The meat of these monster beasts is naturally that of white snakes.

Li Shou discovered that monster meat could be put into the monster bag when Li Shuixian reminded him to give it a try just now at the end of the meeting.

But the logic is quite reasonable.

The demon control bag itself is for holding monster beasts, so it is normal for it to hold the flesh of monster beasts.

But as soon as Li Shou took out the skin and flesh of the white snake, Qian Duoxia and the surrounding female cultivators all realized something was wrong.

The beast's meat contained a large amount of residual demon power, and the snake skin and scales shone with a strange light. It was obviously not a mortal thing. Qian Duoxia checked and found that the level of this demon beast was already the Golden Elixir Great Perfection. .

Under normal circumstances, only Nascent Soul Daxiu can kill the demonic beast with the Golden Core Perfection.

If Jindan wants to kill monsters of the same level, he must either have a transcendent magic weapon, or be a Jindan genius with a strong spiritual root, or a large number of people must form an formation, or an array master must set up an array in advance.

Even so, the odds are stacked against the odds.

At the same level, monsters are more powerful than human monks, and because of this, high-level monster materials are very valuable.

Here, with so much golden elixir-perfect level monster skin and flesh, you can make a lot of elixirs, protective armor, and inner skin armor...

It's okay. You just need to find an almost equivalent technique. You want the kind of technique that has the potential for subsequent development, the kind that starts from the first level of the Qi Refining Stage.

Okay, senior, wait a moment.

While Qian Duoxia was talking, she went to the family library and soon brought out seven or eight jade slips.

Li Shou had bought such jade slip-like props, so he naturally knew how to use them.

After he took over the technique, he put his consciousness into it and found that the entire content of the practice of the technique was recorded inside.

From the name of the exercise, its attributes to the training methods, auxiliary elixirs, and all the necessary level-breaking elixirs.

There are also enlightenment pictures and the experiences of seniors...

Why is it only in the Foundation Establishment stage and not in the Golden Core stage?

Sorry, senior, our family does not have the cultivation techniques of the Golden Core Stage.

That Qianduo clan leader is...

I relied on the inner elixir of the demon beast to force a breakthrough. The golden elixir was refined with the demon elixir. Not to mention that our clan does not have the golden elixir period to practice the technique. Even if we did, we would not be able to practice it. Qian Duoxia said with regret in her tone.

Then tell me in detail, the classification and level distinction of this technique... I want it in detail, the kind of teaching from scratch, and don't ask me why I am asking this question.

Yes, senior. Qian Duoxia is also a capable person, and she immediately explained the skills and realm classification.

The skills are divided into categories, roughly divided into four levels: heaven, earth, black and yellow. The heaven-level skills are said to be leftovers from the prehistoric immortal world and only exist in legends.

Most of the earth-level exercises were personally taught by the head of the Taikoo sect.

Xuan level is usually a technique inherited by a large sect in the transformation stage.

Huang level is the technique used by ordinary monks.

Of course, Huang-level skills are also divided into upper, middle and lower levels. The skills I brought to my seniors are all middle- and upper-level skills. It’s just that there is no chapter on the cultivation of the golden elixir period…”

Then if I use this technique and then switch to other techniques when I reach the golden elixir stage, will there be any hindrance?

In the early stage, it will affect the entry. After the elixir is rebuilt, there will be no hindrance.

What realm is there beyond the Nascent Soul stage?

Beyond the Nascent Soul is the stage of transformation into gods, followed by the refining stage, the integration stage, the Mahayana stage, and the transcending tribulation stage. If you fail to transcend the tribulation, you will either disappear into ashes or disintegrate into a scattered immortal. If you succeed in transcending the tribulation, you will be forced to stay in the secular world. Those who have not ascended to the prehistoric immortal world are earth immortals.

‘The level is very high. ’ Li Shou took a deep breath. Although he was mentally prepared, he still felt that the natives of this world were very powerful.

His current strength is around the Nascent Soul level, and there are five or six greater realms ahead.

As for the Mahayana tribulations, do we have many here?

In the entire Yue Kingdom, only the sect masters of the three major sects have reached the God Transformation Stage. It is said that there are great God Transformation Demons and Void Refining Stage Great Demons deep in the Jingxiu Forest. The little girl has never heard of them further away.

'I see. ’ Li Shou thought deeply for a while.

The world is big enough, and the top experts are scattered widely, which dilutes some of the dangers.

I understand, then please tell me about the classification of exercises. I think in addition to the differences in grade, there are also five elements...

Yes, the differences between metal, wood, water, fire, earth... and the ice, fog, cloud and other types of techniques derived from water.

Although Qian Duoxia was confused, she still answered all questions and explained clearly.

And Li Shou also asked in detail.

After all, he just came to this world, and in the past few days, in order to earn more points, he was racing against time and had no time to ask these questions.

Now entering the farming period, development and cultivation are the most important.

The teams are now acting separately, and Narcissus went to the Xue Family, an old partner of the Feng Family, to inquire about the news. After all, according to Shuixian's analysis, Dongxifang City belongs to the Feng family, and Nanbeifang City belongs to the Xue family.

The Xue family definitely doesn't want the Feng family to break the balance and give birth to Nascent Soul.

She went there to stir up trouble.

The students were wandering around the market, looking for sources of exercise materials and purchasing related items - there were a lot of White Snake materials, so everyone shared some.

Those monks who follow the rules of reincarnation and the movements of the Hefeng family are mainly monitored by Vanilla.

Li Shou's main task is to improve his strength and influence the power of the Qianduo family.

After asking Qian Duoxia everything about the technique, Li Shou dismissed everyone, leaving only Qian Duoxia alone in the courtyard. When are the Feng family going to take action?

Senior, what are you...

Since they want to sacrifice all the monks in the city, which is inconsistent with my way, I naturally want to kill them. After all, I am an upright person.

Uh...right. Qian Duoxia nodded awkwardly.

When will they take action? When they take action to lure the monsters, it will be when they are at their weakest. At that time, we will attack from behind and catch them off guard.

My little girl doesn't know the specific date, but it is said... Qian Duoxia lowered her voice, Their ancestors can't hold on much longer. In recent days, spies have frequently left the city to go to Jingxiu Forest. The time to take action should be around Within months.”

Okay, notify me in advance if there is any news. Also, I will be in seclusion these days. If there is nothing important, don't disturb me.

I will obey Elder Li's decree.

Take the materials and step back.


After Qian Duoxia resigned, Li Shou picked up the exercises and started trying to practice.

Li Shou is no newbie when it comes to practicing. He has lived for decades, and two-thirds of his time has been spent in retreat practice.

And things like cultivation always have something in common.

This so-called immortal cultivation method is nothing more than a method of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for use in the body.

Li Shou got started quickly, but after the experiment, he also discovered that he was significantly faster at practicing water-based exercises.

While he was practicing, the mechanical box was also opened, and Vanilla controlled the mechanical force, causing a large number of metal weapons in the mechanical box to fly out.

Then assembled in place.

In the small courtyard, there is the charm of immortal magic on one side, and the torrent of steel on the other side, which contrasts beautifully.

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