The Great Wilderness Ancient Clan!

When I arrived here, I saw a group of powerful men from the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan sitting opposite Tushan Cangyue and others in an ancient temple.

Sitting at the head of the palace was a middle-aged man in mysterious clothes with an elegant face and a stern bearing.

Just sitting here, he gave people a majestic and majestic look that seemed to be able to hold up the entire world.

This person!

Astonishingly, it was the contemporary emperor of the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan, Ji Beiming.

Behind him stood team leader Ji Yinyang, as well as Ji Changsheng, Ji Wudi and others.

On the right hand side, there are twelve clan elders lined up, each of them has the powerful strength of the quasi-emperor of Heavenly Dao.

at this time.

Everyone sat opposite each other in the palace, sizing each other up calmly.


Tushan Cangyue, Yin Siming, Li Zangtian and others who came this time were not ordinary people.

Even though Ji Yinyang and others scrutinized them like this, they could not find any useful information from them.

Even Ji Beiming, as the great emperor, was confused when he looked at Tushan Cangyue and the others.

This result made everyone frown...

at the same time!

Compared to the ancient tribe of the Wilderness who had nothing to gain, Tushan Cangyue and Yin Siming could see their details clearly.

[System, I want to take over the Great Demon God Qingshan! 】

Seeing that the scene fell into silence, Lin Wudao, who was peeping secretly, immediately abandoned his clone and integrated his consciousness into the body of the 'Qingshan Great God'.

No one noticed this process.

"Let's open the skylight and speak frankly!"

"I believe you all know the purpose of my coming here this time."

"A long time ago, the Burial Heaven Land was separated from the Shanling Realm. Naturally, the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan was also a part of the Tushan Clan."

"Since we are all a family, we should naturally return to the embrace of the Shanling Realm."

"This is true whether it is Burial Heaven Land or the Ancient Wilderness Clan."

"I know that since ancient times, the ancient tribes of the Great Wilderness have not believed in the gods of incense and fire. They have relied solely on their own hard work and struggle to survive the race."

"However, that was only in the past. Now that this god is here, things will naturally be different."

“This God has always been tolerant and kind to His people.”

"As long as the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan is willing to return to the Tushan clan and believe in this god, they can be reborn."

"You have been imprisoned here for millions of years, don't you want to see the outside world?"

"In this land of burial, no great emperor can be born. We can only rely on inheritance from our ancestors. Don't you want to gain more power?"

"This god can realize all of these for you."

"However, the prerequisite is that the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan returns to the Tushan clan and becomes the people of this god."

"Now that I have come in person, you can think about it carefully..."

The majestic and plain voice slowly sounded in the palace.

Hear this!

The clan elders sitting opposite suddenly frowned and their faces began to darken.

"Hmph, my Great Wilderness Ancient Clan has been here for millions of years, and no one from the Mountain Realm has ever come to take a look."

"Now, it would be too ridiculous to want them to return to the Tushan clan with just a few words from the great master, right?"

At this time.

In the crowd, an old man in gray clothes with a stern face said angrily.

Between words!

With strong resentment!

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately echoed...

"Yes, the elders of the three tribes are right."

"Since being separated from the Shanling Realm, our Great Wilderness Ancient Clan has been here for millions of years."

"We are the orthodox Tushan clan, why should we return to you?"

Another clan elder shouted angrily.

"My Great Wilderness Ancient Clan has a great emperor, thirteen quasi-emperors of heaven, and more than eight million people."

"What do you have in the mountain world?"

"We live very well here and there is no need to return to the Mountain Realm."

"We appreciate God's kindness..."

Arrogant voices sounded one after another.

Although the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan and the Tushan Clan of Shanling Realm are from the same source, they also have their own pride.

Since they were of the same race and were both separated from the Shanling Realm, why are they not considered orthodox?

In the opinion of the elders of the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan, now that they have a great emperor and an ancient and powerful ethnic group, there is no need to return to the Mountain Realm.


They also held a breath in their hearts.

Why can only the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan be returned to the Shanling Realm, but not the Shanling Realm be allowed to return to the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan?

They are also orthodox Tushan clan!


Everyone rejected Lin Wudao's request without even thinking about it.

It is absolutely impossible to make the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan surrender...

Lin Wudao had already expected this situation.

However, he is not in a hurry!

"Does Emperor Beiming think so too?"

He looked flatly at Ji Beiming, who was in the top position.

Hear the words!

Although Ji Beiming did not speak, his expression and reaction showed his attitude.

"If that's the case, that's a shame."

"Before this, I heard that there are eight million people in the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan, and they have been trapped in the Burial Land for millions of years."

"Therefore, out of compassion, I personally came to investigate, hoping to save you from the danger."

"Now it seems that the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan does not appreciate my kindness. This is considered to be wishful thinking."

"In that case, there's nothing more to say."

"There is no use keeping a traitor who refuses to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan."

"Yin Si Ming, kill them all..."


A voice without any emotion slowly came from Lin Wudao's mouth.


Want to kill us?

Suddenly hearing this, the twelve quasi-emperor clan elders sitting across from them were instantly furious.

"Humph, what a loud tone!"

"This is my Great Wilderness Ancient Clan, and I don't allow you to be presumptuous..."


Suddenly, accompanied by a roar that shook the earth, one of the elders from the Tsing Yi tribe suddenly burst into flames.

He raised his palm in the air and used all his strength to punch Lin Wudao and others.

The powerful power of the Quasi-Emperor of Heaven was displayed to the extreme.

Look at this scene!

Ji Beiming, who was sitting upright, remained motionless and even watched all this with interest.

at the same time.

The eyes from the corner of his eyes were still watching Lin Wudao's every move.

However, Lin Wudao's expression did not change at all when faced with the terrifying power of the Tsing Yi clan elder.


Just when the Tsing Yi tribe elder's big hand that covered the sky was about to touch Lin Wudao, suddenly, a huge fist suddenly blasted out from behind.

With just one blow, the Qingyi clan elder's attack was suppressed.


That fierce and unparalleled fist, carrying a terrifying power that could destroy everything, struck at the Tsing Yi clan elder.


With one punch, the elder of the Tsing Yi clan, who had cultivated to the quasi-emperor level of Heavenly Dao, was instantly blown away.

A hole the size of a fist appeared on his chest, and scarlet blood surged through the air.

at the same time!

The originally majestic shrine was also punched through.

The one who took action was Li Zangtian!

"The thieves are rampant!"

"You have so much courage to hurt my clan elder!"

"Let's all come together and kill them..."

Everything happens in an instant.

Seeing that the elder of the Tsing Yi clan was suppressed by a punch, everyone present was furious. They immediately took out powerful quasi-emperor soldiers and killed him fiercely.


The monstrous momentum and power radiated directly destroyed the entire palace in an instant.

See this scene!

Li Zangtian didn't hesitate, he immediately took a step forward and faced him with bare hands.




Although he only has the cultivation level of a saint, relying on his immortal and invincible body and the power of Qiankun's strike, he is enough to overthrow the Quasi-Emperor.

Even if there are many Heavenly Dao Quasi-Emperors in the Great Wilderness Ancient Clan, they cannot pose any threat to him.

As Li Zangtian punched out one punch after another, his unparalleled power shook the whole world.

Although he was the only one, with the astonishing combat power of Qiankun Strike, he suppressed the eleven quasi-emperor clan elders present.


Every time he punched out, a clan elder would be suppressed.


Seeing this scene, Ji Beiming, who was in charge, could no longer sit still. He snorted coldly and immediately headed towards Li Zangtian.


However, the moment he stood up, there was an indifferent figure blocking his way.

"Emperor Beiming, according to the oracle, I will send you to die..."

A cold and joking voice slowly sounded. (End of chapter)

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