The law enforcement team flew over while shouting. When they landed close, they saw three corpses on the ground. At that moment, someone asked: This Qingyi Fang and Dongxifang City are all under the care of my Feng family. All the cities are prohibited. Killing, seeking revenge, and looting would naturally be left unattended outside the city, but not here.

Although the visitor was howling loudly, no one from him or his team took action after arriving.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the most fearful thing is offending the senior masters.

Yelling is just for others to see, your own life is still very important.

While the law enforcement team was preparing to conduct further rounds, the pawnshop owner from earlier followed him out of nowhere.

He rushed into the crowd and whispered a few words to the leader of the law enforcement team.

The leader's expression changed, and he changed the topic faster than Qiu Mingshan Mountain Racing God.

What? You said these people who died were on the run from the robbery cultivator, and they specifically robbed our Qingyi Square people! Well, well, thanks to the help of these seniors, we almost wronged a good person! The law enforcement captain waved his hand, The people watching Let’s all disperse!”

After acting coquettishly, he stepped forward to Li Shuixian and whispered: Senior, can you please give me a favor to my Feng family? You helped arrest three tribulation cultivators. The Feng family naturally wants to thank you seniors.

Seeing the law enforcement captain's improvisation, Li Shuixian knew that this was all the fault of the pawnshop owner.

The boss is a member of the Feng family, and this law enforcement team is also a member of the Feng family. The entire Dongxifang City is the territory of the Feng family. Here, it is naturally up to them to decide whether killing someone violates the rules or not.

Darker than the earth. King Urine gave Jue Huang a hand, This place seems to only follow one law, which is the law of the jungle.

Yes, but it just so happens that we don't have to offend the natives.

When the situation was about to calm down, there was suddenly a sound in the distance.

I think these outsiders may not be killing Jie cultivators, but fellow practitioners!

Who? The law enforcement captain turned his head and saw a group of monks approaching from a distance.

Each of these monks has three eyes and golden skin, unlike ordinary people. This made the law enforcement captain swallow the rest of his scolding words.

The appearance of these people also made Li Shuixian and others wary.

They are clearly time travellers.

Not to mention the slight differences in appearance from common humans, the most important thing is the magic weapons and props on these people. Some of them are obviously reward items. There is a huge gap in style from the local magic weapons.

The comer is evil, prepare to fight!

No one needed to remind them at all. When the group of monks came over, the Narcissus team automatically formed a battle formation, and Juehuang and others also distanced themselves from everyone based on their respective epic level strengthening methods.

Without Li Shou, although the dozen or so people on his side are strong, most of them are far away from each other. There is only Zhao Yinuo in front - he is still a scumbag.

A huge melee involving thousands of people.

Even saying a few more words seems redundant when the two parties meet.

As long as you are not from your own camp, you will theoretically be given points.

Great Reincarnation Formation! There were more than twenty monks who came. After approaching, one of them threw his Zen staff.

The Zen staff was in the air and began to glow golden.

Wherever the golden light passed, everyone's thinking suddenly returned to the childhood. Many people were confused, their IQs returned to one year old, and they didn't even know what the things in front of them were.

But fortunately, everyone on Li Shou's side has practiced the Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue, and they recovered after being stunned.

Although Li Shuixian also got to share the skills, the effect of Bingxincao without auxiliary training was greatly reduced. Fortunately, Li Shuixian formed a formation in advance to block part of the impact.

The world is a big sea of ​​suffering...

After the spiritual attack, dozens of monks threw their alms bowls, which flew into the air and began to pour water below.

The water poured is like a big river...

Each alms bowl became as huge as a hill in the air, and dozens of alms bowls flew hundreds of meters into the air. The falling water gathered together like a sea pouring in, and everyone in the scene was not spared.

The entire Dongxifang City in Qingyifang was submerged by super floods at this moment. On the ground, sword light flashed continuously, and countless monks wanted to fly with their swords.

But even if Feijian is contaminated with a little bit of the water of the sea of ​​suffering, the spiritual energy will be polluted.

The monks who had already flown were not immune. Under the transpiration of the sea of ​​suffering, there seemed to be an immensity of sinking below. People were unconsciously sinking in the sea of ​​suffering and fell into the water one after another.

But the more than 20 monks were floating in the air without being disturbed at all.

What a strong team! They encountered a tough fight as soon as they arrived. Li Shuixian used formations and terminal fragments to counterattack.

In line with the battle formation formed by her team, a sense of destruction was born in the air, and black light surged in the sea of ​​suffering. Li Shuixian's formation not only defended the battle formation, but also tried to counterattack.

On the other side, King Urine and others also hurriedly transformed into shooting, and Zhao Yinuo even split the sea of ​​suffering with an axe.

The evil spirit and power merged into one, and a wind blade flew through the air and cut towards the monks.

The monks also formed formations to resist.

The two sides fought fiercely, and after a few rounds, light radiated from everywhere in Qingyi Square, and more than a dozen monks came from all over.

Li Shou naturally saw the huge alms bowl hanging high in the sky from a distance, and rushed over with Qian Duozu.

When he passed by, he had already seen countless monks turned into bones in the sea of ​​suffering, and the entire Dongxifang City had been demolished.

After the arrival of a dozen nearby Jindan ancestors, they also hurriedly broke up the fight - after all, this was their foundation and territory.

Fellow Taoist, if you have any grudges, please fight outside the city!

The monks of the Feng family were the most distressed, and they were also the first to take action.

The six golden elixirs triggered the protective array of Qingyifang together, and strange fluctuations were emitted, making it difficult for everyone in the venue to cast spells.

As the formation rotated again, the gravity seemed to have increased many times, making it difficult for everyone to move.

Fellow Taoists, if you continue to fight here, don't blame us for triggering the formation's thunder method.

In order not to offend others, the people of the Feng family temporarily use restrictive magic circles.

Seeing more and more people coming to the scene, the leading monk suggested: You are very strong and have the qualifications not to enter reincarnation. How about we just stop here? When two strong teams meet in the early stage, the best way is not to Both sides will suffer losses, but let’s just leave it alone... Otherwise, the two tigers will fight and the personnel will be lost, which is not conducive to the final survival.”

Okay. Li Shuixian thought the same way.

In the early stages, it's best not to go head-to-head with strong teams - if someone dies, it's definitely not worth it.

After the two made an agreement, the monk took the lead to stop, and everyone here also stopped.

The golden elixir monks in heaven also breathed a sigh of relief.

Before they could speak, the monk took the lead and flew to the person who was driving the guarding formation of the Feng family. You are the head of the Feng family, right? The poor monk calculated it before coming. Ancestor, you have something to do recently. Disaster.

Only by asking a poor monk to help you can you overcome the calamity.

Otherwise, we can only fall into reincarnation and fall into the depths of the sea of ​​suffering.

This, fellow Taoist... The ancestor of the Feng family was also a dying old man. When he saw the three-eyed monk, he felt like he was grasping at a life-saving straw.

The strength shown by these monks just now is not weaker than that of Jindan, and there are as many as twenty-seven of them.

If it can help him, then there is hope for Nascent Soul too.

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