[Bury the immortals, bury the gods, and bury the human world! 】

[Bury all living beings in the sky and on the earth! 】

When Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu came to the tomb of the Heavenly God King, the first thing they saw were two ancient stone tablets.

"Oh, this Burial God King is worthy of being the God King of the Universe who has obtained dual titles. He is indeed very majestic."

"Don't these two sentences together mean the burial of heaven and earth, immortals, gods, and all living beings in the world?"

"This tone is quite extraordinary..."

Looking at the writing on the stone tablet in front of him, Qin Daofu said with a smile.

To this!

Lin Wudao nodded slightly.

His thoughts coincided with Qin Daofu's.

Compared to them, when they came to the tomb of the Burial God King, the crazy Taoist changed from his usual noisiness and became very quiet.


His temperament seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

See this scene!

Qin Daofu couldn't help but show a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Brother Ren, why do I feel that the crazy Taoist has become weird since he came to the Burying God Mountain?"

He secretly transmitted the message.

"Well, the crazy Taoist has indeed changed a lot."

"He said he had been here before. He must have revisited his old place and was struck by the scene?"

"Or maybe you remembered something from the past?"

Lin Wudao replied thoughtfully.

"By the way, is the old madman really the ancestor of the Immortal Imperial Clan? If so, why doesn't he even recognize his own descendants?"

"And the bloodline is completely different?"

Qin Daofu used a surprised tone and secretly transmitted the message.

Faced with his question, Lin Wudao actually didn't know the reason very well.

"What I can confirm is that Crazy Taoist is indeed the founder of the Immortal Imperial Clan."

"As for the others, I don't know."

"The origin of the crazy Taoist is very mysterious, far more than we imagined..."

"Yeah, I think so too."

The two kept exchanging views secretly.

"Old madman, this Burial God King is the fifth-ranked God King in the universe. There are definitely good things in his tomb."

"What are you still doing? Why don't you hurry up and dig a grave?"

"Don't you want to improve your strength?"

Qin Daofu teased.


He was about to sacrifice the Huangquan Pagoda and smash it against the tomb of the God King in front of him.

However, he was stopped by a crazy Taoist.

"it's useless."

"This tomb where the God King is buried requires special methods to open. Forcibly digging the grave will not work."


Special method?

Qin Daofu and Lin Wudao looked at each other.


Just when they were confused, the crazy Taoist turned over his hand and took out the "Burial Book".

As he pinched the magic formula.

All of a sudden!

A strange black light suddenly flew out and landed on the tomb of the Burial God King.


Then, under the surprised gazes of Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu, the originally silent tomb of the gods burst into a vast divine light.

On it, it seems that the principles of heaven and earth are intertwined...

I don’t know how much time has passed.

When the divine light subsided, a gap suddenly opened in the middle of the tomb of Burial God King.

Immediately afterwards.

Pulled by mysterious forces, a wide passage appeared in front of them.

at this moment!

Both Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu felt the eternal and vast aura from the tomb of the gods.

Like a god or a demon, he suppresses the heaven and the earth!

Waves of vast will enveloped them...

"Let's go~"

Seeing the God's Tomb being opened, the crazy Taoist didn't stop too much and took the lead in stepping into the passage.

See it!

Lin Wudao and Lin Wudao didn't hesitate and immediately followed behind the crazy Taoist.

The interior of the tomb of the Buried God King is a world of its own!

When Lin Wudao entered here, the first thing that caught his eye was the vast ancient starry sky.

Under the starry sky, there is a floating land.

In the center, there is a mysterious blue copper coffin, exuding a grand and ancient atmosphere.


There are ancient stone slabs floating in the void around the blue copper coffin.

Each stone slab is outlined with exquisite patterns...

call out!

call out!

call out!

After stopping to look at it for a while, the three of them harnessed the divine light and landed on land.

The crazy Taoist walked straight towards the blue copper coffin, while Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu focused on the surrounding stone slabs.

Twelve stone slabs in total!

According to the information displayed above, it seems to be recording the legendary life of the Burial God King.


When his eyes fell on those stone slabs, Lin Wudao was surprised to find that the stone slabs seemed to come alive, and the characters and scenes inside were all truly presented before his eyes.

That way!

It feels like you are actually there...

Through these stone tablets, Lin Wudao clearly understood the glorious life of the Burial God King.

His life was extremely brilliant!

The honors achieved, the legends and achievements created are countless.

He himself is the greatest legend of the first era of the age of gods and demons.

"Brother Ren, come quickly and take a look."

Just as Lin Wudao was looking back on the glorious life of the Burial God King, suddenly, Qin Daofu's voice came from not far away.

Take a closer look!

I saw him standing in front of the twelfth stone slab, looking thoughtfully at the pattern on it.

See this.

Lin Wudao also looked over...

He discovered that this twelfth stone slab was different from the previous eleven stone slabs.

This stone slab only records a picture, but the information revealed in it is very important.

See you!

In an ancient world, there are three figures.

One of them fell to his knees.

Next to him stood a tall man wearing imperial robes and an imperial crown.

at this time.

The mysterious man kneeling on the ground is looking into the void with an extremely pious attitude.

There, there was an unpredictable mysterious figure sitting cross-legged on a black copper coffin.

The specific face of that figure could not be seen clearly.

Even, it is impossible to figure it out, unable to peek...

It was obvious that he was there, but when Lin Wudao really looked at it, he found that there was no trace.

"Brother Ren, the one kneeling on the ground should be the Burial God King."

"According to my guess, what is recorded on this stone tablet should be the origin of the Burial God King."

"He is kneeling on the ground, receiving the gift of the mysterious existence..."

At this time.

Qin Daofu's surprised voice came to Lin Wudao's ears.

"But who is this person next to him?"

"Why do I feel like I've seen this person before somewhere..."

Qin Daofu looked at the man in imperial robes and frowned in thought.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao's eyes also fell on the man in imperial robes, and his mind was suddenly shocked.

"The First Emperor?"

His eyes widened slightly.

The man in imperial robes next to the Burial God King was obviously the First Emperor. Both his aura and appearance were exactly the same as those he had seen.

"The Burial God King is a figure from the first era of the age of gods and demons. In that distant era, the First Emperor already existed?"

"What is this guy's background?"

Lin Wudao became increasingly curious about the identity and origin of the First Emperor.


Apart from the First Emperor, what shocked him even more was the black copper coffin with the mysterious figure sitting cross-legged.


That is clearly a bronze coffin for burial in the sky... (End of this chapter)

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