Li Shou completed the transformation while locking Hei Wuchang's body.

In the world of Mori for nearly half a year, Li Shou absorbed all the fountain of life and most of Andidero's life force.

Although it has not been completely digested, his physical strength at this time is no less than the power of his own evil spirit.

After all, the strength and level of the God of Life are higher than Li Shou. If he didn't turn his vitality into spring water to nourish the earth, Li Shou would never be able to defeat him.

After the transformation was completed at this time, Li Shou's body was still as white and flawless, and his height was still about seven meters, but he had become stronger and more energetic.

Since he had never fought against a predator, Li Shou didn't dare to raise his hand. During the transformation, he locked his opponent with his arms and used his giant hands to grasp the opponent.

At the same time, the power of the flesh and blood limit is fully opened. When the muscles are beating, the power is exerted to a level of more than 100%.

This is not over yet, the Boiling Blood Secret Technique and the Thousand-Year Skill are also running at the same time.

The cold and poisonous energy in Li Shou's palm, coupled with his huge grip and the attack of evil spirits, immediately made Hei Wuchang scream that something was wrong.

Your strength...

The divination crystal says that our team's average life strength is 200, but it doesn't mean that my level is 200. Maybe the average of others is 50, but I am 2,000? Li Shou felt cold, but he couldn't hold it back. His rage.

The big one is Trashcan F4, one of his best friends.

Although Wang Yifei had a normal relationship with him before entering the first game and was a bit timid, he dared to integrate the fainting sheep skill and give his life to his teammates. He stayed near the cave at the last moment and sent out the message immediately. Warning message, then he is an absolute hero.

Although Qian Hongxu is a native, as the head of Xuanxue Sect, he has always taken care of Yan Linger's family, so he has a good relationship with them.

Three people died this time, which Li Shou simply couldn't accept.

With this intruder caught in the palm of his hand, Li Shou wished he could eat his flesh alive...

You die! Li Shou did it as he thought. He opened his sharp teeth and used powerful bite force to bite his opponent. For mammals, the strongest attack method is always biting.

At this time, Hei Wuchang's figure was like a big rat in Li Shou's hands. Li Shou kept chewing him, and the light shield on his body kept breaking, and the protective magic weapons on his body failed one after another.

However, he was a practitioner for more than a hundred years, so Hei Wuchang could be considered calm in the face of danger. When Li Shou opened his mouth, he first shot a black beam of light into his mouth.

Then a strange aura filled the air, and countless evil spirits were summoned.

The evil spirits he summoned were different from the evil spirits in the Kyushu world. Each of them was holding a frying pan or a torture instrument, which looked a bit like the hell scene in ancient mythology.

Li Shou saw that the other party had summoned the Evil Spirit, and regardless of the healed wound on his mouth, he also summoned the Evil Spirit Scholar.

But the scholar was suppressed as soon as he came out. Compared with the summoning technique, Li Shou was far behind the opponent.

And as the scene of hell continued to rise, a huge Yaksha with a green face and fangs gradually appeared around him. After Yaksha was born, he picked up his weapon and began to attack Li Shou.

But Li Shou never let go no matter how injured he was.

His strongest point is melee combat. As long as he lets the opponent go, he may not be able to defeat Hei Wuchang.

Use the evil spirits behind to resist Yaksha attacks.

Li Shou increased his strength and activated the Secret Technique of Boiling Blood to the extreme. He held Hei Wuchang's upper body with one hand and his lower body with the other hand and twisted it as hard as a towel. He twisted his body until he made a rattling sound. He was wearing armor. More than half of it was damaged again.

My son, put me down. I have a black light relic. If you do something bad again, I will die with you... In Li Shou's palm, Hei Wuchang let out his final wail.

He is not weak in close combat, but he is still a summoning player. At this time, he is caught by a person of the same level in close combat. It is really difficult to escape.

He tried many methods, but Li Shou not only had strong vitality, but also had a strong resilience with his copper skin and iron bones, and there was no flaw at all.

Spare me, let's retreat now, and all the evil energy will be returned to you!

After seeing that he couldn't break free, Hei Wuchang finally said soft words.

After all, he has been in this world for more than a hundred years and has sacrificed so much. The older he gets, the more he cherishes his life. He definitely does not want his century-old business to be ruined in one day.

The evil spirit can be returned to me, but the life must also be returned to me. This is only fair and reasonable! Li Shou increased his strength again, and finally succeeded in breaking all his protective magic weapons, and then only heard a crack sound, and Hei Wuchang's waist It is also twisted into minced meat like twists.

But even so, he did not die. He shouted I want to die with you and detonated the black light relic in his body.

After a burst of black light, an explosion wave that was close to a nuclear explosion spread throughout the valley.

At this moment, the entire valley was baptized by the black explosion light, which was several times more powerful than the Five Thunder Talisman activated by Fu Kai.

The explosion caused the two surrounding mountains to begin to crack. The mountains in the distance were even affected by the explosion wave, and huge boulders fell from countless hills...

Li Shou took this damage head-on, and his body was immediately destroyed. The evil spirit didn't even last a second and was immediately blown away by the impact...

The turbulent black light remained here for a long time after the explosion, surging like a wave. After killing Li Shou's evil spirit several times, it was finally extinguished.

The valley also changed from elongated to spherical.

The old guys have their own tricks... Fortunately, I am almost immortal. After reuniting with only the body of the evil spirit, Li Shou searched in the valley and finally found a few pieces of body tissue such as horny viscera.

Most of his body was annihilated in the explosion wave of black light relics, and very little was left.

Fortunately, my physical body has been greatly strengthened, otherwise I would have really lost my body this time. Li Shou picked up the flesh and blood and kneaded them together. After watching it slowly squirm into a ball of flesh, he picked up Hei Wuchang and some of his remaining ones. The prop fragments left the scene.

Arriving at the distant mountain peaks, Li Shou saw in the air a herd of beasts that were frightened by the explosion wave and fled in panic. He casually grabbed a giant bear-like creature and killed it, then crushed the flesh and blood and placed it on the meat ball in his hand.

The meat ball absorbed the flesh and blood and squirmed faster...

And there in the cave.

This shocking explosion naturally alarmed the people here. After hearing the sound, they put away their relaxed expressions and looked at each other.

This explosion...

It came from a distance and was very powerful.

And the energy contained in it is very familiar, like Lao San's black light relic.

That's not true. Using this relic means going to extreme lengths. What level of enemy can make him throw this?

What enemy? Are you not competing with that junior?


After all, he is a century-old monster. If he was still dismissive at first, the expressions of the three of them became solemn at this time.

There's something wrong with that brat.

I didn't expect the boat to capsize in the gutter!

He deliberately lured the third child to have a one-on-one fight with him. It seems that he is confident of defeating one of us.

Then let's go there together this time and crush him to ashes!

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