Li Shou and Xiang Xiang also flew down.

Li Shou knew the other party's purpose, but now he was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer. He also wanted to test the other party.

Because the current strength of the team was no match for that of the Yulin Sect, he did not want to quarrel with the sect for the time being, so he asked directly: You guys, don't you know that Qingyi Fang is now under the care of our first and third sects? Do you dare to rob here? Luo, are you afraid that you don’t take our one or three sects seriously?”

One or three sects?

One or three sects? This time, not only the people from the Yulin Sect across the way were stunned for a moment, but Vanilla also looked at Li Shou with wide eyes, This name...

As a super AI, Vanilla naturally guessed the origin of Li Shou's One or Three Sects.

It knows the history of the squad.

They are from Class 13 of Zhanzhou No. 8 Middle School. The Yi San of this Yi San Zong should be the Yi San of Class 13.

‘But it’s really a bit messy. ’ Vanilla snickered, everyone should have a consistent name when they come out for activities.

In the world of immortality cultivation, it is either a family cultivation or a sect cultivation.

If calculated by family, it would be difficult to coordinate the age, seniority and name of everyone in the team, but it is still possible to calculate by sect.

I've never heard of the first or third sect. Is it a sect outside the Tailing Mountains? Since the people from the Yulin Sect came to find out the details, they were not in a hurry to take action.

Humph, is my sect someone you can inquire about? Since we want to shock our opponents, sometimes bluffing and bragging are also necessary. As long as we can achieve our goal, we can do it no matter what.

Thinking of this, Li Shou took a breath and said, We are just one or three outer disciples of the sect, and we are here to check the situation in your small mountain country. Of course, we are not here to occupy the territory. It won't take long for us to leave.

But what am I telling you as a calamity cultivator? Come on, will the three of you come together today, or one by one?

Today I don't need flying swords, magic weapons, or even magic power. I can make you come back with no return just by relying on my body!

Li Shou's cowhide blows loudly.

It really frightened the three people of Yulin Sect.

The leader thought for a moment and winked at the person next to him, You go first!

I... The middle level of the Golden Core Dzogchen was a little scared.

Come on if you are told. Elder Yuanying pushed her directly, I will sweep the formation for you, what are you afraid of?

As Yuanying spoke, she took three steps back. At the same time, she had secretly poured her spiritual power into the teleportation weapon Wind and Cloud Boat. If the opponent was too powerful, she would be ready to run away at any time.

Although the middle management of Jindan Dzogchen also knew the elder’s thoughts, the matter had reached this point and they could only bite the bullet.

She came to Li Shou, clasped her fists and saluted: Senior, we didn't know before that Qingyi Square was a place protected by one or three sects. These looted items are all placed here. I will return them to you, and I hope you will show mercy.

Excellent, I won't take your life!

As he spoke, Li Shou directly untied the boundaries of flesh and blood and merged with the power of the evil spirit into one, and then punched his opponent who was in the golden elixir.

Li Shou's combat effectiveness in this state is approximately equal to the mid-stage Nascent Soul of monsters and the late Nascent Soul of humans - not counting his immortality.

Under the suppression of the big realm, the middle level was unable to resist.

The flying swords and magical weapons were thrown at him, but he failed to withstand the blow. He was directly punched away and lay on the ground vomiting three liters of blood.

With only the physical body, the strength is so terrifying? This blow directly shocked the elders of Yulin Sect, but as a Nascent Soul cultivator who has lived for hundreds of years, it is not that easy to frighten her.

Elder Nascent Soul took a step forward and said: Senior, it looks like you are using demon cultivation techniques from the physical cultivation lineage to train the flesh and blood. Your magic power and magic weapon...

Huh, let's practice dual cultivation of one or three sects! If you want to see my magic weapon, I will satisfy you!

Li Shou moved his hands while speaking and then glanced at Vanilla next to him.

Vanilla's ability to observe words and emotions is naturally the best in the world. With any data analysis, it understood what Li Shou was thinking. Then the mechanical force activated the mechanical box in the market, and a large number of metal parts flew into the air, and then a super airborne The fortress was slowly built over Qingyi Fang.

The flying fortress assembled this time is larger than the last one.

After the assembly is completed, a large amount of photon energy gathers in front of the fortress.

As Li Shou waved his hand, the photon energy dozens of meters thick in the air connected directly to the area pointed by Li Shou and landed behind the three people from the Yulin Sect.

A ferocious explosion followed.

Although the energy of the explosion was concentrated but not dissipated, the Category 15 hurricane brought out by the impact on the ground still made the three monks unsteady, and they could only use their magic power to barely stabilize their bodies.

When everything was over, the three of them looked behind them.

There was a huge crater that stretched for several kilometers and didn't know how deep it was.

The ground in the world of cultivating immortals is still very hard, but at this time it melts like tofu.

This kind of destructive power is difficult for even monks in the god transformation stage to achieve.

The physical strength has reached the late Nascent Soul stage, and the destructive power of the magic weapon has exceeded that of the Divine Transformation stage.

The facts were before her, even if the elders of the Yulin Sect were well-informed, she couldn't help but not believe them.

Senior, his magic power is all over the world, and this little girl admires him.

Hmph, that's it. Seeing that you have the intention to repent, I will spare you today. Our first and third sects are relatively gentle sects, let's go.

Thank you, senior.

The three Yulin Sect monks were so stunned by Li Shou's pretend combination punch that they did not dare to resist at all. They did not even have the idea of ​​​​sparring, so they flew with their swords and left the place.

Li Shou originally thought that the matter was over.

But he had no idea how cruel this world was.

Just two days later, Yulin Sect sent various gifts such as spiritual stones and magic weapons.

Not only did the elders of the sect personally give gifts, but they also gave the Master Qingming of that day to Li Shou, saying that they were to make amends to the one or three sects.

But at this time, Master Qingming had already had his limbs chopped off, his magic power was imprisoned, and he looked like he was at the mercy of others.

I heard that this traitor was disrespectful to the First and Third Sects a few days ago. We have severely punished her. Whether she will live or die in the future, I am here to hear what the senior brothers of the First and Third Sects have to say.

This person didn't offend me very much... Looking at Master Qingming at this time, and then looking at the gentle-looking Yulin Sect elder with an apologetic smile on his face, this extremely contrasting scene made Li Shou agitated. Suddenly I had a deeper understanding of the cruelty of this world.

The weak eat the strong.

A higher realm would crush people to death.

The monks above regard the monks below as ants, even more so than the Celestial Dragons.

I know, let's go. Li Shou shook his head.

Yes, senior. The elder of the Yulin Sect bowed his head and sent an invitation. Our sect leader invites you, senior, to visit the Yulin Sect when you are free. The Xuan Yu Gong practiced by our sect is only suitable for female cultivators. , all the sects are female cultivators, and their skin is as gentle as jade. If senior is willing to show his respect, then our whole sect will entertain senior together.

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