The scene where heaven and earth meet is so magnificent.

People, demons, and beasts in the entire Tailing Mountains all saw another heaven and earth coming in the sky on this day, and then merged with the Tailing Mountains, like a mirage overlapping into the real world. Already in it.

It's so big! This scene is really like two stars colliding. Chen Zihan lamented the intersection of heaven and earth.

But more students were asking about other things.

Who remembers the entrance to the secret passage I mentioned last time? I forgot to ask.

Even Leishan Motunling is not the key. The key now is, should we go back?

When the second classmate asked a question, the mushroom's voice also sounded in everyone's minds.

【Congratulations. The fifth mission is completed. After this mission, you will become part of the balance rules. This time, including all future gains from your personal implementation of the balance method, will be fully distributed to you in the form of rewards.

The power of the rules of balance comes from the continuation of the balance of the heavens and the world.

Please ask if you choose to return.

If you do not choose to return, you will advance the accumulation of rewards for the Way of Balance.

Due to other rules, the return channel cannot be opened again until 2,000,000 balance factors are collected. 】

This time the mushrooms are more polite. King Urine laughed and said, I've never heard this guy be polite before! What do you mean? Does it mean that by the time we reach the fifth game, he will be one of our own?

Shall we continue? Juehuang asked.

Continue, why not continue? The first person to answer was Zhao Yinuo, who was always full of fighting spirit. Wouldn't it be a pity to lose such a huge advantage?

I also agree to stay. The second person who directly expressed his intention to stay was Ma Nanzheng, It is really a shame to leave. We don't understand the world after the adventurers, but since we survive as part of the rules, in In the main world, we will face adventurers in the future.

I have finally seen through it. This world does not care about the past, present or future, nor does it care about technology, immortality, or martial arts. Wherever there are people, it is the law of the jungle and the strong.

And never think about it once and for all.

At the end of the third game, only half of those students who did not dare to take risks were still alive.

Even for the remaining half, if they have reached the end of their life span of two or three hundred years, they will always encounter danger.

Now that we have such a good configuration, there is no need to go back.

Yes, good configuration is the key. Narcissus spoke, and she strongly agreed with Ma Nanzheng's last sentence, Now our team's configuration and comprehensive ability may be the best in a thousand teams. We don't need to retreat...

I don't want to retreat either. Li Shou also expressed his opinion. He analyzed it from a safety perspective, We have Ye Muli and Wang Yifei, and we can avoid most dangers in the secret realm. In addition, we have Liu Teng and As an example to them, we will always have the upper hand against other teams... Moreover, the fair deal promised to Caiyi and Lao Ye has not been completed yet, so I don’t want to leave.”

Old Li is authentic! When Ye Muli heard this, he gave Li Shou a thumbs up.

His points aren't done yet.

Also unfinished is the lucky trio.

Caiyi has yet to get the benefits from the secret exploration that he wants - but it doesn't understand when everyone is discussing the mission.

Let's go. We don't understand the world of adventurers yet, but the rewards here are so rich. It's right to accumulate more to make yourself stronger! If you are not strong, you may be beaten to death by the enemies here when you go back.


Let's go, let's go! Stop talking nonsense and let's go!

With everyone's unanimous consent, the team decided where to go. After choosing to stay, they took people directly to Lianlei Mountain.

Traveling tens of thousands of kilometers is no longer a difficult task for the current team.

Wrapped in the colorful clothes and the demonic wind, everyone traveled 30,000 kilometers in a few hours and arrived at Lianlei Mountain.

There are strange thunder stones in the mountains here. It is clouded all year round, and thunder and lightning connect the sky and the earth like raindrops.

Ordinary beasts and monsters with too low cultivation levels cannot survive in this generation. There are very few trees and the mountains are all bare.

Normally, this place is rarely visited by monsters, but as soon as we arrived today, everyone saw a lot of monsters.

And they are all very powerful monsters.

Some are solitary demons with high levels of cultivation, while others are large demons who travel in groups with their descendants.

Most of the people who dare to venture into the secret realm are big demons who are in the divine transformation stage. Occasionally, Li Shou can also see big monsters in the Void Refining Stage.

After all, the secret realm is a place where even the Demon King dare not say that he can definitely survive.

Most of the monsters who come are old and infirm, and many of them want to take a chance and try to survive.

Caiyi, won't you bring your subordinates and disciples with you? Emperor Jue saw many big demons coming with little demons, and couldn't help but send a message into the secret to ask.

There is no need to let your children and grandchildren be cannon fodder. If the momentum is too great, it may not be a good thing to enter the secret realm. Besides, there are you...

As Cai Yi spoke, he moved hundreds of kilometers in the wind and came to the boundary of Lian Lei Mountain.

When you come here, you can see a real intersection between the sky and the ground. The space around the intersection is stormy, and a crack opens in the sky.

From within the crack, Li Shou could see things in the ancient secret realm...

Li Shou and others arrived relatively late. When they arrived, the other thirty-six cave demon kings had already gathered.

Several demon kings who are good at arranging formations have already arranged formations at the entrance and planted formation flags to prevent human monks from escaping into the secret realm.

But Li Shou knew that no matter how many arrangements he made, it would be useless. At most, it could block the human race for a while, but it would have no real effect.

The formation requires people to control it. The demon clan itself is not good at setting up formations. In addition, most demon kings will enter the secret realm. Without an expert to preside over the formation, it is impossible to stop the Tianmeng.

Caiyi has arrived, so all our demon kings are in place. King Hua Peng saw Caiyi arriving and gave it a magic weapon. The ancient fairyland is too thick and many escape methods cannot be used. This token can be used to attack the surrounding monsters. The king is asking for help. Everyone enters the secret realm. We must not be as treacherous and cruel as human beings do to the same kind of people. We must watch and help each other...

King Hua Peng took the other two demon kings and told them some more rules.

But the demon clan never talks nonsense. After giving a little reminder and warning, Hua Peng reached out and made a move, and a huge wind curtain surrounded the demons.

Li Shou and other servants were also enveloped.

Everyone has nothing to say. We will enter the secret realm. This formation can block the people of the Tianmeng. It is always beneficial for us to get there first.

Let's go!

The demon kings didn't waste any time. Under the protection of the Huapeng Wind Curtain, they got into the crack that was tens of kilometers long.

Different from the confusion of time and space when traveling through the world in the past, since the two worlds have been handed over, this time from the earthly fairy world to the ancient secret realm, Li Shou felt that he had just passed through a heavy door. After squeezing into the door, the next second, he was Come to another world.

Looking down, I saw that I was stepping on the earth, and the cracks in time and space had disappeared under my feet.

As far as the eye can see, the sky is covered with green.

Just when Li Shou wanted to see what this prehistoric world was like, a roar suddenly came from the distance.

The sound was accompanied by extremely terrifying pressure. At that moment, Li Shou became dizzy and fell to the ground. Also falling to the ground with him were his companions and many demon kings.

Yes, including the most powerful King Hua Peng, at this moment they all fell to the ground like quails frightened by thunder.

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