people did not have robes, it had never worn anything.

And when the world moves, the two worlds will rub against each other and the ground will shake. There is a warning. But before that, it's best to find the location of the exit.

We have Ye Muli, so we are not in a hurry. Wang Yifei said.

Yes, improving your strength is the most important thing now.

Yes. Li Shou nodded, Now there are all enemies outside, the demon race, human race and other teams, we have all been offended.

In the next few days, Li Shou and others did not leave the new camp.

The first batch of elixir identification and the first batch of elixir identification of vanilla were carried out at the same time.

After its machine configuration was completed, it first extracted a part of the alchemy energy, and then let Li Shou absorb the alchemy energy one by one.

Hmm... After this ray of elixir enters the body, the level of the legal body deepens. It should be a pill that promotes the shaping of the legal body.


After this enters the body, the body feels nothing at first and has no reaction. But if you feel it carefully, you can feel a little bit of demonic energy growing in the body. It should be a pill for the guardian spirit beast. This is suitable for Caiyi.


In this way, Li Shou relied on his good health and continued to test the medicine with vanilla, and soon tested the effects of all 19 elixirs.

“The potency of the remaining medicine has obviously decreased, and it is not as powerful as the complete pill.

The feeling of the complete 12 elixirs after entering the body is obviously several times more domineering than the residual elixirs.

However, regardless of whether it is complete or not, the effect of a ray of elixir is much better than that of the Elixir.

Let me categorize them...

Li Shou took the elixir bottles over and said one by one: These are for increasing cultivation, but they cannot be eaten directly, otherwise they will explode and die.

These two increase the demonic power.

This one is a poison pill, which should be practiced in conjunction with the poison technique.

Then this one is used to shape the legal body.

That's it in the end. After eating these, I feel very similar to when I entered the Immortal Mansion Array. These pills are used in conjunction with the Three Techniques of Alchemy: The Three Techniques of Wind, Ice and Fire.

Some practice immortal fire from heaven.

Some practice Kui Shui Yin Feng.

The immortal fire seems to be quite powerful. King Hua Peng was almost burned to death if he got even a little bit of it.

You can try practicing...

How to separate things? Everyone asked in a hurry after hearing the classification of elixirs.

I want the two ones that increase the demonic power. Caiyi spoke first, Although I still want the poison pill, I can't be too greedy. The ones that increase the demonic power are of little use to you.

Okay. No one had any objections. How should we divide it?

Give some poison pills to our brother... The ones who wanted the poison pills were Wang Zheng, Zhang Qiangbo and a few others.

They are either epic-level enhancement of toxins or epic-level enhancement of bacteria. The later godhood and the skills that came here also chose the matching poison skills, so there is naturally a strong demand for this.

I want the one that shapes the legal body...but I feel like I can't digest it all. The next person to speak was Zhao Yinuo. As a strength warrior, he has always been too fragile and naturally has a great desire for the legal body.

For the remaining ones that increase cultivation, everyone can absorb them according to their absorption points. If the specifications are too high and cannot be absorbed, we can't let Brother Li eat them. Someone from Li Shou's team suggested.

Give it to him again? Someone from Narcissus Team objected.

It's about maximizing efficiency. Others can't eat it! At worst, we can just make up for it afterwards.

There's no need to argue. For the time being, even if I can eat, I won't have any further skills to practice...

Li Shou briefly studied the three immortal techniques. The records in them are very complicated as in the Nine Yin Manual, and some of the techniques are recorded.

But there is only the realm of immortals, and there is no part between the transformation stage and the Mahayana stage.

In other words, he can't improve his realm now.

After some final discussion, Li Shou decided to practice magic first and asked for a pill to assist in the practice of Sunflower Water Yinfeng and Soul-Condensing Ice.

As a fire attribute, he has no spiritual roots and is not easy to cultivate.

He has a foundation in wind and ice, and now that his body is strong enough, improving his skills is the key.

After Li Shou made his selection, everyone else had almost done the same.

In the next period of time, everyone began to retreat temporarily.

On weekdays, everyone eats spiritual fruits to supplement nutrition and increase spiritual root qualifications, or eat medicinal materials to increase Qi, blood, and bones.

Then learn the spells in the fairy book.

After a period of time, Vanilla studied and understood how to use the alchemy furnace, and also understood some alchemy techniques in the fairy book.

Then it used readily available medicinal materials of lower age to refine a super inferior version of the elixir.

Speaking of the super inferior version, firstly, the elixir does not use the immortal ritual refining stove, nor the immortal fire fan, nor the Sunflower Water Yinfeng, and the medicinal materials used are all low-end varieties.

After this furnace of elixir was made and thrown on the ground in the ancient world, no one wanted it, but it was just right for everyone in the team to eat.

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