I saw that the city was in chaos.

Ma Nanzheng knew it was time to perform on his own.

He patted the sitting beast, came not far from the front of the formation, and shouted angrily at the city gate.

After all, he had taken six Martial Saint Blood Pills and strengthened his cultivation of rules for ten years. It was still possible for him to sound like a bell.

I am the ruler of the Nine Provinces and the only emperor of the Dayu Dynasty. I am the sole emperor of the Dayu Dynasty! I, the Nine Provinces, have a thousand-year dynasty and will never fall. You guys are unyielding and have been deceived by Fang Hui's evil words. This person has a rat's head and two ends, so far. Don't dare to show up...

I think you have listened to the slander. If you lay down your weapons now and surrender to Kaicheng, you can still save your lives. If you dare to resist stubbornly again, your flesh will be turned into powder and your soul will go to hell. Don't say you didn't predict what you said!

The deterrent power of the Millennium Royal Family is still very online.

The Red Lotus cultists at the top of the city were already frightened by the battle outside, and when they heard the emperor say this, they lost any intention of resisting.

The clever ones had already put on civilian clothes and ran away, while the clumsy ones also knew how to put down their weapons and surrendered in Kaicheng.

Conquer the enemy without fighting!

You're so pretentious. I finally know why in A Song of Ice and Fire, Dragon Mother has to give such a long name when she appears. She can scare away a bunch of soldiers just by being scared.

However, Lao Ma's lyrics are also very strong, semi-ancient. I guess he practiced for a long time last night.

No matter what, it's always a good thing to have fewer dead people.

Yes, after all, this is our world, and it will be our home court from now on.

But speaking of it, isn't this world a bit small? It's only the land of Kyushu. I looked at the map that day and the Kyushu combined is about the same size as Australia. What else is there, the ocean?

Hey, don't talk about it. During the few days I stayed in the Imperial City, I went to the Royal Library to research this issue. There is more to the world than Kyushu, but only Kyushu is the only place left with people alive. Other places are not covered by If the ancient war is broken, even if it is polluted, in those realms, not to mention ordinary people, even warriors will not be able to survive.

I see.

The students gathered next to the battle formation to discuss and watch the Red Lotus Sect Kaicheng surrender.

Since Fang Hui never showed up, the outcome of the war has actually been decided by now.

The next army also pushed forward all the way. The biggest trouble they encountered was the Red Lotus cult members who were infected by evil spirits. They no longer had human emotions and naturally did not understand fear.

Facing the army, they formed a group to commit suicide and summoned evil formations, using the evil ground to barely resist.

But with Li Shou and a group of martial saints around, even the invincible evil spirits would be hard-pressed to hold off the army for too long.

And as the old saying goes, a defeat is like a mountain falling, but the mountain is very fast.

When the decline was complete, the remaining counties in Southwest Prefecture had already surrendered before the army arrived.

This counter-insurgency war was faster than anyone imagined. It took less than two months from preparation to conclusion.

With the end of the war, the entire land of Kyushu returned to the control of the imperial court.

At the same time, the prerequisite tasks for the domination task were also completed.

This was much more unexpected than Li Shou thought.

He thought that in order to complete the prerequisite tasks of the Domination Mission, he had to at least kill Fang Hui. But then I thought about it again and it felt reasonable.

Now all of Kyushu is dominated by their team, and Fang Hui only occupies a hilltop.

Just that one hilltop is regarded as the home base of bandits. Some big bandits even claim to control three mountains and occupy many hilltops. If just one mountain does not dominate the world, then any group of bandits can interfere with the mission. process.

[The preliminary task of dominating the world is completed. The degree of balance promoted is very low. The balance factor is 400 points. Each person in the team can generate 1 day of life gain every month. There is no prop reward yet. 】

[The preliminary task of dominating the world is completed, and the degree of balance promoted is extremely low...]

Still the emotionless sound of the mushroom.

It reminded everyone that after completing the prerequisites for domination, it asked everyone if they wanted to leave this world.

[Since it is a domination mission, after completing the domination prerequisites, you can travel through the dominated world at any time. 】

At this time, everyone just happened to gather at the original sect headquarters of Xuanxue Sect. After a dozen people exchanged glances with each other, they left together after looking around for no one.

Returning from the Kyushu World to the Main World, everyone appeared in the mushroom area.

The huge mushroom area is relatively quiet at this time. Except for one or two people in the distance who are exchanging props for special mushroom species, there are no outsiders within a few hundred meters.

The rewards for the fourth game are so small! Wang Zheng complained as soon as he came out. One day a month is not enough to fill your teeth. Although the task process is very simple...

No, no, no, the mission process is actually not simple. Chen Zihan objected first, The reason why our mission process is simple is because of Li Shou. Without him, it would take us a long, long time to defeat the royal family and the emperor. Once we have done it, he will do it too. The world is in chaos, and it is difficult to rule the world without the ability to transform.

In addition, if there is no strong military support, the final war in Southwest State will be very long. Fang Hui will not be like a tortoise who doesn't come out. In other words, there is still a BOSS to fight during the normal mission process.

Therefore, the overall analysis, judging from the strength of the ordinary team at the end of the third game, it is very difficult to dominate the Kyushu world without spending several years slowly plotting.

Is our team already so strong?

Nonsense, except for Li Shou, we also have epic level enhancements, which most people don't have.

The reward...

Rewards are related to the implementation of the Way of Balance. Dominating the world is only a prerequisite for the implementation of the Way of Balance. We must manage that world well to generate more profits. Next, everyone must manage it well. Wang Zheng is not the same as before. Do you want to be the governor of the southwest? I'll give you a state and you can run it. Li Shou took over.

Give me a state too. Guo Pengfei raised his hand, I was pretty good at playing business games before.

I don't care about the business affairs in the state. I want to be a ranger, specializing in killing people like Yuan Li. Zhao Yinuo, a reckless man, has also found his position. As long as there are fewer such people and someone is there to scare them, I think I can come here. People will also live a better life.

Probably, but we still have to promulgate relevant laws and strive to be fair. It feels like this will be a long job...

Li Shou was right...

Over the next long period of time, the world of Kyushu entered a period of development.

Ma Nanzheng studied some laws of modern society and began to weaken the privileges of the powerful class, including but not limited to inheritance, anti-land annexation, etc...

At the same time, led by the power of the dynasty, states began to reduce taxes.

From the previous half-payment of grain, it gradually changed to the Thirty-one tax during the Han Dynasty.

This will reduce taxes by more than 90% for the people.

After reducing taxes, seeds for spring plowing were distributed. At the same time, headed by Li Shou, a martial saint group was formed to clean up the evil places.

It turns out that these martial saints gathered in the palace to serve the royal family. When they had nothing to do, they just practiced and enjoyed themselves. They could not do anything for the common people.

Now after the clean-up team is formed, it is assigned to clean up in various places.

It is very simple for Wu Sheng to clean up ordinary evil places. The evil places around villages, country roads, and counties are all swept away.

Even if there were invincible evil spirits, they were eliminated under the leadership of Li Shou.

There are no evil places around the residence, the transportation and living environment have been directly upgraded to a higher level, and taxes and labor have been reduced, and the happiness index of the people in the entire Kyushu world has been rising.

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