It is nearly ten years later in the world of Kyushu. At this time, commuting in Kyushu has turned into vacuum tube transportation.

The speed exceeds 2000 kilometers per hour.

Jiuzhou is interconnected and you can go anywhere within three hours.

When Vanilla wanted to build an alchemy factory, countless robots swarmed in, and the main body of the project was completed in a few days.

A fully automated smelting plant pours out a metal frame, a giant robot more than ten meters high transports the steel structure, countless worker bee robots inject shaping materials, and then small robots begin welding and assembling machine parts.

The Sky Eye system is also online, scanning elements in the wilderness to find alchemy raw materials.

The chemical plant is also fully operational and starting to make auxiliary materials.

After mechanical technology reaches a certain scale, it can show exponential growth. With the production line, robots can build robots on machine tools faster than making mobile phones.

While the alchemy factory was under construction, Li Shou took Vanilla back to the world of the first mission and obtained a lot of virus medicine information of mutated zombies as well as related DNA mutation sequences and data.

With this sequence, Vanilla can create various mutant zombie viruses by herself.

And I can make it much, much safer!

Nine days later.

A huge alchemy laboratory and biotechnology laboratory were constructed near Tongkang County and connected to energy sources.

Vanilla then mobilized robot worker bees to bring in raw materials from various places and began to research various virus potions, alchemical transformations, and magic transformations...

Combining the knowledge of several worlds, coupled with the already higher technological level of the cyber world, Vanilla's biomodification technology continues to improve.

Until the staged progress is completed.

One day a few days later, a seriously ill person was sent over.

When he was brought here, all his organs were exhausted and he had half of his foot in the coffin.

You are the person I found from the Sky Eye System. If I had not found you, according to calculations you would die within 18 hours.

Now according to a fair and friendly cooperation agreement, I will treat you, but there is a risk of mutation and a very low probability of death. Do you agree with me to treat and transform you?

The visitor was lying on a stretcher, being carried by two flying robots. In front of him was a beautifully dressed girl - this was a mechanical body that Vanilla liked to use very much in the world of Kyushu. This body It is carefully crafted and made of various biological materials, and looks no different from humans.

I agree. The seriously ill man tried his best and could only utter two words.

No one would refuse this opportunity.

That's great! Vanilla injected the patient with a sedative as she spoke. After he completely lost consciousness, a remote robotic arm used a scalpel to collect his DNA, and then Vanilla began gene editing.

After the editing was completed, he prepared the alchemy potion, and then performed the genetic modification surgery and the potion injection at the same time. After that, he cut all the patient's skin open and injected concentrated evil spirit energy into it with dozens of needles at the same time. Coordinate with alchemical transformation at the same time.

Then, it is sent into a special radiation chamber for special radiation, and dozens of specially made enhanced zombie virus agents are injected...

Standing inside the laboratory, Li Shou and his classmates watched all this, and everyone was sweating coldly.

Brother Li, do you mean that we all have to change like this?

Well, you are too weak. You can improve faster if you do this.

Are you sure no one will die?

Whether someone will die or not, we will know soon.

As everyone watched, the entire body transformation process lasted about a week.

There are very complicated processes such as cell extraction and injection, partial limb transformation into magical medicine, and the inscription of magical inscriptions on the muscles.

A week later, a brand new person appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, he no longer looked sick and became very healthy and strong.

Strong, creature...

Is this still a human being?

It's okay, Brother Li is even less human than him.

Amid everyone's discussion, Li Shou walked up to the new monster and asked, Hey, are you still sane?

Oh... yes. The monster shook his head, I'm a little dizzy, but everything else is fine. Can I just do this in the future?

Maybe. Li Shou looked back at Vanilla, right?

The image is related to genes. You can change it back, but it will become weaker. This is the most practical.

What is his actual combat ability level now?

I don't know. There is no experimental data yet, so I asked you to bring someone over.

Well, Zheng Jie, you come first!

As Li Shou spoke, he led everyone outside.

He specially called Zheng Jiewu Sheng here.

Zheng Jie was once a legend in Southwest Prefecture. Before Li Shou came to this world decades ago, he was the only martial saint to come out of Southwest Prefecture. Li Shou informed Ma Nan that he was sending people here and they were specially selected.

He had fought against several martial saints in Tianxia Palace, and Zheng Jie was one of them and the weakest one.

Represents the threshold of the Martial Saint.

Li Shou had called over several martial saints who had fought against him in the past few days.

He just wanted to test how powerful Vanilla's transformation ability was.

Okay, sir! Now Zheng Jie is no longer as aloof as he once was when facing Li Shou.

Since he was enshrined in the imperial city, he naturally knew a lot more than ordinary people.

Not to mention that Li Shou defeated him easily in the past, let's just say that the current emperor listens to him, as well as the strange technology in the past ten years and everyone's attitude towards him.

All this tells Zheng Jie, who has the final say here.

After Zheng Jie came out, he clasped his fists at the huge monster and said, Please.

But I have been weak and sick since I was a child, and I have never fought with anyone! Now the Kyushu world has been peaceful for 20 to 30 years, and the Tianyan system has been completed. No one in Tianyan wants to break the law, so I haven't had a fight in recent years. Not a few.

In addition, a patient would naturally be afraid when facing the powerful Martial Saint.

Sir, what is this? Zheng Jie didn't know what to do after seeing the other party's attitude.

Don't worry, if he doesn't hit you, just hit him. Just be careful not to hit any vital points!

Yes sir!

After Zheng Jie's order, he directly used his kung fu to attack. He practiced kung fu such as iron sand palm. During the movement of his kung fu, his fleshy palms turned into pure black color, which also activated the power of heaven and earth.

Shocked by the martial arts master's attack, the monster was so frightened that he instinctively wanted to run away, but due to his lack of combat experience, he was hit on the shoulder as soon as he turned around.


Zheng Jie was directly knocked away.

There was only a very light palm print on the monster's shoulder.

This... Zheng Jie Bu Xie used his power again. Just now, because he was afraid of killing the opponent, he only used 40% of his strength. Now, with all his strength, he finally used one palm...

Knocked himself away again.

This time it flew further.

After decades of cultivation, he lost to an ordinary person. This blow was much greater than the one he lost to Li Shou.

After Zheng Jie was knocked away for the second time, he stood still on the ground.

After a long time, he raised his head and said, Sir, can I reform it?

Not for the time being. This is what I prepared for my brothers. Li Shou would not let the natives easily let go of the transformation that was too powerful. The next one is the one with shock waves. I forgot his name. I have fought with you before. , you beat him, and after you beat him, Your Majesty, you have to have his physical data measured by Vanilla today!

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