Shenwu Tianzong?

Hearing this name, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu began to think carefully.

at last.

They both nodded thoughtfully.

"Shenwu Tianzong is also suitable!"

"The Shenwu Emperor of this generation has lived for ninety-eight thousand years. If nothing else happens, he will only have the last two thousand years left."

"If he dies suddenly, there will be a vacant spot for the Great Emperor in the Divine Desolate World."

"When the time comes, someone will definitely fill this position."

"The most likely one is the high priest..."

The mad Taoist analyzed and said.

"So, our plan also indirectly helped the high priest?"

Qin Daofu smiled.

"Hehe, if everything goes well, the high priest will become an emperor in the future, and we, the evil trio, will also contribute."

"She should thank us properly!"

"Brother Ren, now that you've decided, let's do it like this."

"The good news should not flow to outsiders. Compared to others, I still hope that the high priest will become the emperor."

The crazy Taoist grinned.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao also nodded.


"Next, let me talk about the specific plan..."


He told the mad Taoist and Qin Daofu the detailed plan in his mind.

"Crazy Taoist, as usual, when you enter the Ancient Emperor's Dojo, you will immediately block the door of the dojo."

"It must be ensured that no one from the outside can get in, and no one inside can get out."

"In short, it cannot affect our plan!"

Lin Wudao warned.

"Brother Ren, don't worry. This matter will be taken care of by me. I guarantee that no one will be able to escape."

The crazy Taoist assured confidently.


"In addition to the cultivators in the Ancient Emperor's Dojo, the guardian Mo Qinghun also has to guard against him."

"Crazy Taoist, can your golden divine tomb trap the human emperor of the third heaven?"


"As long as I enter the golden tomb of the God of the Old Taoist, even the tenth level of the Great Emperor will not be able to come out."

"Okay, let's proceed as planned..."


The three of them discussed the details again, and then let Yu Wuji control the Shenzhou and rush into the Ancient Emperor's dojo.

"Great invisibility!"

The moment he passed through the gate of the dojo, the mad Taoist immediately activated his great invisibility technique, hiding his entire body in the deepest part of the endless void.

Immediately afterwards.

He used the void tomb template in the "Burial Book" as quickly as possible to hide the Golden God's Tomb.

The entrance to the tomb is directly opposite the gate of the dojo.

And it goes both ways!

In this way, no matter who comes in from the outside or goes out from the inside, they will eventually enter the Golden God's Tomb.

at the same time!

Seeing that the mad Taoist had blocked the door of the dojo, Lin Wudao was not idle.


With the help of the power of the Origin Stone, he evolved a clone and merged himself into the void.


He turned over his hand and took out the sword of sacrifice, and slashed it into the void in front of him.


The sword of sacrifice can kill the will of heaven and the rules of the world at the top, and can kill all living beings in the world at the bottom.


As Lin Wudao slashed out with his sword, a huge crack was forcibly torn open in the space barrier on the first level of the Ancient Emperor's Dojo.

It extends from the first level world of the dojo to the second level world.

"what happened?"

"What happened? Why did the space of the Ancient Emperor's Dojo break?"

"Fuck, is it going to be shattered?"

The sudden huge movement attracted the attention of many quasi-emperors in the first layer of the world.

All of a sudden!

The overwhelming shocked gazes looked towards the broken void.

It's not just them.

This sudden change also alarmed Huang Tianji on the third floor.


"Who broke the space barrier?"

The third floor of the dojo.

Looking at the changes that happened on the first floor, Huang Tianji frowned slightly.

"The sword energy just now was the ultimate imperial weapon!"

"This was clearly done intentionally."

"Could it be that an emperor from the outside world secretly sneaked into the ancient emperor's dojo?"

Think of this.

His sharp eyes swept across the audience of quasi-emperors, but he didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

"Strange, nothing?"

"There are a few people who can't see through it..."


Huang Tianji cast his gaze on the eleven mourners including Tu Shan Ruoruo, Li Yantian, and Qin Daofu and others.

"Even I can't figure it out. What are the origins of these people?"

"When did the world of Shenhuang have such an existence, and there was more than one?"

He frowned in thought.

Even though they tried their best, they still couldn't get any useful information from Tushan Ruoruo and others.

See this scene!

Huang Tianji did not alert the enemy. While secretly paying attention to the movements of several people, he began to use his own power to repair the broken space barrier.

And this is exactly the result Lin Wudao wants...

The entire ancient emperor's dojo was a huge furnace of luck, and his sword was equivalent to opening a hole in the furnace.

As a result, air leakage will occur!


If Huang Tianji wants to absorb the luck from everyone, he must first repair the luck furnace.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Lin Wudao could free up his hands to harvest the quasi-emperor leeks in the dojo.


Before that, he had to let the genius of Shenwu Tianzong be the scapegoat.

Thinking of this.

Lin Wudao looked at the first level of the dojo.

at this time!

After a brief shock, seeing that nothing happened, everyone continued to immerse themselves in treasure hunting and competing for places in the dojo.

The object of Lin Wudao's attention is naturally the Shenwu Tianzong, the most outstanding emperor son in the contemporary era, Lu Tianxiao.

at the moment.

He was busy competing with the sons and daughters of the great emperor for a place on the second level of the dojo.

According to the rules of the dojo described by Mo Qinghun, if you want to enter the second level of world practice, you must get a token.


Mo Qinghun distributed a total of ten tokens, representing ten places in the dojo.

Based on strength!

Whoever grabs it belongs to whoever...

to this end.

A fierce fight broke out among the emperor's sons and daughters.

"Jiang Qitian, your ancient imperial clan's appetite is a bit too big."

"You have already grabbed three of the ten places in the dojo. What else do you want?"

"Could it be that your Huanggu Jiang family plans to start a war with our Shenwu Tianzong?"


Under the sky in the distance, with the sound of earth-shattering collisions, Lu Tianxiao was seen holding an ancient quasi-emperor sword in his hand, fighting crazily with Jiang Qitian.

They are both at the quasi-tenth level of cultivation, and they both hold the treasure of the quasi-emperor of the extreme realm in their hands.

On the surface, it seems that there is not much difference in combat power.

What they have to fight for is their own background and the secret method in their hands...

Through Lin Wudao's secret observation, he discovered that although Lu Tianxiao and Jiang Qitian were both from the Great Emperor's lineage, their cultivation level and equipment were the same.

However, Jiang Qitian's background is obviously much stronger.




As the two of them continued to collide, Lu Tianxiao gradually seemed to be at a disadvantage.

"It seems that there is a huge gap in background among the outstanding sons of the emperor."

"Ten tokens, Qingxiao Divine Dynasty, Chitian Divine Sect, and Wuji Holy Land in the Shentian restricted area grabbed one piece each."

"The Ancient Imperial Clan grabbed three pieces, the Emperor of the Holy Land of Worship grabbed one piece, and the Shenwu Tianzong grabbed two pieces."

"Now, are you fighting for this last piece?"

far away.

Watching the fight between Jiang Qitian and Lu Tianxiao, Lin Wudao's eyes flashed with light.

He took a look and found that Jiang Qitian obviously wanted Ye Hongyu and Jiang Mubai to enter the second level of world practice.


Four tokens are needed!

The Shenwu Tianzong also brought three unparalleled geniuses and needed three places.


This last token is what must be fought for.

Both Lu Tianxiao and Jiang Qitian wanted to grab it.

As for the other members of the Great Emperor's lineage, after each of them grabbed a token, they began to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

See this scene!

Lin Wudao observed for a moment, and seeing that Lu Tianxiao was about to be suppressed, he decisively chose to take action. (End of chapter)

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