The second day.

Above the court hall of Tianxia Palace.

Ma Nan is sitting on the throne, with hundreds of civil and military officials below.

The military attaches who can be above the court are either worshiped by martial saints or generals who are skilled in the art of war.

Civil officials are naturally the governors of various states, or various officials from the financial, legal, and criminal ministries.

The configuration of officials in this world is definitely slightly different from that in ancient times on Earth, but if you want to govern a country, many types and functions are necessary - such as law and finance. No matter which world, relevant departments will be set up.

It's just that the names are different, and the specific division of responsibilities and authorities will be different.

Today, Ma Nan is going to court, under the guidance of the Eighth Prince, to see the reactions and functions of various parties, and to become familiar with them - he is currently serving in the court of hundreds of civil and military officials, and does not recognize any of them. He will do something about it later. It would definitely be troublesome if something happened.

Ma Nanzheng was very excited when he went to court for the first time. He watched the Eighth Prince asking the people below to report their duties, and whispered to behind him: It's so cool.

Say a few words less. There are many martial saints below, and maybe some of them have good ears.

It's so far away, no matter how good your ears are, you can't hear clearly! Ma Nan was looking under the high platform.

A thousand-year dynasty is still a thousand-year dynasty with extraordinary power.

The emperor's seat was so high that the gap between the top and bottom of the platform was as high as ten stories. Ma Nanzheng was sitting on top of it. It was said that he was sitting on the throne, but his height and grandeur made it more like the Jade Emperor's Lingxiao Palace. .

This is a magnificence that the Emperor of Earth can never achieve.

First, there are extraordinary warriors in this world, and many giant materials are easier to transport and make. This one is not critical yet, the most critical one is the second one.

Even if it could be built in ancient times, the emperor would not sit on the tens of meters high throne - it would be too tiring to climb up.

The last morning session was not a strenuous one. Sitting so high and so far away, I couldn’t hear clearly what was being said below. The physical ability is not up to it, the perception is not up to it, and the construction technology will not allow it to be done.

But the emperors here are all super masters. They can climb to a height of tens of meters in the blink of an eye, so there is no such problem at all.

The officials below are also practicing martial arts and their voices are loud enough.

At this time, Ma Nan was sitting on the throne, and Li Shou was behind the scenes.

He wasn't sure whether what happened yesterday had been leaked, and he didn't know if Ma Nanzheng could suppress the situation. He was here to calm down the situation. If there was any objection at the scene, he wouldn't mind taking action again.

Fortunately, the emperor had accumulated prestige for a long time, and the people below him did not dare to look upward, let alone ask random questions. The first day of going to court went very smoothly. Li Shou also distinguished the divisions of civil and military officials from behind and recognized their faces.

The morning court ended and everyone dispersed. The Eighth Prince moved to the rear. He ignored Ma Nanzheng and saluted Li Shou directly.

He is a very discerning person, and one of the few people in the royal family who has actual power.

Things above the court may seem complicated, but in fact they are not that complicated. After the Eighth Prince arrived, he explained: After all, things are done by people below, you only need to express your intentions Pass it on and wait for feedback...

Well, I understand. It's easy to become a bad emperor even if you don't become a good emperor. Ma Nanzheng nodded.

In ancient times on earth, there were some foolish kings who did not go to court all year round and only lived in the harem.

Even so, if the troops and horses below are strong, they can last for decades.

This is especially true for dynasties with extraordinary power. As long as they master the top power and resources, they will not be able to change the world below.

But Ma Nanzheng will never be like this. Although there is no time limit in the fourth game, everyone will die as soon as their lifespan is exhausted. If the method of balance is not implemented, there will be no profit and everyone will finish the game together.

Then you study how to reduce some taxes, which is relatively critical, and then give the hungry people some seeds for spring plowing. Li Shou explained, There are so many hungry people along the way, and the crop yield here is so high, as long as we can do it in the near future If you do these two things, it will be much better. Then the Eighth Prince...

I'm here.

You said yesterday that there are three secret places controlled by the royal family. Take me there.


After everyone left the main hall, the Eighth Prince took Li Shou and Ma Nanzheng to the first place.

It was a strange array with many array symbols, which contained considerable energy. But the furnishings next to it looked very ancient and outdated.

This is the formation eye of the Tianxia Palace. Only the emperor himself has the right to control the formation stones, which are passed down from generation to generation. Once you control the formation stones, you can exert far greater strength than usual in the Tianxia Palace...

Under the guidance of the Eighth Prince, Li Shou picked up the formation stone, and then gradually connected the formation stone with his mind according to the method taught to him by the Eighth Prince.

After connecting, Li Shou felt that he could use the power of the formation at any time.

There are also some pseudo-formation stones here. You can use part of the power of the formation when you grant your thoughts. The Eighth Prince got some weird small stones from the side.

I know this. The old man who was the emperor's bodyguard used this thing before. Li Shou connected some fake formation stones and left a dozen pieces for Ma Nanzheng to pass on to his classmates, and gave two more to the Eighth Prince.

One for himself and one for Cheng Lingyue.

After completing the handover of the first formation, the Eighth Prince sealed the formation and mobilized his own sacrifices to guard it.

Then the three of them came to the second place.

This place is also heavily guarded.

In a place like the back garden of the palace, there is a red soil. The soil here is as sticky as blood, and huge blood spirit flesh and some weird plants grow on it.

These are all ancient things, some are herbs, and some are ancient blood and spirit flesh. Although these things are not as good as those from the real ancient times, they are already the best in the world.

What's going on with this dirt?

This is the biggest secret of the royal family, come with me. After the Eighth Prince dismissed all the guards, he came to a place in the Blood Spirit Field, and then used his inner energy to cut the skin and drip the blood on the ground there.

As the blood entered the ground, a crack opened in the ground next to the Blood Spirit Field.

This is the third and last place we want to go today.

Li Shou was afraid that it was not safe inside, and that the Eighth Prince was just trying to kill him through the formation, so he knew that Ma Nan was guarding outside, and he and the Eighth Prince entered the crack in the ground.

Within the crack in the ground is an underground passage. The tunnel is very deep and reaches directly into the abyss.

Li Shou felt that he had walked hundreds or thousands of meters before he came to a spacious place.

After arriving here, the Eighth Prince patted the wall, and then a light like fireflies shone around him.

Although the light is not strong, it can finally make people see things around them clearly.

This is... What appeared in front of Li Shou were some corpses, corpses that were as immortal as mummies, but these corpses maintained weird postures and were better preserved than mummies.

The most important thing is that these corpses are very tall, much taller than humans, and their facial features and muscle structure are also somewhat different from ordinary people.

These people maintain a posture, maintaining a seal in front of them.

There are stone chains made of various ancient black stones on the seal, locking something like a well.

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