Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 17 Super Zombie (Thanks to Silver Alliance Leader Lan Zai for not calling him a shark)

Are you dead? The commander looked at Toure's beaten body and waved his subordinates to stop shooting.

He received an order to blockade the city. The document given above said that a monster appeared here, which was contagious and aggressive, and roughly described the characteristics of the monster.

In fact, he didn't even see a zombie monster. In the more than a day since he arrived here, he only shot and killed some civilians who tried to break through the blockade. He and his subordinates had never seen what the monster looked like.

This place is on the outskirts of York City. Zombies broke out in two areas in the city center. It will take some time to spread to other areas of the city, and it will take even more time to get here.

According to the description in the document, that kind of monster will die as long as it hits the head.

But the head of the thing in front of me was obviously damaged, but there was no sign of death...

Ho ho... Tu Lei, who was beaten into a sieve, let out a weird roar. Under the illumination of the searchlight, all the black blood he flew out came to life like worms.

The black worms twisted their bodies in the air and connected together, and then returned to Toure's body like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

After that, something like a straw grew on his body and penetrated into the ground to absorb nutrients. As nutrients continued to pour into Toure's body, it began to expand and deform.

Seeing this, even if the commander is a fool, he will know what happened.

Keep shooting! the commander ordered the troops to shoot again.

But this time the bullets from the machine gun had no effect. When the bullets hit the opponent's body, they were blocked by a strong layer of skin.

At first, the cannon can still penetrate it and cause some damage, but as the film becomes thicker and thicker, the cannon's effect becomes worse and worse.

When armor like rhinoceros cuticle began to grow on top of the skin, the cannon was ineffective.

Get heavy artillery, get heavy weapons!

Several heavy cannons that had their muzzles pointed at the tunnel began to slowly change direction.

And within a minute or two, Toure's transformation was finally completed.

What has it turned into? Let me see! Of course, Li Shou has been paying attention to the battle here. He hid behind the stone and was curious to see what kind of head he could create if he drank four bottles of potion together. Zombies.

Yeah, it looks pretty fierce, but a little disgusting!

What appeared under the searchlight was a large, squirming mass of flesh covered with skin and armor.

The piece of flesh was as big as a jeep, and the holes and gaps in its body were covered with photoreceptor organs similar to eyes.

It's just that unlike human eyes, these photosensitive organs are also covered with flesh and blood armor, which looks very disgusting.

In addition, there are thick octopus-like tentacles around the body.

After four bottles of medicine, Tu Lei no longer looked like a human being.

At this time, Toure's defense was particularly strong, and even the bullets from the machine gun could not penetrate the flesh.

However, the muzzle of the heavy cannon also turned its direction when he completed his transformation.




After two loud noises, a shell grazed his body and hit the ground next to him, and another shell directly hit his body.

The explosion caused by the heavy artillery directly caused everything within a dozen meters around him to be covered in flames.

After this shot, Toure was finally traumatized.

A piece of the body the size of a water tank was blown away, and other parts were also scorched.

Keep shooting, don't stop!

Although the commander continued to shout, loading the shells took time.

They are only here to block the tunnel, and there are not particularly many heavy weapons.

And in just such an interval, the octopus monster popped out its tentacles, first grabbed the piece of body that flew out and put it into the wound, and then absorbed it back with a squirming movement of flesh and blood.

After recovering, all the super zombie's tentacles flicked and disappeared under the searchlight.

So fast! Even Li Shou couldn't see clearly just now. At this level of speed, it would be very difficult to hit it with a heavy artillery in the dark.

Accompanied by a hail of bullets, the octopus monster quickly rushed down the hillside and rushed into the military camp, killing a row of soldiers with a single sweep of its tentacles.

Then the soldier's flesh and blood was absorbed by it. Not only did its injuries heal further, but its size also increased a lot.

In the next two minutes, Octopus Monster Tu Lei killed everyone in all directions, and countless Tianlong people died under his hands, which was considered a breath of evil for himself!

However, the army in another world is not a vegetarian. With the helicopter taking off, the addition of flamethrowers, and the addition of incendiary bombs, the killing efficiency of the octopus monster has dropped sharply.

Li Shou had been observing the situation from behind the boulder on the hillside, and knew that it was time for him to take action.

They never thought that a super mutant alone could defeat a regular army of thousands of people.

The mutants attract firepower and attention, and Li Shou makes a sneak attack. This is their plan.

When the scene was filled with chaos and fire, Li Shou carried the birdcage down the hillside at an extremely fast speed.

This bird was made by Tu Lei, a local, and Li Shou had already experimented with it during the day. It works on the same principle as human zombies. Since the zombies have turned into zombies, even the ones he released are still infectious.

Li Shou didn't run long before he triggered the alarm, but the alarm was quickly drowned out by the explosion.

He tried his best to get as close to the back of the military camp as possible, and the march went very smoothly. No one really noticed him until he was close to a hundred meters away.

Why are you running so far away? Do you want to be a deserter? Do you want to give up the glory of our Tianlong people? A young officer who looked like a platoon leader yelled at Li Shou from a distance.

Under the shining firelight, he couldn't see Li Shou's face clearly, only his military uniform.

I don't want to be a deserter commander, here I go!

Li Shou approached at a trot, holding the birdcage tightly as he approached, and placed his hand on the mouth opener.

What's that in your hand? After Li Shou got closer to another twenty or thirty meters, the officer noticed his little movement.

Hey, it's a good thing, sir, a good thing! Li Shou quickly opened the birdcage as he spoke, and then threw it directly towards the crowd.

Others quickly jumped behind the armored vehicle.

In the air, the zombie Bullet Bird, which had been furious for a long time, finally found a breakthrough and flew out directly.

After the birds flew out, the virus's desire for flesh and blood caused them to immediately attack the surrounding soldiers. Some soldiers reacted quickly and were able to avoid them.

But most of the soldiers' attention was still on the octopus monster. Before they understood what was going on, they were scratched and pecked on their necks.

What is this? Bullet bird, why do you put food in there! When the young officer was still confused, he saw the faces of the soldiers around him who were being attacked by a flock of birds starting to look weird.

The veins and blood vessels began to turn dark and abnormal, and his body began to twist.

Something's wrong! The officer reacted quickly, raised his gun and shot the soldier dead, but before the shooting was over, he was hugged from behind.

Let go! Human beings are not as strong as zombies. After struggling for a few times, he was bitten on the shoulder.

After dozens of seconds.

He also joins the zombie army!

In this way, it spreads from ten to ten, and the more humans fall, the larger the zombie population becomes.

There was complete chaos in the rear.

If there were no super zombies to restrain them, perhaps under the command of officers at all levels, the army could adjust its battle plan and finally defeat the zombie hordes.

But now they were attacked from the back and front, and the army fell into chaos.

In the chaos, there is also a traitor who constantly takes advantage of the chaos to assassinate officers who are trying to organize his subordinates.

Under the pressure from the three parties, the entire camp collapsed completely.

Before dawn the next day, the entire military camp was completely destroyed.

The virus has finally broken through York City’s lockdown.

Thanks to Lan Zai, an old book friend of Global Evolution. I didn’t expect that someone would still pay attention to me after I stopped creating for a long time. I am very encouraged. The biggest purpose of writing a book is that people will like to read it. I will work hard to update it this time.

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