Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 102 One month of strength entering the country

This mission still has no time limit.

The nearest time limit is what Variety Rat calls the task that Fang Ant will receive in one month, which means that there is a high probability that they will come over in one month.

One day later, Li Shou had already spread the news to Xuangui City. He didn't care how to take advantage of the situation. He believed in the abilities of his classmates. Ma Nanzheng, Juehuang and others would definitely be better than him if they showed their freedom. Be good.

Since the students have this ability, and since they are a team, the team should have a division of labor.

Li Shou's division of labor is to improve himself and make the team's sharp knife sharper.

At this time, Li Shou was standing on a rock, his body covered with metal blocks - these metal blocks were made by the blacksmiths of Qingwu Villa. Since there are countless blacksmiths in Back Mountain, there is no reason to use them.

After bearing the weight, Li Shou was making strange postures.

He had already read the silk given by Abi and understood the principles of cultivation in this world.

Cultivation in this world is completely different from the previous world.

Eating from mountains, eating from mountains, and water from water There is blood and spirit flesh in the upper world, which can produce internal energy. Everyone's practice method is basically to swallow blood and spirit flesh and then generate internal energy, and rely on special movement methods to let the inner energy circulate throughout the body. .

Some can produce explosive power, some can produce ice energy, and some can be combined with poisons, pine oil, etc. to create poisonous energy techniques or body-building techniques.

People in this world have rules and regulations.

Their way of practice is to cooperate with the order object itself and absorb the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

The exercise given by Abi is called Earth Xing Gong, which teaches many breathing methods, state of mind methods, postures, movements, etc.

Li Shou performed the exercises according to his own understanding, and he felt that he had absorbed much more power of rules than before.

Actually, the technique of this world is to cooperate with the regular rhythm of the command objects. No matter in terms of mentality, form and movement, or 'breathing rhythm', it must be consistent with the regular rhythm... When you are on the same frequency , naturally it will be better to absorb the power of rules. It is quite difficult to sum up this method, it is all based on the experience of previous people.

The way of practice in this world is more difficult. Without the guidance of famous teachers, many forms, movements and breathing cannot be in line with the rhythm of the rules.

But fortunately, Li Shou has the ability of Xiang Yinkui. Every time his movements are not standard and his breathing is imbalanced, he can detect it in time and adjust it back.

In this way, his cultivation speed is extremely fast.

Within half a day, Li Shou felt a connection between the rocks and the earth under his feet and his body.

Not only is his pace now steady, but under the same frequency rhythm, his feet seem to generate a suction force that can connect with the earth.

There are more attributes of exercises in this world. This exercise also seems to have a strange force-relieving attribute.

Li Shou felt the feeling of regular rhythms impacting his body. As he practiced, his physical attributes were improving, and he seemed to have an additional attribute to relieve stress.

He can transfer damage to the earth.

try it!

After practicing for a day, Li Shou took off the metal blocks all over his body, and then threw a 200 kilogram iron block into the air, letting it fall freely towards him.

Li Shou crossed his hands to protect his head, and soon a metal block hit his arm with a bang.

This huge impact should have made his arms numb, but his bones, muscles and skin produced a strange co-frequency fluctuation at this moment, releasing part of the impact at his feet.


Another crisp sound came from the soles of his feet. Li Shou looked down and saw a small hole in the rock beneath his feet.

Sure enough, I have relieved my strength. Although I may have only relieved 10% or 20% of my strength, I have only practiced for one day. One day can take as long as others for more than a month, or even more, but after all, I have just started.

Li Shou could not calculate how fast his cultivation was, nor could he calculate it.

After all, there are geniuses and mediocre people in this world. The average cultivation speed of ordinary people is a data problem, and he can only make a rough estimate.

In this way, Li Shou continued to retreat.

Apart from occasionally contacting his classmates to check on the progress, he did nothing for the next dozen days except practice and eat.

Half a month later...

Powerful regular rhythms were washing through Li Shou's body, making him tighter.

The muscles that were originally sharp and angular now have no clear lines and have become thick and connected.

The Earth Movement Kung Fu and the Mountain Stone Order have made great progress in his body's defense and strength.

The most important thing is that in more than a month, he mastered most of the force-relieving skills.


Throwing a piece of iron into the air again, half a month ago, Li Shouneng threw the 200 kilograms of iron to a height of seven or eight meters, which is the height of a second or third floor. Now Li Shou could easily throw the iron block ten meters high, and then the iron block fell back and hit his body heavily.


His body withstood half of the impact, and the other half was dropped by his feet.

The rocks at the foot suffered heavy blows and immediately cracked.

The training is half done.

He only rested for one hour a day for half a month, which is equivalent to nearly two years of retreat and hard training for a normal person.

After Li Shou made progress in his experiment, he hung the weight on himself again and began to assume various weird postures, adjusting his mood and breathing to enter the state of cultivation again.

Another ten days have passed.

Suddenly one day, Li Shou felt that his cultivation had reached a bottleneck. The power of the rules absorbed by the object could no longer improve his physical abilities. Those rules suddenly became soft and only had the function of nourishing him.

What's going on? The content recorded in the technique has not been completely completed yet!

With this question in mind, Li Shou took off his burden, got dressed and returned to the villa to find Abi.

Is there something wrong with the exercises you gave me? Some of the postures are wrong, or there is something wrong with the breathing method? Why does the effect stop abruptly in the second half of the practice? Li Shou held the silk silk and pointed. Looking at the villain pose in the second half of the picture and text, You only gave me the first half of the technique?

We at Lotus Pier use swords. This technique is what master got when he killed his enemies. It is of no use to us. There is no need to deceive you. As Abi spoke, she lowered her head and looked at Li Shou's waist. , Can I see your token?


There's no problem with the technique. If it's not that your understanding is too poor, then it's a problem with the command objects. A command object that is too weak cannot absorb higher-level command power, and will stop moving forward after reaching a certain level. You are an alchemist, and Are you a ranger or a Qingguo person, I don’t even know?”


Why does the Qing Kingdom allocate different tokens according to their titles? The higher the rank, the better the tokens. Why don't you know this? Also, why did you start practicing the second half of the technique in less than a month? I'm starting to doubt your identity now.

Abi is worthy of being the dedicated investigator of Lotus Pier, with an extremely delicate and sensitive mind.

Not only was it discovered that something was wrong with the Variety Rat, but now Li Shou's identity was also suspected.

But Li Shou was not afraid. No one could check the affairs of the main world. Anyone who checked would rationalize their memory. After getting the answer, he only left the sentence I am a genius and wanted to leave this place.

Don't leave. Did you really reach the second chapter of Earth Movement Kung Fu in just over twenty days?


If he is such a genius, according to the rules of the Zhou Kingdom, he must report it to Lord Huiling.

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