The eighth floor of the Heavenly Sin Building!

at this time.

In a simple and luxurious room, there is a man in brocade clothes holding a folding fan and wearing a jade crown, looking at a bronze mirror on the table in front of him with interest.

In the bronze mirror!

What was displayed was a scene of Dugu Chen and Jiang Tianyin being imprisoned in a dungeon.


The content of their conversation also sounded clearly in the room...

"Do you think that Renmei Guild will come?"

The man in brocade clothes took a sip of tea, and with an inexplicable smile on his lips, he asked the people around him.

Hear the words!

Everyone looked at each other, and then a middle-aged man in red with a cold temperament stood up.

"Sir, I think Ren Woxing will come."

"Nowadays, it is well known that Jiang Tianyin is his follower. Now that Jiang Tianyin is kidnapped, as the master behind it, how can I just sit back and watch?"

"If he doesn't come, won't it chill the hearts of those who follow him?"

"Furthermore, judging from Ren Woxing's behavior, this person is extremely arrogant and extremely conceited."

"How can he tolerate other people's provocation?"

"With the arrogance and arrogance of that guy who let me go, he will definitely not be able to swallow this breath."

"So, he will definitely come..."

The man in red replied firmly.

He is Shen Tuguang, the leader of the Sanguang Demon Thief Group. After countless years of hard training, he finally reached the realm of the Ancient Immortal Emperor of Heaven.


Even though he had reached the pinnacle of the universe, he still showed great respect in front of the man in brocade.


The man in brocade is the backer of their Sanguang Demon Thief Group, don’t regret it.

It is said that it comes from a high-level universe...

The rapid rise of the Sanguang Demon Thieves Group and the Ghost Demon Thieves Group was inseparable from Jun Buhui's help.


Jun Buhui already has nine powerful cosmic bandit gangs under his command.

The Three Light Demon Thieves Group and the Ghost Demon Thieves Group can only be considered average in terms of strength and power.


Shentu Guang's current status and cultivation were entirely due to Jun Buhui's support and cultivation.

He is naturally extremely loyal to Jun Buhui.


The leader of the Ghost Thief Group, You Mao, is also in the same situation...

"Sir, Ren Woxing seems to have an extraordinary origin. He easily summoned three thousand quasi-immortal emperors before."

"It shows how powerful the forces behind it are!"

"If he really wants to come, he will definitely be fully prepared."

"I guess, this time he will bring many ancient immortal emperors with him..."

You Gang said in a solemn voice.

As the leader of the Phantom Thieves Group, he is also an Ancient Immortal Emperor of Heaven. His entire body is shrouded in a black cloak, like a ghost.


Hearing his words, Jun Buhui just smiled lightly and didn't care.

"Mulao, how many ancient immortal emperors have we summoned this time?"

He asked an old man in green clothes behind him without looking back.

"Back to the young master, the Eight Hundred Ancient Immortal Emperor!"

The old man in green replied respectfully.


"I have summoned all the Ancient Immortal Emperors of Heavenly Dao from the thirty-three universes nearby."

"I'm really looking forward to it, sir. Let me do that. How many can I summon?"

A teasing smile appeared on Jun Buhui's lips.


Eight hundred ancient immortal emperors?

Hearing this, Shen Tuguang and You Kuang, who were standing by, were shocked in their hearts.

"Young master is really powerful!"

"Eight hundred ancient immortal emperors cover thirty-three universes. Even if Ren Woxing has extraordinary abilities, I'm afraid he can't compare with them."

"If he dares to come, he will definitely die without a burial place..."

The two were greatly excited.

Through this incident, they gained a better understanding of Jun Buhui's methods and strength.

Jun Buhui ignored the shock in the hearts of Shen Tuguang and You Yang.

"Mr. Mu, have you found any trace of that person?"

"Young Master Eighth has urged me many times. If I can't find anyone again, I won't be able to bear the blame."

He said secretly.

There was a hint of sadness and solemnity between his eyebrows.

at the same time!

Hearing Jun Buhui mention the name 'Eighth Young Master', Mu Kurong, who was standing behind him, looked heavy.

"Sir, we have sent a large number of manpower to investigate in various universes."

"However, there are currently no clues."

"That one, who is familiar with the deduction of the avenue, can deceive the secrets and will of the universe, and has extremely vast magical powers."

"According to his methods, if you don't want people to know about it, it will be even harder than climbing to the sky to find it."

"Now, we have searched all the universes, but there is still no news."

Mu Kurong replied in a deep voice.

"Keep looking!"

"No matter how much it costs, even if it means digging three feet into the ground, we must find him."

"It took a lot of effort to defend him to the lower realm. If he is allowed to go back again, you and I will both die without you taking action."

"If you want to save your life, you can only kill him completely before he goes to the realm."

Jun Buhui growled fiercely.

Between words!

Revealing a deep sense of panic and fear...

"Sir, even if that person is from the lower realm, I'm afraid we won't be able to fight him based on our strength alone."

Mu Kurong said worriedly.

"rest assured."

"Let's just find him. When the time comes, the Eighth Young Master will take action himself."

“He wanted that man dead more than anyone.

Jun Buhui replied in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

Mu Kurong nodded and did not continue to speak, but the worry in his eyes became more intense.

He was worried that even if he found someone, he might not be able to save his life...

For a while.

The huge room fell into silence.

As if sensing Jun Buhui's emotions, Shen Tuguang and You Yang did not dare to speak.

Everyone was looking at the bronze mirror on the table in front of them quietly, not knowing what they were thinking.

There are thirteen universes between Yingluogu and Panshen Universe.

Three days later!

After countless space jumps, Lin Wudao and his party arrived at the ancient planet Yingluo.


Under the leadership of Dugujue, they entered the Tiansu Tower.

at this time!

After receiving the news, Shen Tuguang and You Kuang were already waiting in the lobby on the first floor for a long time.

"I guess this is Young Master Ren Woxing, right?"

"I have long admired your great name!"

"I heard before that Mr. Ren has extraordinary means, and he raised three thousand quasi-immortal emperors with his hand."

"I wonder, how many ancient immortal emperors have come this time?"

Shen Tuguang teased with a smile.

To this.

Lin Wudao glanced at him and didn't answer.

"Shen Tu Guang, I have brought the ransom. Where are my son Dugu Chen and the others?"

Dugujue's ferocious voice suddenly rang out.

While talking.

He also took out a storage bag, opened a crack, and a mighty fairy light immediately flowed out.

The unparalleled pressure of the Ancient Immortal Emperor of Heaven filled the entire Tiansu Tower.

See it!

A flash of greed flashed across Shen Tuguang's eyes.

"Dugujue, you're late!"

"Three pieces of the treasures of the Ancient Immortal Emperor of Ji Dao. That was the price a month ago. Now, at least ten pieces are needed."


Ten treasures of the ancient Immortal Emperor of Ji Dao?

Hearing this, Dugujue was immediately filled with hatred.

"Shen Tuguang, you actually went back on your word?"

He roared angrily.

"Hey, I'm a space robber. Do you believe what the robber says?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!"

"Today, either take out ten treasures of the Ancient Immortal Emperor of Ji Dao, or... ah..."

Shentu Guanggang was about to use his strength to threaten, and he sat on the ground and raised his price.


However, before he could finish his words, a terrifying big hand suddenly appeared from the void in front of him.

Before he could react, he pinched him in his hand.


The five fingers of the big hand were slightly pressed together, and with a shrill scream, Shen Tuguang's Ancient Immortal Emperor's body was crushed to pieces on the spot.

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