That night.

Three uninvited guests came to Xuangui City. They were dressed very ordinary and their faces were modified. They looked no different from the people of Zhou Kingdom.

After the three people arrived, they first found Xiaoyaoju, but they stood far away at the intersection and did not enter.

According to the information given by Qing Guo, it should be this one, right?

should be.

The people who came were none other than Fang Yi's president, Vice President No. 6 and the fortune teller.

Because the people sent during the day lost contact here, the three of them did not enter.

I don't know what's going on inside. Has the intelligence point been exposed?

have no idea.

The three of them couldn't figure it out, so they could only ask around.

Fortunately, there was a night market nearby, so they spread out and asked the stall owners about what happened during the day.

But the three of them are not professional intelligence personnel. They are all students, and there are not many students with Ma Nanzheng's negotiation skills.

Hey, uncle, what happened here during the day?

Buying something but not buying something? Don't block the way if you don't want to buy something.

This is money. Can you tell me what happened at the restaurant?

Someone died during the day, and the officials have taken care of it.

Who died?

How would I know? I don't go out to the stall during the day.

The three of them inquired separately, some met with disappointment, and some got some information, but not much.

I just knew something happened, but I didn’t know the details.

Soon, one of the three people came to Ding Qimeng's stall.

This stupid girl did not arouse anyone's alert at all. Her danger was directly ignored. The president who came to her directly asked: Here is fifty dollars. I want to ask you something.

Yeah. Ding Qimeng nodded.

What happened at the intersection restaurant during the day? If you can tell me the details, I will reward you five hundred.

People died at the intersection during the day.

I know that. Who died? Is the restaurant owner dead?

No, he is not in the dead ones.

Oh? You can't lie to me. The president stared at Ding Qimeng's eyes, trying to tell whether she was lying. If I ask someone else and what you said is different, don't blame me for coming back to trouble you.

Ask me, everything I say is true. Ding Qimeng told the truth and was naturally not afraid of checking. I happen to be selling cloth near here during the day. You can sell cloth here day and night.

The cute cloth-selling girl quickly gained the president's trust.

He took out Zhou Guo's money string and handed it to Ding Qimeng, Go on, tell me everything you know.

Everything was fine at first, but then a few people came and entered the restaurant, and then a girl jumped out and killed them all.

A girl jumped out? Is she following you?

have no idea.

What does the girl look like?

You can't see clearly because of her unkempt hair, but her clothes are very strange. There is a small beast printed on the clothes. I have never seen that furry beast, so I only remember her clothes.

Ding Qimeng gave the president some fragmented information.

The information is all true, but very misleading.

After he inquired about the news, he gathered with No. 6 and the fortune teller. The three of them checked the information, and finally found that what the cloth seller said was true, and she was also the one who told the most complete story about the day.

The printing technology in this world is not as good as that of Earth. Clothes printed with animal patterns must be from Earth.

That's right, and they didn't even change their clothes. They must be from Black Mist! They are the only ones with such sick minds!

Since he is from Black Mist, he may not necessarily kill the restaurant owner.

Yes, there are points for killing other people, but not for killing the restaurant owner. And the people in Black Mist are crazy and don't have that many plans.

This is also consistent with the previous intelligence. You said in your previous divination that No. 5 also died near here. Since the people from the mushrooms and vines are not capable of doing it, and we are unlikely to provoke the indigenous experts, that is the black The foggy guy is right.”

Since the restaurant owner is not dead, do you want to contact him?

Yes! If someone else is doing something, they will have a backup plan. Don't be afraid of Black Mist, they don't understand strategy!


After a while of discussion, the three of them got the correct answer. Then, relying on their strong combat power and boldness, they walked directly to Xiaoyaoju.

After entering, the three of them did not find the waiter, but the shopkeeper was waiting in front of the stage.

We're here to eat hump meat.

Please come inside. The shopkeeper ushered a few people into the backyard with a smile, and then made some tea, You three are welcome.

The three presidents did not drink tea and asked directly: What happened to the people we sent during the day?

I met a crazy person and killed him. At first, I thought he was a master from the Zhou Kingdom. I thought this place had been exposed, so I was ready to run away. But I was not wanted, and even the restaurant was not sealed. .”

Yeah. The three of them heard the words of one of their own and became more convinced of their speculations.

But don't worry, you two, I have already found out where that person is!

Oh? the president was delighted, Seriously?

I have been stationed here for many years, and I still have some connections...but that person is very powerful. I am an intelligence office and don't have that many people.

It doesn't matter. As long as you have the killer's hiding place, I will deal with it. How many people are there in total?

one person.

Okay, take us there to find her.

Wait a moment, there's a guy who knows her exact location. Don't be impatient. I'll be right back!

As the shopkeeper spoke, he left the restaurant.

After he left, there was a faint warning sign in the fortune teller's heart. He had eaten countless strange mission rewards, and this naturally came into play.

President, I feel something is wrong...

Can you figure out anything?

The art of divination is to find patterns in laws, and we can only make a rough approximation.

Then can we calculate the good and bad luck of this trip?

That's fine.

The fortune teller took out the tortoise shell, made some calculations, and finally came up with a confusing hexagram.

It's hard to say whether it's a blessing or a curse, but the hexagrams show that there will be many who trespass.

Well, we, Qingjun, Manshu, Fungus, Zhou Guoli, and now a person from Heiwu, it's already chaos. In the chaos, whoever has the biggest fist has the final say! Qingjun is the one We are the most powerful in the world, and we are the strongest among the four camps. As long as it is not a bad divination, we can move forward bravely!

While the president was talking, the shopkeeper brought back a young waiter.

The man looked timid and a little scared when he saw the president.

What are you afraid of? Look at your worthless look! The shopkeeper's waiter was so frightened that he trembled all over and slapped him on the back of the head. Hurry and meet the three adults.

Bye the three adults.

My lords, please forgive me. This is the person I took in from the Zhou Kingdom. He was born as a beggar and has never seen much of the world. However, he was raised by me since he was a child. I am like his biological father and can guarantee his absolute loyalty.

It doesn't matter, he knows the killer's hiding place?


Lead the way!


After the two closed the small restaurant, they left Black Turtle City with the three presidents, and then climbed all the way to the nearby hills. Finally, they came to a ruined temple.

The killer is hiding in the ruined temple!

Only one person confirmed?

Yes. The shopkeeper nodded, Should we mobilize reinforcements to surround and kill this person, or...

No, if only one person is still afraid of him, our camp will just admit defeat. The president winked at the other two people while speaking, and the three of them sneaked away.

After the three people left, the shopkeeper slapped the waiter on the head.

Damn Fan Biao, you're so scared, you almost exposed your secret! You're worthless.

I'm scared, Brother Ma. If this is discovered, I won't be killed on the spot.

What a fright, he's never seen you before.

It's usually not the turn of a transparent person like me to do this. It's usually done by Brother Li or Jue Huang.

Some of them have seen Brother Li's face before. It's not safe, and he's too strong to pretend to be different. The king is too far away, and he's the recently famous son-in-law of Xuangui City. If he is recognized, Not good either. You are just a weakling. The most important thing is that you have strengthened your sense of smell. If you have a dog nose, who will come if you don’t come? Although the location has been determined before, what will happen if the crazy woman leaves? If you don’t return it, Do you need to find someone?

I understand the truth, but I still have to be afraid.

Nonsense, I'm afraid too.

Then what do we do now?

Wait! Brother Li said that we can't find the help of the natives this time. It's unrealistic for us to deal with them on our own. This time we'll see if they bite each other first. It's in our interest if anyone dies. Don't be so afraid soon.

Okay Brother Marco!

This is just a good time to see who is more powerful, Black Mist, or Fang Yi!

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