Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 199 Financial accumulation, the first pot of gold

The four demons rushed directly into the group of mages. The way they appeared and the suddenness of their appearance made it seem as if they had already been ambush there.

What mages are most afraid of is that something big and powerful in melee combat will enter the battle. If one of the demons rushes to kill them, half of the mages will die. If another round comes, all of them will die suddenly and become snacks for the demons. .

Without the constant burning of the mage, Li Shou's body recovered immediately, and then he looked at the demons that had gone and returned.

Why are you back?

We didn't go far at all!

Yes, we didn't go far!

Then why didn't you find you?

The demon's hiding ability is better than that of the assassin, hahaha...

Several demons turned back to their human form as they spoke, and the four people looked at Li Shou with half-smiling expressions and treacherous expressions.

After all, I haven't eaten good human flesh for many years, so I won't let you die easily.

But I have been with you for so long, and I have long felt that you also have secrets.

So, we also have to see what the secret is and whether we can figure it out.

Yes, so we have been hiding around.

Hahaha, it's a good thing we're hiding, otherwise the thundercloud just now might kill us.

But now it seems that your enemies have exhausted their cards.

It's the four of us who came out to harvest!


We demons are really geniuses! We are not as stupid as humans! The four girls spoke to each other with extremely arrogant expressions.

Insidious, cunning, unloyal, and seemingly a little loyal.

This is how Li Shou feels about the demon clan at this time.

Whether it is a ferocious appearance or a charming appearance, it is their disguise.

When we get along with each other, these demons are like greedy kittens, and they even deceive Li Shou.

In fact, they have intelligence that is no less than that of humans and have more than hundreds of years of survival experience.

They will only do things in their own interests if they ensure their own safety.

How? Big fat sheep, thank us!

Please contribute more meat in the future!

But before that, kill these judges first!

As the four demons spoke, their expressions became fierce.

The demons also hated the Holy Wing Empire Adjudicator - this was one of the reasons why the four of them took action.

Over the long years, too many lone demons were hunted down as heretics by the Inquisitors.

The Demon Clan already had a blood feud with them, and there was no need to say a word of nonsense when the two sides met. It was a life-or-death situation.

With the addition of the four big demons, the situation in the field immediately stabilized.

The mage group was destroyed, and the assassin mercenaries were just a straggler and nothing to worry about.

The most powerful ones are the remaining dozen or so adjudicators.

The Five Thunder Technique just now killed several adjudicators, and now most of the remaining ones are seriously injured, and some are even missing arms and legs.

They don't have Li Shou's recovery ability. After the lightning attack, the surviving judges' combat effectiveness is less than half of their usual strength.

After the four big demons entered the scene, Li Shou and others also began to exert their strength. The God of Machines entered the scene, and the undead wreaked havoc again.

Things are starting to improve.

President, shall we fight or flee?

Several square ants gathered around Arthur.

Arthur looked at the situation on the field and began to hesitate.

The current battle was a life-and-death situation. The outcome was unknown, and he was no longer able to control the situation.

It's fine if you win, but if you lose, the team will be wiped out.

But if you run away, there will be no chance of a comeback, and even the ten years of foundation will be destroyed.

The laws of the Holy Wing Empire impose very severe penalties on those who escape from battle. The lightest punishment is to be stripped of their status as officials and saints, and demoted to pariahs or even slaves.

In serious cases, they may even be directly tried by a military court and sentenced to death.

Before we came to fight this time, we mobilized all the political energy we could mobilize in the past ten years. Even if we escape the sanction of the law in the end, do we really have to start all over again after ten years of establishment?

Arthur couldn't bear it.

The task of confronting the factions is a big gamble. Now both sides have put all their chips on the card table. I am not willing to leave the card table without opening the cards. Arthur seemed to be talking to his companion, But at the same time, he was persuading himself. His eyes gradually became firmer as he spoke.

Fight, in addition to the natives, we also have members of the same team as our fighting force. We are not only the ones taking advantage of the situation, we are the force ourselves. Inform the vice-president to attack in full force. Since we are going to play a big game today, we can only Come down one!


Kyushu world.

In the Palace of Heaven.

I don't know what happened to Lao Li and the others. Emperor Jue was eating the royal tribute. Sitting next to him was Ma Nanzheng, who had transformed into an emperor, and several other classmates.

Everyone was worried about Li Shou's safety.

I've been gone for so many days. Before I left, I said I was going to do an invasion mission, but I didn't say anything specific.

Yes, I do worry about it. The frequency of concubines in my harem has decreased in the past few days. Ma Nanzheng shook his head with worry on his face, If Brother Li dies, we will have no hope in the future. Without Brother Li, we will have no hope. The team will be completely reduced to a team of gangsters, and then they will have to live precariously.

No, isn't it enough that you have so many people in your harem? Why are you still having concubines? King Urine stood beside him and was puzzled.

Sometimes there is a need for marriage. Of course, I have no objection to multiple concubines.

Then you want me to stay in the harem for two days later?

Then it won't be a mess!

While the two were chatting, Jue Huang made a divination.

The hexagram shows dragon and tiger competing for life.

When a dragon and a tiger fight, one of them will be injured. This is the hexagram that only one side can survive. Juehuang paced back and forth anxiously. After wandering for a while, he saw that both King Urine and Ma Nanzheng were unhappy, so he stepped forward and kicked One of them kicked the two of them to the ground, How long has it been since you gave birth to a woman in his fucking harem? Why do you two find it so unpleasant?

You really shouldn't go on any invasion mission. The risk is too great. Chen Zihan also shook his head at the scene.

No, no, no, you don't understand capital accumulation. Our team is in urgent need of the first pot of gold, otherwise it will fall into a stagnant stage of development. Manan got up from the ground and began to talk to everyone about finance.

Everyone is very poor now, and each of them only has three to five years left to live. Although our Jiuzhou World's operating conditions are good, it is still in the stage of making ends meet. We may not be able to get back one year if we spend a year here. Years of rewards, let alone slowly accumulating capital and then redeeming for enhancements.”

Without the operation of the first pot of gold, we can't even find the direction of cultivation. We can only rely on the weakest blood, spirit, flesh and other things in the local area to strengthen ourselves. In this way, development will be very slow, and the team will be very fragile.

After all, this world is a world of great strife. We can spend a year, five or even ten years here safely, but one day we will be invaded and even killed. After accumulating the first pot of gold in the early stage , to make the snowball roll. Although Brother Li is taking a risk this time, it is a necessary risk.

So, the most important thing for everyone now is not to rush. Practice more if you have nothing to do, and don't hold back when Brother Li comes back. Isn't it that everyone gathered here for the royal family's ancient blood and spirit flesh to use for training? Let's improve our cultivation as soon as possible, and the harem It's just a flavoring, you can always have it if you want it.

If Lao Chen wants a hunk, I can order some for you. Don't worry blindly, practice hard.

Get lost. After hearing Ma Nanzheng's teasing, Chen Zihan turned and left.

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