Would you like to take a look inside York City? Li Shou now didn't know how the world had developed in the past year.

Did the zombies successfully infect the world, or did the Draco army wipe out the zombies?

Or are humans and zombies still in the fighting stage?

But no matter what, York City is definitely not going to work.

It is the starting point of the zombie virus outbreak. It has the largest number of original BOSS-level zombies, and it is also the first city where the Tianlong people threw incendiary bombs.

The incendiary bombs in this world are very powerful, about the same as small nuclear bombs.

After being baptized like this, no matter which side wins, York City must have been destroyed.

Theoretically, it was not very likely that there were living people living inside, but Li Shou decided to go and have a look.

One is to understand the basic situation first, and the other is to see if zombies, especially BOSS-level zombies, have evolved again as the virus continues to mutate.

His biggest purpose here is to get viruses or related virus-enhancing medicines.

It is also necessary to check the strength of zombies.

Let's go. After thinking about it, he set off and headed from the lake towards the center of York City.

Not long after walking, or even far from the lake, he saw the first zombie.

It was a zombie lying in a suspended death state in the bushes.

The whole body was a little shriveled by the sun, but Li Shou noticed that the zombie had sprouts like plant roots growing on it. It seemed that relying on these things, it could maintain basic physiological functions even if it didn't eat people.

The presence of zombies means that humans have not yet won a complete victory. I just don't know whether the zombies have become stronger or weaker. Li Shou wanted to try the new version of zombies, so he deliberately walked over without hiding his figure.

The zombie heard the footsteps and ejected from the ground before Li Shou could get close, rushing towards him crazily - switching from semi-dormant state to violent state was a seamless transition.

The zombie opened its big cracked mouth, revealing the yellow and black tartar on the dry teeth. Before the zombie came, Li Shou could smell the stench.

Yes. Li Shou held his breath, and when the other party rushed over, he grabbed the zombie's shoulders with both hands and resisted its attack.

The strength is not small, and the speed is quite fast. If this is the average level of zombies, it seems to be more powerful than when I walked. As he spoke, Li Shou summoned a small storm to roll up a branch as thick as an arm from the ground. Put it in the zombie's mouth.

The zombies instinctively chewed everything in their teeth like crazy, and then bits of sawdust began to fall off.

The bite force is not weak, it is stronger than humans. Of course, it is impossible to defeat Li Shou with this kind of bite force.

So low-level zombies pose no threat to him at all.

After he experimented on the zombie for a while, he got the basic data and threw it away.

After that, Li Shou continued to move forward.

As we get closer to the city of York, there are more and more zombies ahead, and groups of corpses begin to appear before we go far.

These corpses began to attack when they saw living people, but how could these things be Li Shou's opponents now.

It wasn't even a trouble, it was blown away by the storm he summoned directly.

‘Speed ​​up, I haven’t seen a BOSS for a long time, not even elite zombies. ’ Li Shou thought and started going at full speed. As soon as he ran to the edge of the city, the elite zombies hadn’t been seen yet. He first heard the sound of gunshots in the distance.

Is there anyone? Li Shou followed the sound of gunfire and saw a group of living people.

Each of these people was fully armed, and there were seven in total, five men and two women, all combatants.

Their gunshots not only attracted Li Shou, but also the nearby corpses, and countless zombies surrounded them.

At first, these people were still able to resist, but as the number of corpses increased, they began to become overwhelmed, and the pressure seemed great.

I told you not to shoot as a last resort. Why didn't you listen? The team began to fight internally as the pressure increased.

The situation was critical just now. Xiaowei has been caught. If we don't shoot, she will die.

That should also be a pistol with a silencer.

You and Kai are the only ones who have silencers! I told you to buy a few more, but you still couldn't bear to part with them, and now you blame me when something goes wrong!

Several people were arguing while shooting zombies.

Another person is starting the vehicle.

Forget it, this mission is cancelled. I really hate working with newbies!

If your team is really elite, will you recruit newbies? Don't blame your teammates for being poor!

The pickup truck started up amid the commotion.

The modified pickup truck has a spiked iron guardrail on the front, and its power has also been significantly changed.

The driver started the car and ran rampant among the zombies. After knocking over some zombies, he made room for others. Several people jumped on the pickup truck and continued to suppress the zombies with gunfire.

If nothing happens, they will most likely be able to escape.

But in the apocalyptic world, accidents are the mainstream.

Li Shou stood not far from the overpass and saw a mutant lurking among the corpses. When the car started, it started to attack. After the car started, it sprayed out a large amount of green. slime.

The slime shot towards the pickup truck from the air, and the acid was poured on the car and directly corroded the skin.

This is not the most fatal thing. What is fatal is that the mucus also stains the front tires of the vehicle, causing the tires to partially melt and causing the car to collapse directly.

It's over! The faces of everyone who had been arguing just now showed expressions of despair.

There are no cars in this place, so it is almost impossible to escape from the hordes of corpses.

They no longer argued at this time, and could only watch the corpses pounce on them like mad dogs.

Bullets poured out like crazy, but the zombies were not indifferent either. The zombies in this world had the same athletic abilities as the zombies in World War of the Zombies. Without convenient means of transportation, they would die sooner or later.

As the fire suppression gradually stopped, several people looked desperate.

It's all your fault.

It's better to let Xiaowei die!

What to do to save her?

I'll never take a newbie again in my next life, fuck!

The complaints that had been silent for a long time reappeared. When everyone had accepted the fate of death, they suddenly discovered that the corpses had taken off.

Many zombies in the back fell off the viaduct inexplicably. Just when they were confused, a strong figure walked through the group of corpses.

At this time, even a fool knows that he is saved.

With renewed hope, the crowd changed their magazines and cooperated with the man to shoot zombies. After a while, the scene was cleared.

Thanks for the rescue!

Thank you for saving your life. Several combatants came over to thank Li Shou.

Li Shou didn't waste any time and asked directly: What is the situation in the world now?

Huh? Several people didn't understand.

I was infected by the virus. Although I didn't turn into a zombie, my brain was burned out. I can't remember many things and I suffer from amnesia from time to time. Li Shou lied randomly. Anyway, as long as he explained it clearly, it didn't matter whether the other party believed him or not, I Now that I have saved you, you must repay me.

Now, tell me the specific situation of this world, okay?

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