Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 251 What is the most important thing in human nature?

When he took action, Li Shou was not sure whether the person in the largest tent was good at it, but when the fists of the two collided, Li Shou was very sure.

In this world, identity, face, clothing, everything can be disguised, but strength cannot be disguised.

Li Shou punched him, and the opponent easily responded. Even if he wasn't a first-class soldier, he wouldn't believe his strength.

Assassin? Feeling the weight of Li Shou's fist, Shanmai also frowned, and then sent Li Shou flying away.

This strength... Although Li Shou's body flew out, he was still a little disappointed, It's not even as good as the residual health version of Andidero.

Li Shou thought of this, stabilized his body and stepped forward again. Shanmai reacted, and waves like waves appeared on his body.

He stretched out his hand and called, and the water vapor in the air condensed into a war hammer. He swung the hammer at Li Shou, forming a huge wave of energy in the air.

The force of the wave he practiced rolled out like the tide of the sea. The force was huge and endless. It hit Li Shou and knocked him away dozens of meters away.

Then Shanmai struck the ground with a hammer, and the entire military camp turned into a huge wave and swept towards Li Shou.

The strength is really not weak, but it's just like that...

Although his physical strength is not as good as the residual health version of Andidero, the power of the power of rules triggered by his shots is much better than Andidero's magical energy wave.

But the overall strength is indeed far behind Li Shou now.

When Li Shougang came to this world, he heard a saying that a first-class official from the Qing Kingdom had the ability to turn the world upside down.

Now it seems that it may have the strength to turn over the river, but it is far from turning over the sea.

Since there was a big level gap, Li Shou didn't fight Shanmai for too long. Taking advantage of a close approach, he suddenly released the power of the evil spirit and seriously injured his opponent, and then cut off the opponent's head.

When the level gap is too large, sometimes fighting does not require much skill, and winning with strength is the simplest way.

After killing Shanmai, Li Shou fumbled around with him to get the order and walked away.

Behind him were the spells of the pursuers and alchemists, as well as the crossbow arrows, but they didn't matter to Li Shou now.

But what he didn't notice was that as soon as he left the military camp, on the ground where Shanmai died, a breath sensed the general's death and began to gather slowly.

Outside the city...

Li Shou galloped all the way towards Bian Ling.

As he hurried on, he sighed, When I first came here, I really regarded the Duke as higher than the sky. When I completed the task, I was only a fifth- and sixth-level knight, and it was difficult to reach the sky. But now, even if you don’t say you can kill with just a wave of your hand, the gap is quite big.”

Travelers already have unique resources, and you can also collect so many things from the world for your use. It is not unusual for you to reach this level in more than ten years.

I have brought you so much benefit alone, but the frostbite you gave him in the end was a huge bonus to his godhood. Otherwise, your evil spirit would not have such a strong killing ability...and you have absorbed all those divine powers, and your body is now...

Vanilla was talking and suddenly stopped.

What's wrong?

There is a very strange data group in the distance. It seems that someone is chasing me, but it doesn't seem to be a person...

A human being, but not a human being?

When Li Shou was wondering, he saw a black light coming from a distance and fixed a hundred meters behind him.

At this time, Li Shou was on farmland dozens of kilometers away from Huitong City. There was no obstruction around him. As soon as the visitor stopped, he could see clearly.

Wearing a black robe, he is dressed as a local alchemist. He has a dark face, a thin body, but a pair of eyes that are exceptionally bright, as bright as a falcon in the night sky.

Is it you who killed my General Shanmai?

Who are you?


... After hearing the visitor's name, Li Shou frowned and looked at him up and down again.

His behavior also made Shangjun confirm that Li Shou was the one who attacked and killed Shanmai, and he immediately took action without being polite.

As soon as Shang Jun made a move, he showed that he was far more powerful than a first-class sergeant. Black mist flew up when he made a move, and he injured Li Shou's chest with just one move.

With just this blow, Li Shou knew that the opponent was extremely powerful. He did not dare to use his strength and directly released the power suppressed by the limits of flesh and blood. At the same time, he released all the power of the evil spirit. At the same time, the power of the evil spirit and the body merged into one, transforming into The appearance of a giant spirit.

Now Li Shou's body has absorbed the power of more than ten kinds of gods, and the power of evil spirits has greatly increased due to the four years of practicing the Evil Ascension Method.

He is at least two or three times stronger now than he was six years ago.

After the transformation, Li Shou blew away the black mist in the air with a breath of evil energy, and then stepped directly on the ground where Shang Jun was with his big foot.

After a loud boom, a huge hole with a diameter of seven or eight meters appeared on the ground.

Finally something about Dragon Ball! Li Shou was very satisfied with his physical strength. He raised his feet and saw that Shang Jun had disappeared.

Shangjun, who moved into the mid-air with magic, began to unleash various magic on Li Shou.

Thunder, poisonous smoke, black wind, cracked ground...

Various spells swept through, but they failed to cause too much damage to Li Shou.

It seems that the ceiling of strength in this world only stops here. Inertial thinking makes me overestimate the strength of this world...

Shang Jun is much stronger than the first-level public servant, but there is still a gap between Li Shou's strength at this time.

But just when Li Shou had just made up his mind, he saw Shangjun calmly take out a black stick-like handle from his sleeve robe, and only pressed it lightly against Li Shou. Li Shou suddenly I feel like a mountain is pressing on my shoulders.

But when he turned around and looked, he couldn't see anything behind his shoulders. Even the ground under his feet did not collapse due to gravity.

What's weighing on my shoulders?

Authority... among human beings, authority is the most important. A level of authority that crushes people to death.

Offending someone who holds authority is like carrying a mountain, making it difficult for you to move forward!

After Shang Jun's two words, Li Shou felt the pressure on his body intensify again.

He did not believe in evil and wanted to rely on his own strength and strength to carry on the mountain of authority and want to step forward and continue to fight against the enemy.

But then Shang Jun took out a scroll of bamboo slips from his arms and wrote the Code of Controlling the People.

He took out the book, and instantly the five characters 1, weak, tired, humiliated, and poor flew into the air.

When the light of the four characters weak, tired and humiliating the poor were reflected on Li Shou, each word made his body weaker and the burden on his body increased.

When the word 一 hit the top of his head, his consciousness began to blur, and he felt like he was at the mercy of others.

Seeing Li Shou's eyes wandering, Shang Jun asked, Are you a visitor from outside the world? Do you and the killer in the north come from the same place and have the same purpose?

Li Shou was in a daze and was about to respond when the pure heart meaning of Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue suddenly cleared his groggy mind.

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