Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 303 How do immortal cultivators treat ordinary people?

When Lin Shushu came, he hurriedly apologized for mercy. Although it was a lie, his expression was as sincere as that aggrieved kitten, which made people unable to feel angry.

Oh, how dare you, little girl, take action against fellow Taoist? It was just a joke with fellow Taoist.

You don't call yourself old anymore? Li Shou also withdrew his blood that was suppressed by the boundaries of flesh and blood, and looked at Lin Shushu.

There is no difference in age in the world of cultivating immortals. There is only a difference in realm. A seven-hundred-year-old god-transforming stage, and a six-hundred-year-old combined stage, have to be respectfully called seniors. There are no years in cultivating immortals... Just now the little girl called herself old and said Maybe if you start playing it later, it will be a different experience, right?

Lin Shushu covered his mouth and snickered. Between a frown and a smile, this dynamic beauty, this feeling of complete integration of spiritual energy and body, was indeed much better than that of ordinary monks.

Well, the Yulin Sect has treated me well. The leader of the Lin Yudou Sect also treated me very well before. If I continue to be stubborn, it will appear that I am too stingy. Let's go. Didn't you ask me to watch you? Are you talking about it? I'll listen to what you want to say.

Fellow Taoist, please follow me.

At the stage of becoming a god, Lin Shushu no longer needs to use any magic weapons and flying swords to fly. When his magic body moves, his body is filled with glowing light.

The flying speed was also much faster than that of ordinary monks, and he returned to the peak in a flash.

Li Shou and Xiang Xiang followed up slowly, but this time Lin Yudou and the elder disciples did not dare to follow.

After arriving at the top of the peak, Li Shou saw that Lin Shushu had already squeezed the magic formula. With the rotation of the mountain guarding formation, and the rumbling sound of the formation stones, the top of Yulin Peak suddenly grew. A piece came out.

In fact, Li Shou also knew that this method of creating mountains out of thin air must be fake. This method of creating things from the void, let alone the stage of divine transformation, may not be possible even if the earthly immortal comes.

This was nothing more than the result of the previous masking method used to hide the mountain, combined with the clouds and the formation. After the mountain was born, Li Shou followed Lin Shushu directly to the real peak without doubting that he was there.

It's working for fellow Taoist. I like to stay in seclusion on weekdays. I haven't been able to go out for a long time, so this place is a bit messy.

Really? She's still a senior otaku?

What are you talking about, fellow Taoist?

No, it's just the dialect of our first or third sect. Anyway, this hub world is big enough, and it doesn't matter if Li Shou makes nonsense.

Arriving at the true peak, Li Shou also saw some similarities between monks in the transformation stage and ordinary people.

This place has been built by Lin Shushu into a private super pleasure base.

On the top of the peak, a lot of fairy flowers and grasses are planted, but they don't look like they are used for medicine, they are purely for the fragrance.

In addition to these, Lin Shushu seemed to like raising some small furry fairy beasts. As soon as Li Shou came in, he saw various hairballs that he couldn't name.

Some look like cats, some look like dogs, some look like foxes, and some look like furry Pikachu, but most of them look nothing like anything, but the same feature of these animals is that they are all cute and in line with human aesthetics.

In addition to these, there is also a huge kitchen, in which she seems to have many high-level chefs. Even if he is just passing by, Li Shou can smell the residual aroma of the food inside.

This all looks good or relatively normal.

The cruel side of the world of immortality is also vividly displayed.

On the top of this peak, in addition to the cooks, there are also many young men with unique looks and shapes.

It would be fine if it was just for enjoyment. Li Shou saw that there were many dead men in the place where the immortal beasts were kept next to the Taoist temple. Those men were piled randomly in the animal pens and were eaten by the little beasts. They were cruel It shows the mentality of immortal cultivators in this world who do not regard ordinary people as human beings at all.

‘It’s understandable to play, but it would be too cruel to feed the dog after playing. ’ Li Shou looked at it and shook his head, sighing in his heart.

It is human nature to like the opposite sex. He and his classmates all like it, but it would be too cruel to treat all the women he has found like this.

As if aware of Li Shou's emotions, Lin Shushu explained: I don't have to kill these men. It's just that although these ordinary people have a good skin, their bodies are too weak and they can't bear the slightest exertion. , this is also something that can’t be helped.

However, in the world of cultivating immortals, this is considered a common thing. I hope fellow Taoists will not be surprised!

Yes. Li Shou nodded noncommittally, and entered the Taoist temple with Lin Shushu.

Because he was emotionally hurt by the scene when he arrived, Li Shou was not polite when he arrived and said straight to the point: Let me tell you what you have to say, I don't want to waste time.

Lin Yudou must have told you that our first or third sect needs a branch and a spiritual vein.

Originally I was still hesitating about which place to choose as the mountain gate.

Now that you have entertained me well, the Lihun Sect still dares to attack and kill me. This matter has been settled.

In the near future, I will prepare to take my brothers from our sect to attack Lihun Sect and seize their mountain gate station and spiritual veins.

But everything must be taken care of.

Although our first and third sects are powerful, we are still new to the country and do not know everything about the country of Yue.

Moreover, attacking the mountain gate is a big deal. Although we are sure of victory, the death of any of our brothers will be a loss. If the Yulin Sect is willing to take action, it will not miss a good thing.

Of course, there are certainly many benefits.

The Lihun Sect was the most powerful in the Yue Kingdom, with the largest territory and many more cities and towns under its jurisdiction than the Yulin Sect.

If the Yulin Sect is willing to take action, those things will belong to you. I only want the spiritual veins and the things within the mountain gate.

Slow management is not necessary for the Li Shou team.

Occupying optimal resources and rapidly improving strength is the key.

The Lihun Sect occupies such a large territory, even if it is given to the team for free, they are too lazy to manage it.

Because after reaching a higher realm, they will leave.

But there is no doubt that the larger the territory, the greater the wealth, which will be very useful to other sects of the same level.

Li Shou's proposal immediately moved Lin Shushu.

Is this true?

Of course, if you take it seriously, you can take the oath of heaven.

Since the hall master is so quick to speak, Lin Shushu should also speak frankly. Let us Yulin Sect jointly attack the sect, but everything has to wait until the formation is broken. The strength of Yulin Sect is not as good as that of Lihun Sect. In their mountain protection formation Fighting in the middle is tantamount to seeking death. If all my Nascent Soul elders fall by then, it will be useless for our sect to occupy such a large territory.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, we can only act after the formation is broken by fellow Taoists.


With Narcissus in the formation, breaking it is not a problem.

What Li Shou wants is to be able to fight.

The Yulin Sect has five Nascent Soul stages, plus one Divine Transformation stage, and its combat power on paper alone is more than half that of the Lihun Sect.

As long as there is no magic circle and the combat effectiveness of Li Shou's team, Li Hun Sect can be easily defeated.

The only people who need to worry are the time-travelers - because no one knows if there are people from other teams hiding in the Lihun Sect. This is one of the reasons why Li Shou urgently needs help.

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