Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 764: Tower of Hun Tian, ​​the world’s spiritual treasure!

"Luo Yuanjun, you took a useless Shenzhou Cauldron, are you trying to fool me?"

"If this Divine Continent Cauldron is in perfect condition, it will naturally be called a supreme treasure."

"However, now it has lost the original essence of the world and is completely useless."

"Is this the sincerity of your Taixuan Mountain and the Imperial Twelve Mountains?"


A cold and loud voice came from above the statue.

Lin Wudao must find a way to retrieve the ten thousand flowers of luck that were cheated by the system.

He couldn't make the system spit out the flower of luck, so he could only set his sights on the Twelve Mountains of the Imperial Way.

As the Human Emperor Dao tradition inherited from the mythical era, the Twelve Mountains of the Imperial Dao have an extremely rich heritage.

Naturally, he couldn't miss such a good blackmail opportunity.

at the same time!

Facing Lin Wudao's questioning, Luo Yuanjun was suddenly shocked.


"The God of Qingshan is indeed extraordinary. He actually understood the secret of the Divine Continent Cauldron at a glance."

"It seems that if you want to fool the past, it won't work..."

He sighed secretly in his heart.


The expression on his face did not change at all, but showed bitterness and helplessness.

"The great god is joking, how dare we fool you?"

"This Divine Continent Cauldron is indeed a rare treasure. Although it lacks the original essence of the world, it is still comparable to the imperial weapons."

"This thing is already my Taixuan Mountain..."


"Luo Yuanjun, when you bring a piece of scrap metal to show your sincerity, do you look down on your emperor or yourself?"

"If that's the case, then we don't have to talk about it."

For a moment.

Lin Wudao's tone became extremely cold.


There was so much divine power that filled the temple that it was so overwhelming that Lord Luo Yuan could hardly breathe.

Under the power and power of Qingshan Temple, he felt that his soul was about to be extinguished.

See this scene!

Not only him, but Qing Sangzi and the others next to him were also extremely frightened.

He was afraid that Lin Wudao would wipe them all out in a rage...

"God, calm down!"

"Actually, this Divine Continent Cauldron is just one of the signs of our sincerity."

"In fact, in addition to the Shenzhou Cauldron, we at Taixuan Mountain have other preparations."

"Master, please look~"

While talking.

Luo Yuanjun flipped his hand, took out another dark yellow ancient pagoda, and presented it to the altar.

The Xuanhuang Pagoda has nine levels in total!

At a glance, it is extremely ancient and elegant, exuding a strong atmosphere of vicissitudes of time.

"Great God, this is the Tower of Hun Tian inherited from the Mythical Era. It is the imperial weapon that the former Hun Tian Emperor spent his whole life refining."

"Please forgive me, God..."

Luo Yuanjun forced out a smile and said.

Tower of Huntian?

Lin Wudao's eyes fell on the Xuanhuang Pagoda.

Name: Tower of Huntian

Level: Jidao Emperor Weapon

Quality: medium quality

Introduction: In the era of mythology, eight thousand years after Emperor Huntian became a Taoist, the imperial weapons were refined.

"Mid-grade Imperial Soldier?"

Lin Wudao's mouth showed a hint of satisfaction.

Jidao emperor's soldiers are also divided into qualities.

The Huntian Tower in front of us can only be regarded as average among the imperial soldiers.

Not enough compared to the above, but more than enough!

"Great God, I wonder if you are satisfied with this Huntian Tower?"

Seeing that Lin Wudao was silent, Luo Yuanjun immediately asked cautiously.

To this.

Lin Wudao gave a faint hum.


"Much more useful than the Shenzhou Cauldron..."

He replied indifferently.

Hear this!

Luo Yuanjun couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great God, the Great Protector of Qingshan..."

"Well, the Great Protector Qingshan is currently out on business for me, and it will take some time before he can return."

"What, are you in a hurry?"

Lin Wudao made a pretense and said unhurriedly.

"Well, it's not that urgent."

"Just three months later, our Emperor's Twelve Mountains will hold a grand ceremony for the Emperor, and all the candidates for the Emperor will be present."


"Three months is enough!"

"You might as well wait in the Shanling Realm for a while. When the Great Protector of Qingshan returns, I will ask him to follow you to the Twelve Mountains of the Imperial Way."

"Thank you, God!"

After receiving Lin Wudao's accurate answer, the big stone in Luo Yuanjun's heart finally fell to the ground.

Although two imperial weapons were lost this time, it would be worth it if we could welcome back the ninth human emperor candidate.


Luo Yuanjun exchanged a few more pleasantries, then left Qingshan Temple with Qingsangzi and others.

After they left, Lin Wudao cast his curious eyes on Tushan Cangyue.

"Cang Yue, weren't you at the Burial Ground? Why did you come back suddenly?"

"The great god of enlightenment, Zhao Futu, the great emperor of the City of Ten Thousand Demons, has led the entire City of Ten Thousand Demons to express his surrender."

"Now, half of the burial land has been brought under the rule of our Qingshan Divine Kingdom."

"In addition, my subordinates suddenly noticed a familiar aura, which seems to be related to the Seal of the Great World."

"So I came back and took a look..."

Tushan Cangyue replied respectfully.

She got her gaze and kept looking at the Shenzhou Cauldron in front of her, with a trace of surprise in her eyes.


She felt an extremely familiar aura from the Divine Continent Cauldron.

After hearing her words, Lin Wudao was thoughtful.

"Zhao Futu is a person who understands current affairs."

"By the way, what is in front of you is the Divine Continent Cauldron. It was originally one of the thirty-six cauldrons refined by the Human Celestial Emperor. It was used to suppress the divine artifacts of the Divine Continent."

"The essence of the world it is missing should be related to your Great World Seal."

"Try it and see if you can control it..."


Lin Wudao observed carefully with a trace of curiosity.

at the same time!

After Tu Shan Cangyue inspected it, she saw that with a slight move of her jade hand, the Shenzhou Cauldron in the distance, like a swallow returning to its nest, instantly transformed into a simple small cauldron the size of a palm, and fell into her hands.


When the Divine Continent Cauldron came into contact with Tushan Cangyue, Lin Wudao clearly saw that the Great World Seal in her body trembled obviously.

Immediately afterwards.

A wisp of essence extended from the Seal of the Great World and Tushan Cangyue's body, and sank into the Divine Continent Cauldron.


With the injection of those two essences, the originally silent Shenzhou Cauldron suddenly became ablaze with divine light, and the vast divine power filled the entire temple.


Lin Wudao felt that there was a faint feeling of panic and fear coming from Qingshan Temple.

"The Qingshan Temple is an artifact of a god, and its power is comparable to that of ancient immortals."

"This mere Divine Continent Cauldron can actually make it feel fear?"

"How is this going?"

"Is it possible that the level of Shenzhou Cauldron is higher than that of Qingshan Temple? Is it even more powerful?"

Lin Wudao frowned in thought.

In doubt, he once again observed the Divine Continent Cauldron with his Dao Eye.


The original information has changed greatly.

Name: Shenzhou Ding (incomplete)

Level: World Spiritual Treasure

Quality: the best

Introduction: A long time ago, the ancient great supernatural being used to suppress the supreme divine object in the desolate world.

Remarks: 1. Those who do not have a great destiny or great luck are not allowed to take charge.

2. The lost original soul of the world and the original soul of the world have been recovered. They only need to be re-refined to return to their original state.

3. In its current state, it can suppress and control the land of Shenzhou.

4. The exclusive spiritual treasure of the Lord of the World


Is this the true face of the Divine Continent Cauldron?

Lin Wudao was greatly surprised when he saw the information presented in front of him.

The changes in the Divine Continent Cauldron are huge!


Even the people in the Twelve Mountains of the Imperial Road probably don't know its origins and functions.

Before that, it was impossible for anyone to control it.


The Shenzhou Cauldron is completed through the combination of the Seal of the Great World and Tushan Cangyue itself.

"In other words, even if the lost world origin essence is found, without Tu Shan Cang Yue, it is still impossible to control the Shenzhou Cauldron?"

"What is the relationship between Cang Yue and it?"

Lin Wudao became more and more curious.

at this time!

He felt that Tushan Cangyue was becoming more and more mysterious, and he was no less than the crazy Taoist and the First Emperor. (End of chapter)

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