According to the principle that it can also be used in the late stage, the first thing that should be eliminated is the attack power that Li Shou needs most now - Tiger Fang Thorn.

If he had to fight someone to the death next, the Tiger Tooth Thorn would undoubtedly directly make up for his shortcomings. He could use it immediately, and he would have a good killing method.

But let alone use it in the later stages, it may be completely eliminated before reaching the world of immortality.

There are too many attack methods out there, and as Li Shou continues to grow, his shortcomings in attack power can always be made up for.

Then there is the mechanical force.

Now give him 20 years of force power, and he can directly repair those parts and summon various turret mechas, which is both cool and adds a lot of combat effectiveness.

Although this thing can be developed to the later stage, this has not been the direction of strengthening Li Shou. If he changes his job halfway, he will have to spend a lot of money, energy and time to strengthen his mechanical abilities in order to It can also play a role in the later stage.

But wouldn’t it be more appropriate to spend this “money” on yourself?

He is now so physically strong and has epic level recovery, so there is no need to change jobs and practice something else.

Speaking of his body, Li Shou also fully understood the power of his body this time.

Fu Kai's guys are strong, but half of them come from equipment bonuses, while Li Shou has been fighting almost naked.

Then there were two left.

It seems that both sneaking and Void Escape can be used in the later stages. At least in the world of cultivating immortals, these two skills can also be used.

But the grade of Devil's Stealth is obviously not high enough.

Being able to be hunted by the Judge means that the Judge can find hiding demons when he is not in a combat state, or when he is concentrating on using certain spells.

What level is the adjudicator?

It looks great now, but it will be hard to say in the future.

Compared with grade, the Void series is obviously more advanced.

I choose Void Escape Technique. When Li Shou made his choice, white mist poured into his body instantly as before. Under the body transformation, strange space power was added to his body.

Just like every time before, after modifying the body, the ability to use arms and fingers does not need to be taught at all. Once the strengthening is completed, it will be automatic.

After Li Shou's strengthening was completed this time, he felt that he had the ability to tear apart subspace and travel through subspace.

But before he could experiment, he was sent out of space.

It was the mushroom area when I came here, and it will naturally be here when I go back.

When we arrived at the main world, it was already approaching dusk.

Li Shou stood in the mushroom area and counted the time, There is still some time before dark. If it is night when I complete the task and send you back, will I be killed by night creatures directly? Or is it the mushroom area itself? Like those houses, can it provide protection at night? If so, there is no need to spend a lot of money to buy a house!

Li Shou didn't know many details about the main world, but since it wasn't dark yet, he hurried to the Traveler Club.

At his current speed, this distance will be reached in no time.

After opening the club door, Li Shou looked around and soon found Xu Qiushi who was busy.

When he found the other person, he took a look at his arm and saw that he had more than 38 years left in his life - he had never been so wealthy.


So soon? Xu Qiushi was very surprised after seeing Li Shou, Did you not go, or have you already come back?

is back.

It's so fast. If you can come back safely, does it mean it's done? The girl was very happy for Li Shou.

That's right. Has the book The Secret of Taiqing Jingxin been sold?

Don't tell me, that thing is so expensive, and there are still a lot of people asking. Recently, two people actually asked the club to keep this technique for them, saying that they wanted to buy it to save their life. But it doesn't matter, I deliberately skipped paying the deposit. If they didn’t pay the deposit, they didn’t reserve the product.” Xu Qiushi winked at Li Shou and whispered that she was keeping it for him.

But if you do this, won't you offend other people? There is no law here. What if they take revenge afterwards?

Oh, it doesn't matter. I just didn't remind them. They don't know the rules and can't find me. Besides, I'm a club employee now, so I can be considered a person with a background.

Then you should be careful and call me if you are in trouble. The other party did him a favor. If he really got into trouble, Li Shou would not sit idly by and ignore it.

Have you got all the money?

It's all together.

That's great!

With the help of Xu Qiushi, Li Shou quickly went to the club's trading office and donated his unheated 30-year lifespan in exchange for this set of skills.

Brother Li, don't be too selfless. After Xu Qiushi gave Li Shou the exercises and the Stone Jade Golden Ice Heart Grass needed for the exercises, he also used the honest girl's natural calculation skills to settle accounts with Li Shou. .

Brother Li, many of the classmates in your class have relied on your help to survive in the past. Although I am also one of the beneficiaries, I have to say that after this, my brothers will have to settle the score.

A life span of 30 years is a big sum, and earning it is not an easy task. And this technique is obviously practiced by everyone together. Logically speaking, everyone should contribute together. You can't be taken advantage of...

Well, I borrowed a lot from them when I bought the 'Evil Cultivation Root Bone'. When the time comes, this thing will be used as a top, and the remaining lifespan will be evenly distributed to the classmates who did not join the team, but lent me some lifespan. Anyway, it can be used If you pay the debt, I won’t suffer any loss.”

After all, he has the Evil Cultivation Root, and he will practice the Evil Ascension Method faster in the future.

That's pretty much it. The girl was calculating like a little daughter-in-law, Then you go ahead and call me if you need anything!


After finishing the most urgent matter of purchasing the skills, he naturally wanted to return to the world of Kyushu.

Their squad dominates the world.

After he found everyone in Tianxia Palace, Li Shou's return naturally made everyone cheer and celebrate his triumphant return.

Everyone was very happy. In the next ten days, everyone held several banquets and celebrations in the Tianxia Palace, creating a festive atmosphere throughout the capital.

After the entertainment, everyone calmed down and started team improvement!

After receiving the first initial capital, the entire team entered the fast lane just as Ma Nanzheng said.

With the skills of the prehistoric world such as Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue, although it is a beginner disciple level skill, the prehistoric level is the prehistoric level, and the entry level is just in line with the current strength of everyone.

With this technique, it would be unwise to waste time looking for other ways to strengthen it.

In the next two years, the entire team spent most of their time in the world they dominated, practicing the Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue in the Tianxia Palace.

It wasn't until the Stone Jade Golden Ice Heart Grass was burned out that everyone broke out.

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