"How can this be?"

Everything happens in an instant!

Seeing Chu Shanhe's return to perfection, he was killed by Li Zangtian's sword. The old eunuch's expression suddenly changed, and his originally cold eyes were now filled with shock and fear.

Not just him!

Even Zhou Fengtian on the side had his pupils constricted and boundless fear rising in his heart...

Chu Shanhe, that is the cultivation level of returning to the true state of Dzogchen.

He was actually killed with a sword?

"This person's strength is definitely beyond the level of tribulation!"

The two of them looked at Li Zangtian in great horror.

this moment!

They completely lost their previous arrogance and condescension, replaced by endless panic and fear.

Li Zangtian can kill Chu Shanhe with one sword, he can also kill them...

Think of this.

Even though the old eunuch was full of anger towards Lin Wudao, he did not dare to say anything more.

The bodies of both of them were trembling non-stop!


They were all afraid, and Li Zangtian killed them too in a rage...


Lin Wudao had no interest in them.


After a cold glance, he stretched out his hand, took the imperial edict that the old eunuch had dropped on the ground into his palm, and read it carefully.

"Rebellious? Lawless? And... a rebellious minister of the country?"

"You even want to take me back to the capital of Dali?"

Looking at the contents of the imperial edict, Lin Wudao couldn't help but sneer coldly.


Seeing this, the old eunuch immediately fell to his knees in fright.

"Captain Lin, spare your life, Governor Lin, please spare your life, this is His Majesty's will, and I am also acting according to your command..."

He kowtowed crazily.

The old face was full of panic and fear.


"Just because I killed Tianxiang Tower and the rebellious officials and traitors of the Gongsun family who were hiding demons, Wei Changtian wants to arrest me? What is he afraid of?"

"Captain Lin, you don't know something. That Xianglou... comes from outside the borders of Kyushu. It is an industry under the Qingtian Chamber of Commerce. Our Dali Dynasty cannot afford to offend it."

"In order to avoid being accused by the Qingtian Chamber of Commerce, His Majesty wants to arrest you, Dudu Lin, to calm the anger of the Qingtian Chamber of Commerce..."

The old eunuch said tremblingly.

Qingtian Chamber of Commerce?

Hearing this name, Lin Wudao had a sneer on his lips.

As far as he knew, it was a behemoth!

Dominated in the Qingtian Territory, its Chamber of Commerce has been inherited for more than 8,000 years. Both in terms of strength and foundation, it is extremely strong. Looking at the entire Qingtian Territory, it is also a giant.

Naturally, it is impossible to offend a mere Dali dynasty...


Lin Wudao didn't have any fear!

"The emperor's ignorance has caused the national power of the Dali Dynasty to decline. Hundreds of millions of people have become alienated from their moral principles. The mountains and rivers have collapsed, and demons are wreaking havoc everywhere."

"It seems that Wei Changtian, the Lord of Great Li, is not very qualified..."

A calm voice came out slowly.


Upon hearing this, the old eunuch and Zhou Fengtian suddenly took a breath of air.


A terrible thought emerged in their hearts.

That is.

Lin Wudao wants to change the dynasty!

"What is the strength of the strongest person in the Dali Dynasty?"

Just as the two of them were thinking wildly, Lin Wudao's plain voice sounded again.

"Reporting to the Governor, as far as the old slave knows, the strongest person in the Dali Dynasty today is the ancestor of the royal family and a first-class minister of the Imperial City Division."

"They all have the cultivation level of the Mahayana realm!"

"The number of people is at least ten..."

The old eunuch quickly replied.

Mahayana realm?

Lin Wudao nodded.

Then, he began to think deeply...

"I believe that the Dali Dynasty is in such a state of decay that the people are in dire straits. It's time for a new owner."

"You, are you willing to help me achieve my great cause?"

After a while.

Lin Wudao suddenly spoke.


Do you really want to usurp the throne and commit rebellion?

The old eunuch turned pale with fright.

"Captain...you want to..."

"What, you don't want to?"

"Old slave, I..."

"In this case, I won't force anyone to do anything. Li Zangtian, just kill him and drag the body out to feed the dogs..."

"No, no, no, I am willing, I am willing to serve the Governor as my master."

Seeing Li Zangtian's fierce light, the old eunuch was scared to death.

Immediately he started to kowtow crazily.


Zhou Fengtian on the side did not dare to resist in any way.

"Li Zangtian, take the two of them into custody and then sign a slave contract. Since I am the master, you must be sincere."


Slave contract?

Hearing this suddenly, the old eunuch and Zhou Fengtian were shocked.

Once they sign a slave contract, they will become Lin Wudao's slaves for the rest of their lives and will never be able to stand up again.


What did the old eunuch want to say.


Just when he opened his mouth, he saw Lin Wudao's fierce eyes sweeping over him, and he was so frightened that he swallowed back all his words.

Later, he was escorted away by two vicious mourners.

"Someone, go and bring Wei Chengyin over."


Outside the gate, there were mourners bowing in response.

After he left, Lin Wudao took out the bronze coffin and put Chu Shanhe's body inside...


[You collected Chu Shanhe’s corpse and obtained a Tribulation Puppet from the ancient times. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained a Mahayana puppet from the ancient times. 】

[Mahayana Puppet: A battle puppet refined by ancient weapon refiners using peerless spiritual materials and special secret methods. After being released, it will possess the perfect combat power of the Mahayana realm. 】

[Note: Can only be used three times! 】


Does Chu Shanhe still have such good things in him?

Lin Wudao was a little surprised when he heard the system beep.

"This battle puppet should not be something Chu Shanhe owns, but something he has come into contact with before. Otherwise, Li Zangtian's sword just now would never be able to kill him."

A flicker of understanding arose in his heart.


With a thought, a mysterious puppet over one foot tall, wearing black armor and holding an ancient war spear appeared in the lobby.

Exuding a cold and sinister aura...

As soon as it appeared, Lin Wudao felt a pressure.

"It's quite a good thing."

Lin Wudao nodded secretly.

Dong Dong Dong~

Just when he was looking at the battle puppet, he saw Wei Chengyin coming to the lobby uneasily and kneeling at his feet with an extremely respectful gesture.

"Meet the Governor!"

He kowtowed heavily.

See it!

Lin Wudao nodded lightly.

"Get up~"

"I came to you this time. I want to ask you something. Do you want to be the emperor?"


Be an emperor?

Suddenly hearing this, Wei Chengyin froze on the spot.

Just looking at Lin Wudao stupidly...

This sudden surprise made him feel extremely frightened!

"Captain, you just said...that you want me to be...emperor?"

After a long time.

Wei Chengyin finally recovered from the shock and asked extremely nervously.

To this!

Lin Wudao smiled slightly.


"I already know your true identity. You were originally the eighteenth prince of the Dali Dynasty. Because the Taixuan sword bone was dug out, you were kicked out of the royal family and left to fend for yourself."

"Now, I want to choose a qualified emperor for the Dali Dynasty and regain the country and the country. If you are willing, I can help you ascend to the throne."

"But I'm just a useless person, how can I be..."

"Oh, so what if I'm a cripple?"

"I said you can do it, then you can do it!"

The unmistakable voice shook my heart.

Hear the words!

Wei Chengyin immediately clenched his fists, and in the deepest part of his eyes, a glimmer of hope began to float.

"Everything depends on the governor!"


He prostrated himself on the ground with great piety.

See this.

Lin Wudao smiled...


"Get ready and head to the capital of Dali with the Imperial City Secretary in a moment."

"In addition, this Mahayana realm battle puppet is also given to you to save your life..."

Lin Wudao pointed to the black puppet next to him.

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