Doomsday Forbidden Zone, Demonic Family!

at this time.

On a cliff due east, there are two extraordinary middle-aged men, enjoying tea and playing chess leisurely.

One of them has a face like a crown jade, and his whole body exudes an aura of elegance, as if he were a celestial being.

He is the contemporary emperor of the Changsheng Imperial Clan, Qi Yutian.


He has cultivated to the second level of the Great Emperor!

As for the man opposite him, he was mighty and majestic, exuding a monstrous domineering aura, and his every move was filled with unparalleled majesty.

He just sat there, like a sacred mountain supporting the sky, suppressing all directions.

This person.

It's Emperor Yuantu of the Demonic Family!

Like Qi Yutian, he is also at the second level of cultivation of the Great Emperor.

"Brother Yuantu, Qingyu and the others have been in Burial Heaven for more than half a year, and they haven't come out yet."

"Is there any accident?"

After taking a sip of tea, Qi Yutian frowned and asked Emperor Yuantu, who was sitting across from him.

According to the past situation, it will basically not take more than a month to enter the Burial Land to visit the prison.


More than half a year has passed since this visit to the prison, and there is still no trace of Qi Qingyu and the others.

This can't help but make Qi Yutian feel a little worried...

"Brother Qi, are Qingyu and the others' soul lamps still on?"

Emperor Yuantu asked calmly after falling down.

Hear the words.

Qi Yutian nodded lightly.

"Yeah, it's still on."

"If this is the case, it means that their lives are not in danger for the time being. Perhaps an unexpected situation has occurred."

"For example, there is a war!"

"After all, since ancient times, in the Burial Land, the war between the City of Ten Thousand Demons and the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan has lasted for millions of years."

"If Qingyu and the others are unlucky and encounter a war, their appearance may be delayed."

"However, I believe that based on their strength, they will be able to survive even if they encounter a war."

"This situation has happened several times before."

"So, brother Qi, you don't have to worry, just wait patiently. I believe they will come out in a year at most."

"What's more, Qingyu and the others are still following the messenger of God, so nothing will happen to them..."

Emperor Yuantu comforted him calmly.

Hear this!

Qi Yutian frowned and finally sighed.

"I hope so~"


He then started playing chess seriously with Emperor Yuantu.

Before you know it, it's sunset...

call out!

Just when the game between the two was about to decide the winner, suddenly, a rushing sound came from the distant space.

"Urgent report!"

"The Great Emperor, the Dayan Dynasty of the Divine Land, invaded in a large scale and is now at war with Liuyun Tianzong."

Accompanied by an extremely anxious voice, an old man in green, who was a quasi-emperor of Heavenly Dao, descended on the cliff.


The Dayan Dynasty invaded?

Upon hearing the news suddenly, both Qi Yutian and Emperor Yuantu's expressions changed.

"what happened?"

"Our ancient wasteland and the land of gods made a contract a hundred thousand years ago, and they will no longer go to war with each other."

"Why did the gods and the earth suddenly break the contract?"

Qi Yutian asked in a deep voice.

The ancient wasteland is the place where human races lived in the old era. It was ruled by the Changsheng Imperial Clan, the Motian Family, and the Liuyuntian Sect.

There are three great emperors in total!

The land of gods is also a human race in the old era, but it is ruled by the Dayan Dynasty and believes in the gods of incense and fire.

The god of the Dayan Dynasty is a first-order superior god, whose strength is comparable to that of the third-level emperor in the human world.

All the time!

In order to compete for limited resources, wars between humans and gods will break out in the ancient wilderness and the land of gods.


As the years go by, the resources in the Land Abandoned by God are becoming less and less, and are almost exhausted.


The ancient wasteland and the divine land entered into a non-aggression pact one hundred thousand years ago and maintained peace for one hundred thousand years.

However, what Qi Yutian and the others did not expect was that after only one hundred thousand years, the gods and the earth could no longer hold back.

"Emperor, we don't know the specific situation."

"According to the people sent by Emperor Liuyun, the Dayan Emperor Ningdao Mountain used the power of the Dayan Dynasty to attack the ancient wasteland."

"In addition, God Emperor Dayan has broken through the third level of the Great Emperor..."

The old man in green replied respectfully.


Ning Daoshan broke through the Third Heaven of the Great Emperor?

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Qi Yutian and the two men suddenly changed.

"Great Emperor, now Emperor Liuyun of Liuyun Tianzong is leading his people to resist desperately and asks us to send troops to assist immediately."

"Otherwise, the ancient wasteland is likely to suffer catastrophe."

The old man in green said eagerly.

"I will go immediately!"

"You immediately go back to the Changsheng Imperial Clan and gather all the clan members above saints to prepare for the battle."


Upon hearing the order, the old man in green immediately turned the Shenzhou around and flew away through the air.

After he left, Qi Yutian didn't hesitate at all, stepped forward and disappeared.

at the same time!

Emperor Yuantu's expression also became extremely solemn.

"Yuan Zheng, immediately summon the people above the saints of my Motian family to go to Liuyun Tianzong to fight against the Dayan Dynasty."

"This battle is a matter of life and death!"

"Let all the old guys in the ancestral land come out, and I will take the first step..."

Say it.

Without any time to make too many arrangements, Emperor Yuantu followed Qi Yutian and flew away through the air.

Since time immemorial!

The three major forces on the ancient wasteland have always been united to fight against the gods and the earth.

Once a war breaks out, the whole clan will fight. If they lose, they will definitely die.


Qi Yutian and Emperor Yuantu were so anxious when they heard that the Dayan Dynasty was launching a massive attack.

And, without thinking, he directly used all his cards.

Trump cards are meant to be used!

If the entire clan dies, no matter how much heritage and strength is left, it will be of no use.

In this battle, success or failure is inevitable.

Either the Dayan Dynasty is driven out, or all three major forces are destroyed...

Dong Dong Dong~

The situation was urgent. After Emperor Yuantu left, Yuan Zheng, the patriarch of the Demonic Family, immediately rang a big bell.


He began to gather the strong men in a hurry and rushed to the battlefield as quickly as possible.


When the news of the Dayan Dynasty's attack came, the entire ancient wasteland was greatly shaken.

A large number of monks began to rush to Liuyun Tianzong to resist the gods and the earth.

This is the war between man and God!

In a war, no one can stay out of it...

at the same time!

Compared to the shocking war between the ancient wasteland and the land of gods, the Burial Land has a harmonious atmosphere.

call out!

call out!

call out!

Under the leadership of Yin Siming, everyone passed through the gate of the world and entered the mountain world.

"Is this the Qingshan Divine Kingdom?"

After stepping out of the boundary gate, Qi Daolin immediately looked at it seriously, and deep in his eyes, a hint of surprise appeared.

After more than three million years, he finally felt the breath of freedom again.

"Hahaha, I'm back again!"

"You bastards from the Shenzhou Tianshi Mansion, just wait for me. I will dig up your ancestral graves in a few days."

"This revenge must be avenged..."

The crazy Taoist laughed unscrupulously.

Talking time!

He turned over his hand and took out the Divine Book of the World, recorded a video, and posted it on his circle of friends.


"The first thing we do when we come back is naturally to announce our existence to the entire Shenhuang world."

"Lest those people think that our evil trio has collapsed, hahaha..."

The mad Taoist laughed while operating the human divine mirror.

Hear this!

Qin Daofu directly forwarded his updates without saying a word.


The human divine warning has spread throughout the world of gods and wilderness, and the evil trio has passed through the previous major events, and their reputation is also like thunder.


Not long after the news of Mad Taoist and his friends was released, it caused a shock in the world of Shenhuang.

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