Wei Chengyin looked at Wei Changtian's wrath with cold eyes!

Ever since the bones of the Taixuan Sword were dug out and he was driven out of the Imperial City of Dali to fend for himself, he no longer regarded Wei Changtian as his father, and he didn't have any feelings for him in his heart.

If he wasn't afraid that his recklessness would affect Lin Wudao's plan, now he wanted to suppress Wei Changtian and vent the pain and torture he had endured over the years.

"Wei Changtian, the relationship between father and son has long ceased between you and me."

"If you want to kill me, just come here. I will wait for you at Langui Palace..."

Langui Palace is the palace of Wei Chengyin's mother.

The old days.

After his Taixuan sword bone was dug out, his mother, Concubine Lan, died immediately.

Wei Chengyin will always remember this grudge!


He finally returned to the Imperial City of Dali, and those who had given him pain and humiliation before would suffer his craziest revenge.

Think of this!

Wei Chengyin didn't pay attention to Wei Changtian's rage and ferocity, and directly put away the fighting puppets on the ground, then took Cao Jin and Zhou Fengtian and turned around and left Fengtian Hall.

"Damn it! Damn you bastard!"


Looking at Wei Chengyin walking away, Wei Changqian's face turned purple. He could no longer suppress the overwhelming anger in his heart, and his majestic face was full of ferocity.

The jade teacup on the imperial desk was smashed to the ground by him...


Falling into endless rage, he even started smashing things up in the Fengtian Temple like crazy.

It seemed that this was the only way to vent the anger and humiliation in his heart.

It wasn't until a long time later that Wei Changtian finally woke up.


With endless gloom, he sat on the dragon throne again, full of helplessness.

"Mr. Yin, you are the best at deducing numerology. You are also familiar with the supreme secrets and can observe everything in the world. Can you tell me how to kill Lin Wudao, a rebellious minister and traitor?"

Wei Changtian's eyes showed hope.

Hear the words!

Yin Siming's expression was calm, and there was no wave on his face.

"Your Majesty, do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

"Of course it's the truth!"

Wei Changtian replied without hesitation.

Looks urgent!

The origin of Yin Si Ming is extremely mysterious, and so far he has not been able to find out the slightest information about him.


His methods and abilities are also astonishing!

According to Wei Changtian's understanding, Yin Si Ming can discern the fate of all living beings in the world with just a pair of magical eyes. He has the power to predict the future and seek good fortune and avoid misfortune.

Over the years, under his guidance, Wei Changtian not only ascended to the supreme position of the Lord of Great Li, but also cultivated smoothly to the late stage of transcending the tribulation.

It can be said that his achievements today are all due to the help of Yin Siming.

Without Yin Si Ming, Wei Changtian would not be what he is today!

For him, Yin Siming has always respected him like a god; he has never had any doubts about his words.


Wei Changtian desperately wanted to get his advice and kill Lin Wudao, the rebellious official and traitor...


Facing his eager eyes, Yin Siming seemed extremely indifferent.

"Since Your Majesty wants to hear the truth, I will tell the truth."

"I see that your Majesty's fortune has declined greatly. There will be a bloody disaster soon. If you want to resolve it, you can pass it on to the eighteenth prince Wei Chengyin. In this way, you can live for another ten years."


A bloody disaster?

The evil son who passed the throne to Wei Chengyin can only live for ten more years?


Hearing this, Wei Changtian felt like a bolt from the blue, and his mind went blank.

Deep in my heart, there is boundless fear rising...

"Mr. Yin, are you trying to scare me?"

He smiled hard.


He seemed to think that this was just a joke played by Yin Siming on him.

"Your Majesty, you don't believe it?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, but... it's just too unbelievable. After all, I am also the Lord of Dali, carrying the fate of the entire Dali Dynasty. Is it possible that I can't defeat a rebellious minister?"

"It is said that it is located in Wei Chengyin, which is even more impossible!"

"What qualifications and abilities does he have for a useless person to rule the Great Li Dynasty..."

Wei Changtian was very angry.

He was so arrogant that he could not accept Yin Si Ming's words of approval.

To this!

Yin Si Ming looked indifferent.

"Your Majesty, although the relationship between you and the Eighteenth Prince is incompatible, there is still a chance to save it. If you really want to reverse the situation, you can first stabilize Lin Wudao."

"First, let the world know that Wei Chengyin will return to the clan and enjoy all the honors and treatment of a prince."

"Second, don't act rashly yet!"

"Your Majesty can find a way to invite a strong man to take charge of the Dali Dynasty, or he can kill Lin Wudao. If that doesn't work, he can just pass it on to Wei Chengyin and be wise to protect himself."

"You are his biological father after all, he will not really kill you..."

A calm voice came out slowly.

Hear the words!

Wei Changtian frowned, seeming to be thinking about Yin Siming's words.

a long time.

He sighed helplessly.

"Everything should be done according to Sir's words. Let's stabilize Lin Wudao and Wei Chengyin first."

"Come here~"


He replaced him with the eunuch waiting outside the hall.

"According to my decree, the eighteenth prince Wei Chengyin's royal status will be restored from now on, and all princely honors and treatment will be restored. What happened in the past was my fault."

"Today, I have sinned against myself in Fengtian Palace and will tell the world!"

"According to the order!"

A eunuch bowed in response.


Then he respectfully withdrew and prepared the decree.

"Sir, could you please go to Wei Chengyin's place? After all, he holds a terrifying battle puppet in his hands. If he goes crazy, I'm afraid..."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I'll be there right away."

Yin Si Ming nodded gently.

The words fell.

He immediately stood up, walked out of Fengtian Palace step by step, and headed towards Langui Palace.

"For the current plan, we can only ask the experts from Xuantian Sect..."

Wei Changtian frowned and sighed.

The Dali Dynasty was attached to the Xuantian Sect!

Perhaps, only the masters of Xuantian Sect can kill Lin Wudao.

Thinking of this.

He immediately summoned a shadow guard, took his letter for help, and quickly headed to Xuantian Sect...

Yin Siming's words made him feel an extremely huge crisis!


Wei Changtian didn't know that Yin Siming, whom he trusted the most, had already sold him.

call out!

The shadow guard had just walked out of the Dali Imperial City when Yin Siming's figure appeared in front of him in an extremely strange way. He raised his hand and pointed out, killing him directly.

No bones left!

After doing all this, Yin Siming returned to the imperial city like a normal person.

Lan Kwai Palace!

It's not too far from Fengtian Temple.

When Yin Siming came here, Wei Chengyin was looking at a portrait of a woman in the hall, dazed.

There was a strong look of reminiscence and nostalgia in his eyes...

"Your Highness, the Imperial Master is here."

Cao Jin reminded in a low voice.


National Division?

Wei Chengyin, who was reminiscing about the good things in the past, suddenly woke up. When he turned around, he saw the mysterious figure of Yin Siming.

For a moment, strong alertness and fear emerged in his eyes.

He had heard about the reputation of this mysterious national master when he was young...

"I wonder if the Imperial Master is here to give you any advice?"

Wei Chengyin asked carefully.

When facing Yin Siming, he couldn't help but panic in his heart.

The person in front of him put tremendous pressure on him!

"Your Highness, don't be nervous!"

"I am here to give advice to His Highness..."


Give me some advice? Any ideas?

Wei Chengyin looked confused!

"What does the Imperial Master mean by this?"

"Of course it means that literally. Doesn't His Highness want to become the Lord of Great Li? I'm here to help His Highness achieve his wish as soon as possible."

"Just now, I have won for you, Your Highness, the orthodox status of the Dali clan, and you can enjoy all the honors and treatment of a prince, and Wei Changtian has issued an order to inform the world."

"In addition, the shadow guards he sent to Xuantian Sect for help have also been killed by me. Your Highness does not have to worry about being threatened by external forces."

"As long as I am here, Your Highness will be safe!"

Yin Siming said with a smile.


After listening to his words, Wei Chengyin couldn't be happy at all, but looked unusually solemn.

"Why should the Imperial Master help me?"

"Because I like you!"

"Ah, that's it?"

Wei Chengyin couldn't believe it.

He doesn't feel that there is anything in him that deserves Yin Si Ming to treat him differently...

"The Imperial Master's words are serious. I am nothing more than a useless person. Fortunately, I am favored by the Governor so that I can speak plausibly in front of Wei Changtian."

"If I leave the Governor, I am nothing!"

"The Imperial Master has high hopes for me. Are you afraid that you have found the wrong person?"

he said mockingly.

Hear the words!

Yin Siming smiled lightly.

"Indeed, everything you have comes from Governor Lin. He is the most noble person in your life. It is precisely because of him that I think highly of you."

I see!

Wei Chengyin finally understood.

What Yin Siming is interested in is not him, but Lin Wudao behind him!

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