This is here? The woman's sister's void projection appeared and looked around, This is the world you control.


The world you live in has been invaded, and you can't defeat it. After her projection appeared, she saw a woman with blood on her head, Is the other party a member of Fang Ant?

It doesn't look like it, but someone just came.

Are his eyes red?

Not even.

Do you have three colors of light on your body?


Isn't it human?

It doesn't look like him after the transformation, but his real body should be human.

Can't guess where it is from.

No matter where he is from, you help me kill him. I can't swallow this breath. I'm going to explode! The woman began to act violently, but her sister remained unmoved. I am currently trapped in the past. You can't escape, so give up on dominating the world.

I reminded you a hundred years ago to go to Game 5, but you didn’t go.

Now is just the opportunity.

In the fifth scene, you will be detained for a long, long time. After you leave, this world will not be able to hold on, so forget it.

I don't, I don't... the woman continued to cry, There are many pets I have here. Those big lizards and big slugs are very fun. I still want to play with them. I don't want to abandon them.

Then you die, and if you die, I will help you take revenge!

After saying this, the projection was interrupted and the woman froze on the spot.


Just as she was about to go crazy, a shadow with a cold light on the horizon chased after her.

But she didn't run away.

Not long after, Li Shou came to the woman again.

In the last soul cultivation world, Li Shou learned many practical techniques, which not only increased the combat power of evil spirits, but also learned many soul cultivation skills.

If it were Li Shou in the past, he would not be able to track the woman if she ran so far.

But now that the other party is contaminated with the aura of his evil spirit, he can sense it as long as he has not left this world.

We meet again, don't run away this time? Li Shou looked at the woman.

If you don't run away, you can't run away. Just kill me! If you kill me, my sister will take revenge on me.

Okay! Li Shou was also unambiguous and took action immediately.

You're so hands-on!

Otherwise, our enmity has been settled. If I let you go, you will still take revenge. Since I have come to invade, I am not afraid of revenge! Li Shou used his full strength as he spoke, but with one punch, the treasure hanging on the opponent's body was The gourd was shattered instantly.

The broken gourd not only blocked Li Shou's attack, but also tore apart the space and caused the woman to disappear.

Escaped again? How many magic weapons are there to escape? And this time I can't even feel the breath.

Li Shou was just waiting for doubt when the sound of mushrooms sounded in his ears.

[The invasion is successful, the other party has completely given up dominating the world, and the gate to this world will not be opened again for her. Completion: Average. 】

【Do you choose to stay for three months? 】

Standing. But you don't want the world that this guy dominates? It's so luxurious. It's been in business for so long.

No one is willing to give up his control of the world.

After all, business takes time, and with business, the benefits of dominating the world are endless.

And there is one more crucial point.

The world you control is equivalent to a home. You can decorate it and modify it according to your own wishes.

The female warriors in the Female Martial Arts World are the favorites of Bai Wuchang and others, and the monsters in this world may also be the pets of that crazy woman.

But so what, life is at stake, everything can be given up.

Although a madman is crazy, he is not stupid.

You're in trouble. From the tone of that crazy woman, her sister must be an adventurer.

This kind of thing is inevitable. This is how camp confrontations are. Sooner or later, I will get into trouble with adventurers. By the time my fifth game is over, all my opponents will be adventurers. Besides, I will be entering the fifth game soon. , can she still chase me to the mission world and kill me? When I come out, I will be an adventurer myself, and I won’t be afraid of her anymore. Besides, even if she comes to kill me now, I still have the crystal to escape.

Li Shou is very open-minded. The only thing he is worried about is the world of Kyushu. I am afraid that she will invade my world while I am on a mission and kill all the people in it.

There I am! There I am! Vanilla seemed to have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time and hurriedly introduced herself.

You can't beat the adventurer either.

Not necessarily. You can help me buy some 'atomic power' and related props. When I get the mechanical force, I can combine it with my mechanical ability, the mechanical box you left behind, and my super manufacturing ability. Coupled with the Sky Eye system, even if the Avengers come knocking on your door, I can keep you safe in Kyushu.

You kid is making small calculations again...

It's a girl.

Fart. You are neither a man nor a woman!

Li Shou let out a long breath.

Vanilla has always wanted to possess mechanical force after learning about various cultivation systems in the main world.

Especially since Li Shou himself had a mechanical box that he was reluctant to sell. After this guy knew about it, he kept using it.

In the early days of Kyushu's construction, Li Shou gave it some metal accessories in the box, but later found that this old boy was trying too hard, so he withdrew the permission to use it.

Now, the old thing is brought up again, and it is even more serious.

Wow, Lao Li, we are all old friends. What good does it do you to be so wary of me? We are all good brothers. As I become stronger, you become stronger. Besides, you still have control over me. The underlying logical permissions...

How much of that thing is still useful? Do you think I don't know it after all these years?

Then you shouldn't be wary of me. I'm just a little artificial intelligence. I can't even travel through the world without you. No matter how powerful I become, I can't take any mechanical parts out without your permission. And you should give me some The authority is over, haven’t you heard from the people in the club that the mission of the fifth game is very long, and it can take a hundred years to start...

Most people have to save many years of life before entering the fifth game.


Because after they enter, there is a high probability that the world they dominate will be invaded within ten years. Even if it is not invaded for a long time, it will lose management and return to its original appearance. Then there will be no profit!

Why did the crazy woman give up so decisively? Maybe it was because she knew she was going to the fifth game.

Most time-travelers' domination worlds will no longer generate profits after entering the fifth game.

But you are different, my master!

With my loyal little vanilla here, I will keep the world in order and help you fight off intruders.

When the time comes, not only will your income not drop, but it will also increase!

By then, you can stay in the fifth mission as long as you want, not to mention a hundred years, even a thousand years.

If you can't kill those in the opponent's camp, you can survive them.

And, my dear master.

Even if you don’t need these, your classmates do.

We expect each of them to save up hundreds of years of life before entering the fifth game. How long will it take to wait until the flowers have withered! right?

You are so eloquent and logical. Have you been waiting for this opportunity for a long time? Li Shou sighed, You can consider it, but now I will take a look at the harvest. This guy is so powerful, he should have more inventory than the old turtle. Come on. When I make enough money, I will discuss in detail the matter of buying you an 'Atomic Power'.

As Li Shou spoke, he searched for the remaining breath of the evil spirit and flew towards the Black Mist Girl's lair.

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