Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 75 If you are not ruthless, you will not be able to stand firm!

"This...I killed Chen Chunqiu?"


Looking at his masterpiece, the old man in black in the distance also widened his eyes in disbelief.

He just came here to untie Chen Chunqiu, how could he kill him?

"I felt like something fell on me just now, and then I lost control of my whole body. Could it be that... someone is plotting against me?"

For a moment, the old man in black thought of some possibility.


He gasped instantly and his face became extremely gloomy!


This is definitely Lin Wudao's conspiracy!

With a thought in his mind, the old man in black locked the suspect on Lin Wudao...


Just as his eyes were full of resentment, Li Zangtian and other twelve mourners had already arrived in front of him aggressively.


Undertaker, born only to kill!

When the three of them came to the old man in black, they didn't say any nonsense at all. They raised their hands and suppressed him crazily. Their unparalleled power directly broke the air.

"Tongtian Dzogchen?"

Feeling the powerful momentum, the expression of the old man in black changed drastically.

He did not dare to hesitate.

At that moment, he took out an ancient war spear and fought with three mourners...




They also had the combat power of Tongtian Dzogchen, but the Undertaker's body was immortal and unafraid of all attacks and injuries. On the contrary, their ferocious offensive made the old man in black extremely frightened.


Within a breath of fighting, the old man in black let out a shrill scream, and all the meridians and bones in his body were shattered by the mourner.

The whole person has completely lost his fighting ability!

Seeing this scene, the cultivators watching around Tianxiang Tower couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and all of them looked shocked.

"Hiss, isn't this too cruel?"

"They actually ignore all attacks and injuries. Why are these people's bodies so powerful?"

"Where did Lin Wudao find these people..."

The sounds of shock kept ringing out!


The Undertaker's terrifying physical defense overturned their perceptions.

Simply, not human!

The old man in black was a powerful man in the Great Perfection, but he was suppressed in an instant. The combat power displayed by the mourner was also extremely terrifying.

at the same time!

Li Zangtian and others did not disappoint Lin Wudao.


As the fighting progressed, Li Zhantian held the Xuantian Ancient Sword. Although he was only at the early stage of Tongtian's cultivation, the shocking combat power he unleashed was enough to rival the Guizhen Realm.

Due to his immortal body, Qi Yuniang's attack could not cause him any harm at all.


Qi Yuniang was kept pressed and beaten!

Gradually, I can no longer support it...

"damn it!"

"Who are these people, and why are their bodies so terrifying? If we continue to fight, I will definitely be suppressed. The only solution for now is to avoid the edge temporarily."

Qi Yuniang said with fear in her heart.

Think of this!

She immediately took out a mysterious jade talisman and wanted to crush it and escape from this place.


God's wish is not fulfilled!

"The Heaven-fixing Spell!"

Just when she took out the jade talisman, Lin Wudao dropped a Heaven-fixing spell, which directly imprisoned her body and soul in place.


At this moment, Li Zhantian stepped in front of him and punched him hard.


Screams sounded.

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, Qi Yuniang's Dantian was exploded by a punch, destroying all her cultivation.

Not only that!

The bones all over his body were also forcibly shattered!

The endless pain made her whole body convulse...

"Lin Wudao, dare..."

Qi Yuniang looked ferocious.

A pair of cold eyes were filled with anger and hatred.

To this!

Lin Wudao simply ignored it!

"Bold Tianxianglou actually dared to kill me, the Deputy Palace Master of the Demon Suppression Division, in public. He didn't take me seriously at all."

"Come here, behead Qi Yuniang and others immediately..."

The cold voice resounded in all directions.


Want to behead the people from Tianxiang Tower in public?

Hearing this suddenly, everyone watching around was shocked.


They all stared at Lin Wudao with eyes wide open and disbelief.

too crazy!

Qi Yuniang is the owner of Tianxiang Tower. She has the support of big forces. Looking at the city of sin, no one dares to offend her.


Now, Lin Wudao actually wanted to behead her?

"Crazy! Absolutely crazy!"

"How dare you, a mere demon-suppressing commander, challenge Tianxiang Tower? I don't know how you will die by then!"

"Fuck, this is too courageous!"

Among the crowd, the sound of gasping for air could be heard constantly.

They were all shocked by Lin Wudao's words!


If a person is not ruthless, he will not be able to stand firmly!

Lin Wudao ignored the shock of the onlookers.


As his words sounded, Li Yantian and other mourners immediately forced Qi Yuniang and others to the ground, and then raised the knife and dropped it...

Along with splashing blood, three heads rolled down.


Deadly quiet!

Seeing Qi Yuniang and two powerful people who reached the Great Perfection being beheaded by Lin Wudao, all the monks who were watching were silent.

One by one, they stared blankly at the falling head, gasping for air...

They were all frightened by Lin Wudao's cruelty!

Room No. 1 in Tianzi!

Gongsun Tuo and Yun Cang were also watching secretly.

When they saw Lin Wudao directly beheading Qi Yuniang and the other three, their pupils tightened, and their eyes couldn't help but reveal strong shock.

" dare he?"

"Behind Qi Yuniang, there were powerful forces from outside the Nine Provinces backing her. Even Sin City did not dare to offend him. How dare he kill Lin Wudao directly?"

"This person is so cruel..."

Gongsun Tuo suddenly changed his color.

this moment!

He was full of fear for Lin Wudao in his heart.


Yun Cang on the side also clenched his palms tightly, his expression extremely solemn.

"Master, this Lin Wudao is definitely a ruthless person."

"If he knows that you are plotting against him behind his back, then..."

Yun Cang's voice stopped suddenly.

He couldn't imagine what the consequences would be!

"There is no turning back when you shoot a bow!"

"Now, we can only bite the bullet and make mistakes. Our actions are extremely secretive and no one else knows about it, so it is impossible for Lin Wudao to find us."

"As long as you don't show your flaws, everything will be fine..."

Gongsun Tuo took a deep breath and suppressed the panic in his heart.

To this.

Yun Cang could only pray secretly that Lin Wudao would not find them, otherwise...

"Let's go, we can't stay in Tianxiang Tower any longer!"

"Lin Wudao killed Qi Yuniang and will inevitably suffer crazy revenge. Let's just wait for him to die without a burial place. Don't worry about the rest for the time being."


Gongsun Tuo immediately left Tianxiang Tower secretly.

"From now on, if anyone dares to challenge our Demon Suppressing Division, this will be their fate!"

The cold voice spread in all directions.


Lin Wudao looked around coldly, waved his hand, put away the bodies of Qi Yuniang and Chen Chunqiu, turned around and left in a stride.

Only the shocked onlookers were left, looking at each other...

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