Heaven's Sin Tower!

Looking at Jun Buhui who was completely reduced to ashes in front of him, Lin Wudao looked calm and felt no emotion in his heart.

The sky-burial copper coffin really did not disappoint him!

Even Jun Buhui, a descendant of a powerful force from the ancient heaven, cannot bear it.


What made Lin Wudao feel regretful was that the treasures on Jun Buhui's body were also rotted by the bronze coffin.


Just when he was feeling very regretful, he saw Jiang Tianyin in the far corner approaching.

Then, he fell to the ground heavily...

"Thank you for saving my life, sir!"

With an extremely respectful attitude, he bowed to the ground and bowed.

at the same time!

Dugu Chen, who was still hesitating at first, was also carried in front of Lin Wudao by Dugu Jue like a chicken.


He kicked him hard in the leg and fell to the ground with Dugu Chen.

"Thank you for saving my life, sir!"

"Thank you for saving my life, sir!"

The two said goodbye.

To this.

Lin Wudao nodded calmly.

"It's just a small thing~"

"Master, now the Ghost Thief Group is leaderless. This is a big fat piece of meat."

"The Black Shark Thieves are willing to follow the master's lead and will not give up even if they die!"

Dugujue immediately kowtowed.

"What I have always done is fair and aboveboard. How can I collude with the space bandits?"

"How you do it is your own business, and everything has nothing to do with me."

"Yes, yes, I understand~"

Dugujue kept nodding.


"If there is nothing else, Mr. Master, please step aside first. We still have some things to discuss."


There was no hesitation.

After Lin Wudao's voice fell, Dugujue immediately took Duguchen and respectfully exited the Tiansu Tower.

After they left, Lin Wudao turned his attention to Jiang Tianyin.

"Get up!"

"Jiang Tianyin, where has your old intelligence gone? Why are you messing around with space bandits when you have nothing to do?"

"This time, if I hadn't happened to know the news of your kidnapping, otherwise, you would have been killed by the Three Lights Demon Thieves."

"That's not your style."

"Tell me, how did you get involved with the Black Shark Thief Group?"

Lin Wudao asked quietly.

"Sir, this..."

"I was confused for a moment, because the space bandits are well-informed and can freely travel through various universes and big worlds."

"Therefore, I want to find out some useful information from them, hoping to be able to help the young master in the future."

"So, I used my connections to find the Black Shark Thieves Group."

Jiang Tianyin said.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao was speechless. He didn't expect Jiang Tianyin to join the Black Shark Thief Group just for this.

"Then have you found out any useful information recently?"

he asked casually.

I didn't have high expectations for this.


When he finished speaking, Jiang Tianyin nodded excitedly.


"Sir, I asked someone to find out a piece of news from the black market in the universe."

"It is said that there is a descendant of a cosmic treasure hunting family who is looking to form a powerful treasure hunting team."

"The purpose is to hunt for treasures in various worlds."

"That person's first stop seems to be an emperor's cemetery. We are currently looking for someone."

"After I learned the news, I immediately rushed to Yingluo Ancient Star and agreed to meet at Tiansu Tower."

"Unexpectedly, I met Dugu Chen who was looking for fun here, and then he was kidnapped by the Sanguang Demon Thief Group..."

Speaking of which.

Jiang Tianyin couldn't help but lower his head, looking extremely ashamed.

this time!

He really embarrassed Lin Wudao.


Lin Wudao ignored his guilt at all. What really interested him was the Emperor's Cemetery.

The Great Emperor’s Cemetery!

As the name suggests, there must be many tombs of great emperors.

This is his favorite thing...

"Where is the person you contacted now? Can you contact him now?"


"We agreed to meet at Tiansu Tower one month later. Calculating the time, it should be almost here now."

"Well, you go and bring him here. I want to talk to the treasure hunter."


Hearing Lin Wudao's very interested words, Jiang Tianyin also showed an excited expression.

As long as he handles this matter well, he can be regarded as giving up his merits.


He bowed respectfully, turned around and exited the room on the eighth floor.

call out!

As soon as Jiang Tianyin stepped forward, a fairy light came down.

Take a closer look.

The void outside suddenly collapsed, and then Emperor Ye Qing strode over carrying a corpse.

"Young Master, you are lucky to have lived up to your destiny!"

"I have killed Mu Kurong!"

He reported respectfully.

"Ah, very good!"

Lin Wudao smiled and nodded.


With a wave of his hand, he loaded Mu Kurong's body into the system space.

Although it cannot be brought back to the world of Shenhuang, it can be stored in Jiutian Tower first and used later when the cultivation level is strong.

"Sir, this ancient star Yingluo is one of the lively and prosperous ancient stars in the Taiyue Star Region."

"Now that it's finally here, why not go for a walk outside?"

At this time.

Xiao Qinglan suddenly suggested.

"You can have this."

"Jiang Tianyin shouldn't be back soon. Let's go shopping outside first."

Say it!

The group of people immediately walked out of the Tiansu Tower and wandered around.

Ten days later!


An ancient immortal boat cut through the void of the universe and arrived at the Tiansu Tower.

After a while.

Four figures walked out from above...

The two leaders were two young men, and behind them, there were two old men, one black and one white.

There was a powerful aura all over his body.

He is the Ancient Immortal Emperor!

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, where is the young master you are talking about?"

"I'm telling you, the person I'm looking for this time must be the strongest. If he's weak, it will only hold me back."

"When the time comes, the treasure will not be found, but lives will be lost."

"Those who work in our profession are all dancing on the edge of a knife. We will face huge dangers anytime and anywhere."

"Strong strength is a necessary guarantee!"

"I don't want to be a burden around me..."

One of the young men in purple robes said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Murong, my young master will definitely meet your requirements."

"Throughout the universe, no one can be found who is more outstanding than my young master."

"If you have a young master teaming up with you to hunt for treasure, you will definitely not be disappointed."

Jiang Tianyin replied proudly.

Hear this!

Murong Bai couldn't help but feel a little interested.

"What is your young master's strength? Has he become the Great Emperor?"

"Well, I don't know either."

"However, since my young master is looking for you, there will definitely be no problem for the emperor."

"Anyway, don't worry!"

"No matter what happens, my young master will be there to protect you and make sure you are fine..."


Make sure I'm okay?

Murong Bai became more and more curious.


He followed Jiang Tianyin into the Tiansu Tower and reached the eighth floor.

at this time.

Lin Wudao had returned a day ago.

"The Supreme Immortal Clan, Murong Bai!"

When Jiang Tianyin brought Murong Bai to the eighth floor, Lin Wudao glanced at him and instantly understood his identity and origin.

The Supreme Immortal Clan!

An ancient clan of immortals originating from the Panshen Universe once held destiny once before Tai Cang Immortal Lord.


It can also be regarded as a destiny of the Immortal Clan!

Both in terms of strength and foundation, they are extremely powerful.

Although Murong Bai's own cultivation level is relatively weak, only the tenth level of the Great Emperor, his qualifications and potential are extremely huge.


The two old men behind him, one black and one white, were also strong men at the level of the Ancient Immortal Emperor.

He was protected by the Ancient Immortal Emperor when traveling. This shows that Murong Bai has an extraordinary identity and status in the Taishang Immortal Clan.


Lin Wudao also discovered that the bloodline of Murong Bai's Taishang Immortal Clan was also very magical.

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