Li Shou originally thought that after this small mission was over, he would get a moment of peace - after all, even if the native and Fang Yi people wanted to take revenge, they would have to wait until their injuries were healed.

But it backfired.

On the fifth day after the Qingwu Villa incident, Yanwu County of Qing State launched an attack on Changping County of Zhou State.

Although there have been constant frictions at the border between Zhou and Qing in recent years, the war has never really stopped.

However, most of Qingguo's attacks are only small-scale military training. Large-scale attacks only come once every few months.

This attack was very brutal. On the day it started, it was said that thousands of people died.

It seems that Qingguo has made up its mind. No matter whether Qingwu Villa succeeds or not, they will launch a general attack this time. In the Cao Mansion, Li Shou and Juehuang were talking in the tea room.

Since Li Shou came last time, Juehuang's status in the Cao family has been higher, and after the Qingwu Villa incident, his status has risen again.

Although he is still a son-in-law, he can still move around freely and entertain guests at will - this is a huge improvement compared to the past. Before Li Shou came here for the first time, he was even at risk of being assassinated.

How is the war situation over the border? Li Shou came here today to inquire about the news, and by the way, he gave something to Emperor Jue.

There are rumors outside that the Zhou army is doing well...but the actual situation is not very good.

In modern war, ordinary people with mobile phones and the Internet still don’t know the specific war situation. They only read various news from propaganda outlets. It is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

In this ancient world, the rumors from outside are even more untrustworthy.

Fortunately, Emperor Jue is in the Cao Mansion, and many private soldiers of the Cao Mansion will go to the border to provide support. Their news channels are even more sensitive and accurate than those of the county soldiers.

Having information channels is very important in this world.

It's not good. The Qing army is too brave, not afraid of death, and has strong individual combat power. It is said that the Zhou army suffered heavy casualties over the border. If we hadn't saved the batch of city defense equipment and transported it, what would have happened It’s even less optimistic…”

“Are there any support from other counties?”

No, not only our Changping County was attacked by the Qing Army this time, but also several counties along the border were attacked. Our strategic position is not that high, and if there is support, we will not be given priority.

I understand. Li Shou nodded, It seems that Changping County may not be able to be defended...

It's hard to say. In this world, in addition to soldiers and generals, there are also top masters who affect the war situation. A top master can sometimes determine the outcome of a battle. By the way, speaking of masters, when will you go to the Sage Pavilion? Are our classmates still going to follow?

You can't follow. In the last battle at Qingwu Villa, although we won a complete victory, part of our identity was exposed. Now there are Qingguo Xisaku watching me, and Fang Yi Heigong's people. If we leave in large numbers, Xuangui City crosses seven or eight counties to reach the capital, and there will definitely be dangers along the way.

Our personnel configuration itself determines it. If we ambush others, we will be very powerful, but if others make a sneak attack, we will definitely die in large numbers. Also, there are many people in our first and third classes who have low physical strength. If I travel through the counties by myself, it will be much faster than traveling with a large force.

So now it is best for everyone to continue in Black Turtle City. Everyone has been operating here for some time and has a plan to deal with danger. I'll take some time to go to the capital on my own, and I'll go back as soon as possible.

Yeah, pretty much what I thought.

Take this as well. As Li Shou spoke, he gave the things he got from the fortune teller to Jue Huang, This is the trophy of Fang Yi's top brass. This person has more kill points than the Mantis man. High. He left behind a lot of props. Not surprisingly, these props are mission rewards redeemed by Fang Yi. I don’t know if I can take them back. This thing is very complicated. You need to study hard and use your brain to use it. See if you can I can’t do it. If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first.”


After leaving Cao Mansion, Li Shou returned to the villa and contacted Xiao Ruyi.

At this time, he had returned to the appearance of the eldest lady of Qingwu Villa.

When we met again, his eyes looked much haggard.

Oh, all my classmates are dying. Xiao Ruyi did not joke with Li Shou this time, but sat on the steps of the villa and looked up at Qingzhu next to him.

Seeing his appearance, Li Shou suddenly thought of the middle-aged version of himself.

When everyone around you is dead, there must be some loneliness.

After all, even if the relationship wasn't very good at first, they have experienced so many missions together, and they have long been bonded.

Li Shou thought to himself.

Not to mention that people like King Juehuang who were friends from the beginning died.

Even if Ma Nanzheng, whom he disliked at the beginning, or Chen Zihan, who was even his enemy at the beginning, died, he would still feel uncomfortable.

My condolences. Li Shou stepped forward and patted Xiao Ruyi on the shoulder, You have done a lot. Without your efforts, everyone in your camp would have been beaten by that No. 6 at the beginning of the third game. Kill. And now that No. 6 is dead, he has avenged everyone.

Well, thanks, buddy.

It's okay. If I don't want to avenge you, I have to kill him.

I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about how you didn't add insult to injury. You got a lot of points at that time...

... Li Shou looked at Xiao Ruyi and suddenly thought that this man, like Ma Nanzheng, was a very flexible person who would do whatever it took to complete the task.

If you killed someone at that time, I would take revenge. Although I have no fighting ability, I can still reveal part of your hiding place. Also, Zhuang Fei will listen to me, and you will have another powerful enemy.

Zhuang Fei.

Li Shoulai is one of the strongest natives he has encountered in this world.

After listening to the words of the Variety Rat, Li Shou felt that sometimes one should not be too extreme in life.

We have thought about killing your people, but it is too unethical to do it, and the benefits are not that great, so there is no need to thank me. Now that so many people have died on your side, how do you plan to complete the mission in the future?

Let's try relying on the natives, or I have thought about continuing to provide you with information. Because I provided the information, and I will also benefit from you completing the task. This can be considered a win-win cooperation, okay?

Okay. I know you have a special way of sourcing information, which can be of great help... But before that, I want to use the power of Xiashan Villa. If something happens to Black Turtle City, help me protect my classmates. I will be away for a few days.

Okay. If something happens, I will ask Zhuang Fei to help.

After meeting Xiao Ruyi, Li Shou left the villa.

He took the map he found in Xuangui City and headed towards the Bianling direction of Zhou's capital.

According to the map, it takes 7 counties to get to the capital. Li Shou estimated that it is almost 1,100 kilometers on a scale.

I don't know how long it will take to run there. My current speed is about the same as that of a galloping horse. In ancient times, the eight hundred mile express delivery service was eight hundred miles a day. That is, a galloping horse can cover 400 kilometers a day at full speed. But at that time, the eight hundred mile express delivery was After a short distance, you have to change horses at the post station, otherwise the horses will not be able to maintain high speed for a long time... A normal horse only travels one or two hundred kilometers a day. If I have more endurance, I can run three or four hundred kilometers without any problem, and it will take about three days. To the capital.”

Forget it, no matter what, we can't waste time, leave early and come back early! As Li Shou spoke, he walked into the forest.

Not far away, a figure flashed out.

Boy, how dare you lie to me? I finally got the chance to be alone...

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